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ISLAMIC STUDIES: A Bibliography (Books—In English)

ISLAMIC STUDIES: A Bibliography (Books—In English)

Publisher: Santa Barbara City College

This book  is very useful for the researchers.

VII – Jurisprudence:

Abou El Fadl, Khaled.Rebellion and Violence in Islamic Law. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2002.

Abou El Fadl, Khaled.Speaking in God’s Name: Islamic Law, Authority and Women. Oxford, England:Oneworld , 2001.

Ahmad,Kassim .Hadith: A Re-evaluation. Fremont, CA: Universal Unity, 1997.

El-Alami ,Dawoud S.The Marriage Contract in Islamic Law. London: Graham & Trotman, 1992.

Algar , Hamid, trans.Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Berkeley, CA:Mizan Press, 1980.

Anderson, J.N.D.Law Reform in the Muslim World. London: Athlone Press, 1976.

An-Na’im , Abdullahi Ahmed.Toward an Islamic Reformation: Civil Liberties, Human Rights, and International Law. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 1996.

Arabi, Oussama.Studies in Modern Islamic Law and Jurisprudence. The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2001.

Asad , Muhammad.Principles of State and Government in Islam. London: Islamic Book Trust, 1980.

Azami , M.M.On Schacht’s Origins of Muhammadan Jurisprudence. New York: John Wiley, 1985.

al-Azmeh , Aziz, ed.Islamic Law: Social and Historical Contexts. London: Routledge, 1988.

Bakhtiar ,Laleh , trans. and ed.Encyclopedia of Islamic Law: A Compendium of the Major Schools. Chicago, IL: Kazi Publ., 1996.

Bowen, John R. Islam, Law and Equality in Indonesia: An Anthropology of Public Reasoning. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2003.

Brockopp , Jonathan E.EarlyMālikī Law: Ibn ‘Abd al-Hakam and his Major Compendium Jurisprudence. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2000.

Burton, John.The Sources of Islamic Law: Islamic Theories of Abrogation. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1990.

Burton, John.An Introduction to the Hadith. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1994.

Calder, Norman.Studies in Early Muslim Jurisprudence. Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press, 1993.

Christelow , Alan.Muslim Law Courts and the French Colonial State in Algeria. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1985.

Cotran , Eugene, ed.Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law: 1999-2000. The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2002.

Cotran , Eugene and Adel OmarSherif , eds.Democracy:the Rule of Law and Islam. London: Kluwer Law International, 1999.

Cotran , Eugene and Mai Yamani, eds.The Rule of Law in the Middle East and Islamic World: Human Rights and the Judicial Process. London: I.B. Tauris, 2000.

Coulson, Noel J.Conflicts and Tensions in Islamic Jurisprudence. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1969.

Coulson, Noel J.A History of Islamic Law. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1964.

Coulson, Noel J.Succession in the Muslim Family. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1971.

Crone, Patricia.Roman, Provincial and Islamic Law: The Origins of the IslamicPatronate . Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2002.

Dahlén ,Ashk P.Islamic Law, Epistemology and Modernity: Legal Philosophy in Contemporary Iran. New York: Routledge, 2003.

Dutton, Yasin. The Origins of Islamic Law: The Qur’an, theMuwatta ’ and Medinan ‘Amal. Richmond, Surrey: Curzon, 1999.

Eisenman, Robert H.Islamic Law in Palestine and Israel: A History of the Survival of Tanzimat and Shari‘ a in the British Mandate and the Jewish State. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1978.

Esposito, John L. withNatana J. DeLong-Bas.Women in Muslim Family Law . Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2nd ed., 2002.

Fareed, MuneerGoolam .Legal Reform in the Muslim World: The Anatomy of a Scholarly Dispute in the 19th and the Early 20th Centuries on the Usage ofIjtihād as a Legal Tool. Bethesda, MD: Austin & Winfield, 1996.

Ferrari, Silvio and AnthonyBradney , eds.Islam and European Legal Systems. Aldershot : Ashgate, 2000.

Fluehr-Lobban , Carolyn.Islamic Law and Society in the Sudan. London: Frank Cass & Co., 1987.

Forte, David F.Studies in Islamic Law. Bethesda, MD: Austin & Winfield, 1999.

Gerber, Haim.Islamic Law and Culture, 1600-1840. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1999.

Gerber, Haim.State, Society, and Law in Islam: Ottoman Law in Comparative Perspective. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1994.

Gleave , Robert.Inevitable Doubt: Two Theories ofShī‘ ī Jurisprudence. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2000.

Gleave , Robert and EugeniaKermeli , eds.Islamic Law: Theory and Practice. London: I.B. Tauris, 2001.

Haddad, YvonneYazbeck and BarbaraFreyer Stowasser , eds.Islamic Law and the Challenges of Modernity. Lanham, MD:AltaMira Press, 2004.

Haeri ,Shahla .Law of Desire: Temporary Marriage inShi‘ i Iran. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 1989.

Haleem, M. Abdel, et al., eds.Criminal Justice in Islam: Judicial Procedure in theSharī‘ ah . London: I.B. Tauris, 2003.

Hallaq , Wael B.Authority, Continuity and Change in Islamic Law. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2001.

Hallaq , Wael B.A History of Islamic Legal Theories: an introduction toSunnī usūl al-fiqh. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1997.

Hallaq , Wael B.Law and Legal Theory in Classical and Medieval Islam. Aldershot : Ashgate/Variorum, 1995.

Hallaq , Wael B., ed.The Formation of Islamic Law. Aldershot : Ashgate, 2004.

Haleem, M. Abdel, Adel Omar Sharif and Ian Edge, eds.Criminal Justice in Islam: Judicial Procedure in theShari‘ ah . London: I.B. Tauris, 2003.

Heer , Nicholas L., ed. Islamic Law and Jurisprudence: Studies in Honor of Farhat J.Ziadeh.Seattle , WA: University of Washington Press, 1990.

Hooker, Michael B.Islamic Law in Southeast Asia. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 1991.

Ibrahim,Ezzedin and Denys Johnson-Davies, trans.An-Nawawi’s Forty Hadith. Cambridge, UK: The Islamic Texts Society, 1997.

Ibrahim,Ezzedin and Denys Johnson-Davies, trans.Forty HadithQudsi . Cambridge, UK: The Islamic Texts Society, 1997.

Imber , Colin.Ebu’s-Su‘ d : The Islamic Legal Tradition. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1997.

Johansen, Baber.Contingency in a Sacred Law: Legal and Ethical Norms in Muslim Fiqh. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1999.

Johansen, Baber.The Islamic Law on Land Tax and Rent: The Peasants’ Loss of Property Rights as Interpreted in the Hanafite Legal Literature of the Mamluk and Ottoman Periods. London: Croom Helm, 1988.

Juynboll, G.H.A. Muslim Tradition: Studies in Chronology, Provenance and Authorship of EarlyHadīth . Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1983.

Kamali , Mohammad Hashim.Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence . Cambridge, UK: The Islamic Texts Society, revised ed., 2000.

Kelsay , John.War and the Imperatives of Justice in Islamic Law. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming.

Khadduri , Majid.Al-Shāfi‘ ī’s Risāla : Treatise on the Foundations of Islamic Jurisprudence. Cambridge, UK: Islamic Texts Society, 1999.

Khadduri , Majid.The Islamic Conception of Justice. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1984.

Khadduri , Majid.War and Peace in the Law of Islam. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1955.

Khadduri , Majid, trans.The Islamic Law of Nations:Shaybānī’s Siyar . Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002.

Khare , R.S., ed.Perspectives on Islamic Law, Justice, and Society. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 1999.

Kusha , HamidRez .The Sacred Law of Islam: A Case Study of Women’s Treatment in the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Criminal Justice System. Aldershot : Ashgate, 2003.

Lindholm, Tore and Kari Vogt, eds. Islamic Law Reform and Human Rights: Challenges and Rejoinders. Copenhagen: Nordic Human Rights Publications, 1993.

Makdisi , George.Religion, Law and Learning in Classical Islam. Aldershot : Ashgate/Variorum, 1991.

Mallat ,Chibli .The Renewal of Islamic Law. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2003.

Masud , Muhammad Khalid, Brinkley Messick and David S. Powers, eds.Islamic Legal Interpretation: Muftis and their Fatwas. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1996.

Mehdi,Rubya .The Islamization of the Law in Pakistan. Richmond, Surrey: Curzon Press, 1994.

Melchert , Christopher.The Formation of the Sunni Schools of Law, 9th-10th Centuries. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1997.

Mir-Hosseini,Ziba .Marriage on Trial: A Study of Islamic Family LawIran and Morocco Compared. London: I.B. Tauris, 2001.

Moors, Annelies.Women, Property and Islam: Palestinian Experiences, 1920-1990. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1996.

Motzki , Harald.The Origins of Islamic Jurisprudence: Meccan Fiqh before the Classical Schools. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2001.

Omran , Abdel Rahim, ed.Family Planning in the Legacy of Islam. New York: Routledge, 1992.

Peletz , Michael G.Islamic Modern: Religious Courts and Cultural Politics in Malaysia . Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2002.

Peters, Rudolph.Islamic Criminal Law: Theory and Practice from the Sixteenth to the Twentieth Century. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming.

Peters, Rudolph.Jihad in Classical and Modern Islam: A Reader. Princeton, NJ: Markus Wiener, 1996.

Powers, David S.Studies in Qur’an andHadīth : The Formation of the Law of Inheritance. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1986.

Rosen, Lawrence.The Anthropology of Justice: Law as Culture in Islamic Society. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1989.

Rosen, Lawrence.The Justice of Islam: Comparative Perspectives on Islamic Law and Society. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2000.

Sachedina,Abdulaziz Abdulhussein .The Just Ruler in Shi‛ite Islam: The Comprehensive Authority of the Jurist inImamite Jurisprudence. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 1998.

as-Sadr, Muhammad Baqir (Roy Mottahedeh, trans.).Lessons in Islamic Jurisprudence. Oxford, UK:Oneworld , 2003.

Saeed, Abdullah.Islamic Banking and Interest: A Study of the Prohibition ofRibā and Its Contemporary Interpretation. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2nd ed., 1997.

Saeed, Abdullah and Hassan Saeed.Freedom of Religion, Apostasy and Islam. Aldershot : Ashgate, 2004.

Schacht, Joseph.An Introduction to Islamic Law. Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press, 1984 (reprint ed., first published, 1964).

Schacht, Joseph.The Origins of Muhammadan Jurisprudence. Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press, 1950.

Schirazi , Asghar.The Constitution of Iran: Politics and the State in the Islamic Republic. London: I.B. Tauris, 1998.

Serajuddin , Alamgir Muhammad.Sharī‘ a Law and Society: Tradition and Change in SouthAsia.Oxford , UK: Oxford University Press, 2001.

Serjeant, R.B.Customary andShari‘ ah Law in Arabian Society. Aldershot : Ashgate/Variorum, 1991.

Shaham , Ron.Family and the Courts in Modern Egypt: A Study Based on Decisions by the Sharī‘ a Courts, 1900-1955. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1997.

Siddīqī , MuhammadZubayr .Hadīth Literature: Its Origin, Development & Special Features. Cambridge, UK: The Islamic Texts Society, 1993.

Sonbol , Amira El-Azhary .Women of Jordan: Islam, Labor and the Law. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2003.

Sonbol , Amira El-Azhary , ed.Women, The Family, and Divorce Laws in Islamic History. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 1996.

Starr, June.Law as Metaphor: From Islamic Courts to the Palace of Justice. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1992.

Stewart, Devon J.Islamic Legal Orthodoxy: Twelver Shiite Responses to the Sunni Legal System. Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah Press, 1998.

Tucker, Judith E. In the House of the Law: Gender and Islamic Law in Ottoman Syria and Palestine. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2000.

Vogel, Frank E.Islamic Law and Legal Systems: Studies of Saudi Arabia. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2000.

Vogel, Frank E. and Samuel L. Hayes.Islamic Law and Finance: Religion, Risk, and Return. TheHague : Kluwer Law Int’l., 1998.

Weiss, Anita M.Islamic Reassertion in Pakistan: The Application of Islamic Laws in a Modern State. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 1986.

Weiss, Bernard G. The Search for God’s Law: Islamic Jurisprudence in the Writings of Sayf al-Dīn al-Āmidī . Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah Press, 1992.

Weiss, Bernard G.The Spirit of Islamic Law. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 1998.

Weiss, Bernard G., ed.Studies in Islamic Legal Theory. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2002.

Welchman , Lynn.Beyond the Code: Muslim Family Law and theShari‘ a Judiciary in the Palestinian West Bank. The Hague: Kluwer Law Int’l., 2000.

Zubaida , Sami. Law and Power in the Islamic World. London; I.B. Tauris, 2003.

VIII - The Arts:

Alexander, David. The Arts of War: Arms andArmour of the 7th to 19th Centuries (The NasserD.Khalili Collection of Islamic Art, Vol. XXI). London: The Nour Foundation, 1992.

Ali,Wijdan .Modern Islamic Art: Development and Continuity. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 1997.

Ali,Wijdan and S.Bisharat , eds.Contemporary Art from the Islamic World . Northampton, MA: Interlink Publ. Group, 1990.

Allan, James W.Metalwork from the Early Islamic Period. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1981.

Allan, James W., ed.Islamic Art in the Ashmolean Museum. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 1995.

Allan, James, et al., eds.Persian Steel: TheTanavoli Collection (Oxford Studies in Islamic Art). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2001.

Amin, Mohamed.The Beauty of Makkah & Madinah. Northampton, MA: Interlink Publ. Group, 2000.

Arberry , A.J.Islamic Art of Persia. New Delhi:Goodword Books, 2001.

Ardalan , Nader andLaleh Bakhtiar .The Sense of Unity: The Sufi Tradition in Persian Architecture. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1973.

Arnold, Sir Thomas.Painting in Islam. Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press, 1928.

Asani , Ali A. and Kamal Abdel-Malek.Celebrating Muhammad: Images of the Prophet in Popular Muslim Poetry. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 1995.

Asher, Catherine B.Architecture of Mughal India. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1992.

Atil ,Esin .Levni and the Surname: The Story of an Eighteenth-Century Ottoman Festival. Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, 2000.

Baer, Eva.Islamic Ornament. Washington Square, NY: New York University Press, 1998.

Baker, Patricia L.Islam and the Religious Arts. Continuum Int’l Publ., 2003.

Barry, Michael.Figurative Art in Medieval Islam and the Riddle ofBīzhād of Heart. New York: Flammarion, 2003.

Bates, Michael and Elizabeth Savage.Dinars and Dirhams, Coins of the Islamic Lands: The Early Period. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2003.

Bayani ,Manijeh , et al.The Decorated Word: Qur’ans of the 17th to 19th Centuries (The Nasser D. Khalili Collection of Islamic Art, Vol. IV). London: The Nour Foundation, 1998.

Beach, Milo Cleveland.Early Mughal Painting. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1987.

Beach, Milo Cleveland.Mughal and Rajput Painting. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1993.

Beach, Milo Cleveland, Ebba Koch and Wheeler M.Thackston .The King of the World—ThePadshahnama : An Imperial Mughal Manuscript from the Royal Library, Windsor Castle. New York: Thames & Hudson, 1997.

Becker, Judith.Gamelan Stories: Tantrism, Islam, and Aesthetics in Central Java. Tempe, AZ: Arizona State University Program for Southeast Asian Studies, 1993.

Behrens-Abouseif , Doris.Islamic Architecture in Cairo: An Introduction (Studies in Islamic Art and Architecture, Vol. 3). Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1997 ed.

Bellamy, James A., et al., eds.Literary Heritage of Classical Islam: Arabic and Islamic Studies in Honor of James A. Bellamy. Princeton, NJ: Darwin Press, 1993.

Blair,Shiela S. A Compendium of Chronicles: Rashid al-Din’s Illustrated History of the World (The Nasser D. Khalili Collection of Islamic Art, Vol. XXVII). London: The Nour Foundation, 1995.

Blair, Sheila S.Islamic Inscriptions. Washington Square, NY: New York University Press, 1998.

Blair, Sheila S.The Monumental Inscriptions from early Islamic Iran and Transoxiana (Studies in Islamic Art and Architecture, Vol. 5.). Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1991.

Blair, Sheila S. and Jonathan M. Bloom.The Art and Architecture of Islam, 1250-1800. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1994.

Blair, Sheila S. and Jonathan M. Bloom.Images of Paradise in Islamic Art. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1991.

Bloom, Jonathan M., ed.Early Islamic Art and Architecture. Aldershot : Ashgate, 2002.

Bloom, Jonathan and Sheila Blair.Islamic Arts. London:Phaidon Press, 1997.

Bravmann , René.Islam and Tribal Art in West Africa. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994.

Brend , Barbara.Islamic Art. London: British Museum of Art, 1991.

Burckhardt, Titus.The Art of Islam: Language and Meaning. London: World of Islam Festival Publ. Co., 1976.

Bürgel , J.C.The Feather of Simurgh: The “Licit Magic” of the Arts in Medieval Islam. Washington Square, NY: New York University Press, 1988.

Carboni , Stefano.Glass from Islamic Lands: The Al-Sabah Collection, Kuwait National Museum. London: Thames & Hudson, 2001.

Carboni , Stefano, et al.Glass of the Sultans. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2001.

Clévenot , Dominique and GérardDegeorge .Splendors of Islam: Architecture, Decoration and Design. New York: The Vendome Press, 2000.

Contadini , Anna.Fatimid Art at the Victoria and Albert Museum. London: Victoria and Albert Museum, 1998.

Creswell, K.A.C.Early Muslim Architecture, 2 Vols. Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press, 1932-1940.

Critchlow, Keith.Islamic Patterns: An Analytical and Cosmological Approach. Rochester, VT: Inner Traditions, 1999.

Degeorge , Gerard and Yves Porter.The Art of the Islamic Tile. Paris: Flammarion, 2002.

Deroche, Francois.The Abbasid Tradition: Qur’ans of the 8th to 10th Centuries AD (The Nasser D. Khalili Collection of Islamic Art, Vol. I). London: The Nour Foundation, 1992.

Diba , Layla S., MaryamEkhtiar and B.W. Robinson, eds. Royal Persian Paintings: The Qajar Epoch, 1785-1925. London: I.B. Tauris, 1998.

El-Said,Issam andAyse Parman .Geometric Concepts in Islamic Art. London: Scorpio Publ., 1990.

Ettinghausen , Richard, Oleg Grabar, and Marilyn Jenkins-Madina .The Art and Architecture of Islam, 650-1250. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2nd ed., 2001.

Farsi, Hani M.S.Jeddah, City of Art: The Sculptures and Monuments. Boston, MA: Interlink Publ. Group, 1991.

Fehérvári ,Géza .Ceramics of the Islamic World in theTareq Rajab Museum. London: I.B. Tauris, 2000.

Field, Robert.Geometric Patterns from Islamic Art & Architecture. Norfolk, England: Tarquin Publ., 1999.

Flood, Finbarr Barry.The Great Mosque of Damascus: Studies on the Making of an Umayyad Visual Culture. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2001.

Frishman , Martin and Hasan-Uddin Khan, eds.The Mosque. New York: Thames & Hudson, 1994.

Gonzalez, Valerie.Beauty and Islam: Aesthetics in Islamic Art and Architecture. London: I.B. Tauris, 2001.

Goodwin, Godfrey.A History of Ottoman Architecture. New York: Thames & Hudson, 2003.

Grabar, Oleg.The Formation of Islamic Art. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2nd ed., 1987.

Grabar, Oleg.The Great Mosque of Isfahan. Washington Square, NY: New York University Press, 1990.

Grabar, Oleg.Muqarnas: An Annual on Islamic Art and Architecture. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1988.

Grube, Ernst J.Cobalt andLustre : The First Centuries of Islamic Pottery (The Nasser D. Khalili Collection of Islamic Art, Vol. IX). London: The Nour Foundation, 1995.

Grube, Ernst J. and Eleanor G. Sims, eds.Islamic Art: A Biennial Dedicated to the Art and Culture of the Muslim World, 1990-1991. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 1997.

Grube, Ernst J. and Eleanor G. Sims, eds.Islamic Art 5: Studies on the Art and Culture of the Islamic World. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2001.

Helms,Svend . Early Islamic Architecture of the Desert: A Bedouin Station in Eastern Jordan. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1990.

Hillenbrand, Robert.Islamic Architecture: Form, Function, and Meaning. New York: Columbia University Press, 1994.

Hillenbrand, Robert.Islamic Art and Architecture. London: Thames & Hudson, 1998.

Hoag, John D.Islamic Architecture. New York: Rizzoli, 1975.
Howard, Deborah.
Venice and the East: The Impact of the Islamic World on Venetian Architecture, 1100-1500. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2000.

Hutt, Antony.North Africa: Islamic Architecture. Northampton, MA: Interlink Publishing Group, 1998.

Hutt, Antony and Leonard Harrow.Islamic Architecture: Iran, 2 Vols. Northampton, MA: Interlink Publ. Group, 1990.

Irwin, Robert.Islamic Art in Context :Art, Architecture and the Literary World. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1997.

James, David.After Timur: Qur’ans of the 15th and 16th Centuries. London: The Nour Foundation (The Nasser D. Khalili Collection of Islamic Art), 1992.

James, David.The Master Scribes: Qur’ans of the 11th to 14th Centuries AD (The Nasser D. Khalili Collection of Islamic Art, Vol. II). London: The Nour Foundation, 1992.

Kalter , Johannes.The Arts and Crafts of Turkestan. New York: Thames & Hudson, 1985.

Kasam ,Kutub , ed.Shimmering Light: An Anthology of Ismaili Poetry. London: I.B. Tauris with The Institute of Ismaili Studies, 1996.

Khalili, Nasser D., B.W. Robinson and Tim Stanley.Lacquer of the Islamic Lands, Part One (The Nasser D. Khalili Collection of Islamic Art, Vol. XXII). London: The Nour Foundation, 1996.

Khalili, Nasser D., B.W. Robinson and Tim Stanley. Lacquer of the Islamic Lands, Part Two (The Nasser D. Khalili Collection of Islamic Art, Vol. XXII). London: The Nour Foundation, 1997.

Khatibi ,Abdelkebir and MohammedSijelmassi .The Splendor of Islamic Calligraphy. London: Thames & Hudson, 1996.

Koch, Ebba.Mughal Art and Imperial Ideology: Collected Essays. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2001.

Kritzeck , James, ed.Anthology of Islamic Literature: From the Rise of Islam to Modern Times. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1964.

Kritzeck , James, ed.Modern Islamic Literature from 1800 to the Present. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1970.

Kröger , Jens. Nishapur:Glass of the Early Islamic Period. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1995.

Leach, Linda.Paintings from India (The Nasser D. Khalili Collection of Islamic Art, Vol. VIII). London: The Nour Foundation, 1998.

Lifchez , Raymond, ed.The Dervish Lodge: Architecture, Art, and Sufism in Ottoman Turkey. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1992.

Lowry, Glenn D. An Annotated and Illustrated Checklist of theVever Collection, a Jeweler’s Eye: Islamic Arts of the Book from theVever Collection. Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, 1988.

Meinecke, Michael. Patterns of Stylistic Changes in Islamic Architecture: Local Traditions versus Migrating Artists. Washington Square, NY: New York University Press, 1996.

Michell, George and Mark Zebrowski.Architecture and Art of the Deccan Sultanates. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1999.

Michell, George, ed.Architecture of the Islamic World: Its History and Social Meaning. New York: Thames & Hudson, 1995.

Michell, George, ed.The Islamic Heritage of Bengal. Paris: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 1984.

Mir, Mustansir, trans. and ed.Tulip in the Desert: A Selection of the Poetry of Muhammad Iqbal. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2000.

Moynihan, Elizabeth B.Paradise as a Garden: In Persia and Mughal India. New York: GeorgeBraziller , 1980.

Nasr,Seyyed Hossein.Islamic Art and Spirituality. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1987.

Necipoglu ,Gülru .Architecture, Ceremonial, and Power: TheTopkapi Palace in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1992.

Necipoglu ,Gülru , ed.Muqarnas: An Annual on the Visual Culture of the Islamic World. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1997.

Nelson, Kristina.The Art of Reciting the Qur’an. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1986.

Nicholson, R.A.Studies in Islamic Poetry. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1921.

Parker, Ann and Avon Neal.Hajj Paintings: Folk Art of the Great Pilgrimage. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1995.

Pedersen, Andrew.Dictionary of Islamic Architecture . New York: Routledge, 1996.

Petruccioli , Attilio, ed.Gardens in the Time of the Great Muslim Empires: Theory and Design. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1997.

Pickett, Douglas.Early Persian Tilework: The Medieval Flowering ofKāshī . Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1997.

Prussin , Labelle.Hatumere : Islamic Design in West Africa. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1986.

Renard, John.Islam and the Heroic Image: Themes in Literature and the Visual Arts. Columbia, SC University of South Carolina Press, 1993.

Rice, David Talbot.Islamic Art. London: Thames & Hudson, revised ed., 1999.

Ruggles, D. Fairchild.Gardens, Landscapes, & Vision in the Palaces of Islamic Spain. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2003.

Safadi, Yasin Hamid.Islamic Calligraphy. London: Thames & Hudson, 1987.

Safwat , Nabil F.The Art of the Pen: Calligraphy of the 14th to 20th Centuries (The NasserD.Khalili Collection of Islamic Art, Vol. V). London: The Nour Foundation, 1996.

Safwat , Nabil F.Golden Pages: Qur’ans and Other Manuscripts from the Collection of Ghassan I. Shaker. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2000.

Salameh, Khader.The Qur’an Manuscripts in the Al-Haram Al-Sharif Islamic Museum, Jerusalem. Paris: United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 2001.

Schimmel, Annemarie.Calligraphy and Islamic Culture. Washington Square, NY: New York University Press, 1984.

Schimmel, Annemarie.Islam in India and Pakistan. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1982.

Sells, Michael A.Stations of Desire: Love Elegies from Ibn ‘Arabi and New Poems. Jerusalem: Ibis Editions, 2000.

Shokoohy , Mehrdad.Bhadresvar :The Oldest Islamic Monuments in India. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1988.

Simakoff , N.Islamic Designs in Color. New York: Dover, 1993 (first published by the Imperial Society for the Encouragement of the Fine Arts, St. Petersburg, 1883).

Soucek , P.P., ed.Content and Context of Visual Arts in the Islamic World. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1988.

Soudavar ,Abou and Milo Cleveland Beach.Art of the Persian Courts: Selections from the Art and History Trust Collection. New York: Rizzoli, 1993.

Stierlin , Henri and AnneStierlin . Islam: Early Architecture from Baghdad to Jerusalem and Cordoba. New York: Taschen America, 1996.

Stierlin , Henri and AnneStierlin (photographers). Islamic Art and Architecture: From Isfahan to the Taj Mahal. London: Thames and Hudson, 2002.

Stierlin , Henri and AnneStierlin .Splendors of an Islamic World. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1997.

Stronge , Susan.Painting for the Mughal Emperor: The Art of the Book, 1560-1660. London: Victoria and Albert Museum, 2002.

Tabbaa , Yasser.The Transformation of Islamic Art during the Sunni Revival. Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, 2002.

Vernoit , Stephen, ed.Discovering Islamic Art: Scholars, Collectors and Collections. London: I.B. Tauris, 2000.

Vernoit , Stephen.Occidentalism: Islamic Art in the 19th Century (The Nasser D. Khalili Collection of Islamic Art, Vol. XXIII). London: The Nour Foundation, 1997.

Ward, Rachel.Islamic Metalwork. London: Thames & Hudson, 1993.

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Welch, Stuart Cary.The Islamic World. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1987.

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