A Study of Polytheism and Idolatry in the Qur’an
: Sayyid ‘Abbas Sayyid Karimi (Husayni)
Translator: Kelvin Lembani (Muhammad ‘Abd al-‘Aziz)
Publisher: ABWA Publishing and Printing Center
Category: Debates and Replies
: Sayyid ‘Abbas Sayyid Karimi (Husayni)
Translator: Kelvin Lembani (Muhammad ‘Abd al-‘Aziz)
Publisher: ABWA Publishing and Printing Center
Category: visits: 11022
Download: 4022
- Foreword
- Chapter 1: Polytheistic Beliefs with respect to Allah
- Allah, the only Creator and Governor of the existing cosmos
- First verse
- Second verse
- Third verse
- Fourth verse
- Fifth verse
- Sixth verse
- Seventh verse
- Eighth verse
- Belief that Allah has a child
- Āyatullāh Sha‘rānī’s objection to Mullā Sadrā
- First verse
- Second verse
- Third verse
- Fourth verse
- Fifth verse
- Sixth verse
- Seventh verse
- Eighth verse
- Ninth verse
- Tenth verse
- Eleventh verse
- Twelfth verse
- Belief that Allah has a spouse
- Aversion to Monotheism
- First verse
- Second verse
- Third verse
- Fourth verse
- References
- Chapter 2: Polytheistic Beliefs with respect to Idols
- Equating idols with Allah
- The first proof: polytheists’ avowal of equality on the Day of Resurrection
- First verse
- Second verse
- Third verse
- The second proof: applying the word ‘god’ to idols
- First verse
- Second verse
- Third verse
- Fourth verse
- Fifth verse
- Sixth verse
- Seventh verse
- The third proof: simultaneity
- The fourth proof: incompatibility
- First verse
- Second verse
- Fifth proof: ‘besides Allah’
- Sixth proof: belittlement if idols
- First verse
- Second verse
- Seventh proof: polytheism is a great injustice
- Eighth proof: the terms ‘partner’ and ‘idolatry’
- The Wahhābīs’ error
- Ninth proof: lack of ownership
- Tenth proof: independence in affecting cosmic affairs
- Eleventh proof: invitation to monotheism
- Twelfth proof: the Noble Prophet’s invitation to monotheism
- Thirteenth proof: sincere devotion in religion
- Fourteenth proof: reference to primordial nature
- Fifteenth proof: detestation of monotheism
- Sixteenth proof: Sūrat al-Tawhīd
- Seventeenth proof: belief in the ownership of idols
- Eighteenth proof: using the word lord for idols
- Reasons for asserting that idolaters used to believe that idols were longitudinal with Allah and dependent on Him and critiquing those reasons
- Al-Mīzān’s statement regarding idolatrous beliefs
- The meaning of idols’ intercession
- Another explanation asserting that idols lacked independence
- Two assertions that idolaters used to believe that their idols were longitudinal with Allah
- Critique of Al-Mīzān’s statement
- Summary of Al-Mīzān’s statements
- An independent summary
- Permitted and forbidden intercession
- Conclusion
- Āyatullāh Zanjānī’s assertion
- A study and critique of Āyatullāh Zanjānī’s assertion
- A thorough response and critique of certain parts of Āyatullāh Zanjānī’s assertion
- First verse
- Second verse
- Third verse
- Fourth verse
- Idolatrous beliefs described in Al-Mīzān
- Polytheistic beliefs that idols intercede independently
- First verse
- Second verse
- Third verse
- A critique of another part of Āyatullāh Zanjānī’s assertion
- A defense of Āyatullāh Zanjānī’s assertion and a response to it
- References
- Chapter 3: Idolatrous Beliefs with respect to the Resurrection
- Two theories about idolatrous beliefs with respect to the Resurrection
- Response from “Majma‘ al-Bayān”
- Idolaters and denial of the Resurrection
- First verse
- Second verse
- Third verse
- Fourth verse
- Fifth verse
- Sixth verse
- Seventh verse
- Eitghth verse
- Ninth verse
- Tenth verse
- Eleventh verse
- Twelfth verse
- References
- Chapter 4: Idolatrous Religious Rites
- Idolatrous rites
- a) Slaughtering animals in the name of idols
- b) Cutting and/or slitting the ears of animals
- c) Slaughtering animals with the intention of gaining proximity to idols
- d) Animals whose use was forbidden
- e) Apportioning yield from animal and crop husbandry between Allah and idols
- f) Killing children on account of fear of poverty
- g) Ignominy for having daughters and burying female newborns alive
- h) Worshipping and supplicating idols
- References
- Chapter 5: The Social Culture of Idolaters
- References
- Chapter 6: Idolatry is an Illogical Creed
- First verse
- Second verse
- Third verse
- Fourth verse
- Fifth verse
- Sixth verse
- Seventh verse
- Eighth verse
- Ninth verse
- Tenth verse
- Eleventh verse
- Twelfth verse
- Thirteenth verse
- Fourteenth verse
- Fifteenth verse
- Is idolatry a reality or a delusion?
- First verse
- Second verse
- Third verse
- Fourth verse
- The monotheism of polytheists in crises
- First verse
- Second verse
- Third verse
- Fourth verse
- Awakening the primordial nature of polytheists
- First verse
- Second verse
- Third verse
- Fourth verse
- Demonstrating the weakness of idols
- First verse
- Second verse
- Third verse
- Fourth verse
- References
- Chapter 7: Causes of Idolatry
- 1. Not knowing Allah
- 2. Self-worship
- First verse
- Second verse
- 3. Blindly following their forefathers
- First verse
- Second verse
- References
- Chapter 8: Categories of Polytheists
- The first category: calf-worshippers
- The second category: worshippers of Jesus Christ and Mary
- Third category: worshippers of the jinn
- References
- Chapter 9: Types of Polytheism
- 1. Polytheism in Divinity
- 2. Polytheism in obedience
- Democracy and obedience to Allah
- The prohibition of polytheism in obedience
- 3. Manifest and hidden polytheism
- First verse
- Second verse
- Characteristics of manifest and hidden polytheism
- Characteristics of manifest polytheism
- Absence of the aforementioned characteristics in hidden polytheism
- Sanctimony and non-devotional deeds
- References
- Chapter 10: What is Tawhīd (Monotheism)?
- The goal of creation is monotheism and refutation of polytheism
- Monotheism conforms to man’s primordial nature
- The goal of prophets (‘a) is monotheism
- References
- Chapter 11: The Etymological and Juristic Meaning of Worship [‘ibādah]
- The etymological meaning of worship [‘ibādah]
- The term worship [‘ibādah] in the Holy Qur’an
- First verse
- Second verse
- Third verse
- Fourth verse
- Fifth verse
- Concordance between the meaning of supplication [du‘ā] and worship [‘ibādah]
- First verse
- Second verse
- Third verse
- Fourth verse
- Sincere worship
- The meaning of prostration [sajdah]
- References