Brief Bibliographical Guide in Medieval Islamic Philosophy and Theology

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Brief Bibliographical Guide in Medieval Islamic Philosophy and Theology

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Thérèse-Anne Druart
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Brief Bibliographical Guide in Medieval Islamic Philosophy and Theology

Brief Bibliographical Guide in Medieval Islamic Philosophy and Theology


This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought


I cannot thank enough all the scholars who kindly sent me information and in particular those who sent me a copy of their publications or photocopied table of contents. I wish to express my deep gratitude to my Research Assistant Christopher Helmink, who is a whiz at locating unusual books.

Section I. Falsafa

Collective Works or Collections of Articles

Los Almohades: Problemas y perspectivas , 2 vol., ed. by Patrice Cressier, Maribel Fierro & Luis Molina (Estudios Árabes e Islámicos: Monografías, 11). Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2005, lii-1230 pp., [vol. II, pp. 425-1230], ISBN set 84-00-08393-8 [vol. II, 84-00-08395-4].

Arabic Theology, Arabic Philosophy. From the Many to the One: Essays in Celebration of Richard M. Frank , ed. by James E. Montgomery (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 152). Leuven: Peeters, 2006, vi-463 pp., ISBN 90-429-1778-4.

Aristoteles Chemicus: Il IV Libro dei “Meteorologica” nella tradizione antica e medievale , ed. by Cristina Viano (International Aristotle Studies, 1). Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag, 2002, 206 pp., ISBN 3-89665-174-5.

Averroes and the Aristotelian Heritage , ed. by Carmela Baffioni (Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”). Naples: Guida, 2004, 247 pp., ISBN 88-7188-862-6.

Averroes et les averroïsmes juif et latin. Actes du Colloque International (Paris, 16-18 juin 2005) , ed. by J.-B. Brenet (Fédération Internationale des Instituts d’Études Médiévales, Textes et Études du Moyen Âge 40). Turnhout: Brepols, 2007, 367 pp., ISBN 978-2-503-52742-0.

Busca do Conhecimento: Ensaios de filosofia medieval no Islã , ed. by Rosalie Helena de Souza Pereira (Philosophica). São Paulo: Paulus, 2007, 288 pp., ISBN 978-85-349-2680-5.

Classical Arabic Philosophy: An Anthology of Sources , transl. with intro. and notes by Jon McGinnis & David C. Reisman. Indianapolis/Cambridge: Hackett, 2007, xxxii-427 pp., ISBN 978-0-87220-871-1.

Classical Arabic Philosophy: Sources and Reception , ed. by Peter Adamson (Warburg Institute Colloquia, 11). London & Turin: The Warburg Institute & Nino Aragno Editore, 2007, x-212 pp., ISBN 978-0-85481-140-3.

Écriture et réécriture des textes philosophiques médiévaux. Volume d’hommage offert à Colette Sirat , ed. by J. Hamesse & O. Weijers (Fédération Internationale des Instituts d’Études Médiévales, Textes et Études du Moyen Âge, 34). Turnhout: Brepols, 2006, xxvi-499 pp., ISBN 2-503-52424-9.

Enlightening Revolutions: Essays in Honor of Ralph Lerner , ed. by Svetozar Minkov with Stéphane Douard. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2006, xii-399 pp., ISBN 978-0-7391-0944-1.

Frank , Richard M.,Early Islamic Theology: The Mu’tazilites and al-Ash’arî, Texts and Studies on the Development and History of Kalâm , Vol. II, ed. by Dimitri Gutas (Variorum). Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007, xii-384 pp., ISBN 978-0-86078-978-9.

Intellect et Imagination dans la Philosophie Médiévale, Intellect and Imagination in Medieval Philosophy, Intelecto e Imaginação na Filosofia Medieval. Actes du XIe Congrès International de Philosophie Médiévale de la Société Internationale pour l’Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale (S.I.E.P.M.) Porto, du 26 au 31 août 2002, ed. by Maria Cândida Pacheco & José F. Meirinhos, 3 vol. (Société Internationale pour l’Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale. Rencontres de Philosophie Médiévale, 11,1). Turnhout: Brepols, 2006, vol. I: xliv-701 pp.; vol. II: viii-703-1290 pp.; vol. III: viii-1291-2008 pp., ISBN 2-503-51818-4 (3 vol. set).

O Islã clássico: Itinerários de uma cultura , ed. by Rosalie Helena de Souza Pereira. São Paulo: Perspectiva, 2007, 850aapp., ISBN 978-85-273-0778-9.

Islamic Philosophy and Occidental Phenomenology on the Perennial Issue of Microcosm and Macrocosm, ed. by Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka. New York: Springer, 2006, xviii-295 pp., ISBN 1-4020-4114-4.

Jolivet , Jean,Perspectives médiévales et arabes (Études de philosophie médiévale, 89). Paris: Vrin, 2006, 318 pp., ISBN 2-7116-1768-8.

The Libraries of the Neoplatonists. Proceedings of the Meeting of the European Science Foundation Network “Late Antiquity and Arabic Thought. Patterns in the Constitution of European Culture” held in Strasbourg, March 12-14, 2004, ed. by Cristina D’Ancona (Philosophia Antiqua, 107). Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2007, xxxvi-531 pp., ISBN 978-90-04-15641-8.

Logik und Theologie: Das Organon im arabischen und im lateinischen Mittelalter , ed. by Dominik Perler & Ulrich Rudolph (Studien und Texte zur Geitesgeschichte des Mittelaters, LXXXIV). Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2005, vi-511 pp., ISBN 90-04-11118-2.

Organizing Knowledge: Encyclopaedic Activities in the Pre-Eighteenth Century Islamic World , ed. by Gerhard Endress (Islamic Philosophy and Science, Texts and Studies, LXI). Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2006, xvi-232 pp., ISBN 90-04-14697-0.

Rashed , Marwan,L’Héritage aristotélicien. Textes inédits de l’Antiquité (Anagôgê). Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2007, xiv-601 pp., ISBN 978-2-251-18105-9.

Reason and Inspiration in Islam: Theology, Philosophy and Mysticism in Muslim Thought. Esaays in Honour of Hermann Landolt, ed. by Todd Lawson. London/New York: I.B. Tauris, 2005, xvi-558 pp., ISBN 1-85043-470-0.

Studies on Ibn Khaldûn , ed. by Massimo Campanini. Milan: Polimetrica, 2005, 199 pp., ISBN 88-7699-017-8.

Wissen über Grenzen. Arabisches Wissen und lateinischen Mittelalter , ed. by Andreas Speer & Lydia Wegener (Miscellanea Mediaevalia, 33). Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2006, xxiv-838 pp., ISBN 13-978-3-11-018998-8 or 10-3-11-018998-4.

Special Issue of Journal

Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie , 53 (2006) 1/2 has a special section on “Sectatores Averrois: noétique et cosmologie,” pp. 132-344 with intro. by Ruedi Imbach, p. 132.

Bibliographies and Chronicles

Daiber , Hans,Bibliography of Islamic Philosophy. Supplement (HdO, 1, 89). Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2007, xii-426 pp., ISBN 13-978-90-04-155558 or 10-90-04-15555-4.

Druart, Thérèse-Anne, “Brief Bibliographical Guide in Medieval Islamic Philosophy and Theology (2004-2006),” at .

Urvoy , Dominique, “Bulletin de philosophie arabe et islamique,”Revue Thomiste , 106 (2006): 619-30.

Greek, Persian, and Syriac Sources

Aristotelian Rhetoric in Syriac: Barhebraeus , Butyrum Sapientiae , Book of Rhetoric , ed. and transl. by John W. Watt with Daniel Isaac, Julian Faultless, & Ayman Shihadeh (Aristoteles Semitico-Latinus, 18). Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2005, x-484 pp., ISBN 90-04-14517-6.

Bauden , Frédéric &Ghersetti , Antonella, “L’art de servir son monarque: leKitâb wasâyâ Aflâtûn al-hakîm fî khidmat al-mulûk . Édition critique et traduction précédées d’une introduction,”Arabica , 54,3 (2007): 295-316.

Bos , Gerrit &Garofalo , Ivan, “A Pseudo-Galenic Treatise on Regimen: The Hebrew and Latin Translations from Hunayn Ibn Ishâq’s Arabic Version,”Aleph , 7 (2007): 43-95.

Brock , Sebastian P., “A Syriac Intermediary for the ArabicTheology of Aristotlea In Search of a Chimera,” inThe Libraries , pp. 293-306.

Bucur , Cristina &Bucur , Bogdan G., “The Place of Splendor and Light : Observations on the Paraphrasing ofENN 4.8.1 in theTheology of Aristotle ,”Le Muséon , 119 (2006): 271-92.

Carusi , Paola, “Meteorologica IV e alchimia islamica. Qualità e elementi a confronto,” inAristoteles Chemicus , pp. 81-97.

Chase , Michael, “Did Porphyry Write a Commentary on Aristotle’sPosterior Analytics a Albertus Magnus, al-Fârâbî, and Porphyry onper se Predication,” inClassical Arabic Philosophy: Sources , pp. 21-38.

Cottrell , Emily, “L’Anonyme d’Oxford (Bodleian Or. Marsh 539): bibliothèque ou commentairea,” inThe Libraries , pp. 415-441.

D’Ancona , Cristina, “The Arabic Version ofEnn. IV 7 [2] and its Greek Model,” inArabic Theology, Arabic Philosophy , pp. 127-55.

De Smet , Daniel, “Les Bibliothèques ismaéliennes et la question du néoplatonisme ismaélien,” inThe Libraries , pp. 481-92.

Ferrari , Cleophea, “Die Kategorie der Relation in der griechischen und arabischen Aristoteles-Kommentierung,” inThe Libraries , pp. 471-79.

Gannagé , Emma, “Sur lesCatégories d’Aristote. Un fragment inédit en version arabe,”Mélanges de l’Université Saint-Joseph , 58 (2005): 81-105.

Gutas , Dimitri, “The Text of the Arabic Plotinus. Prolegomena to a Critical Edition,” inThe Libraries , pp. 371-84.

------- , “The Greek and Persian Background of Early Arabic Encylopedism,” inOrganizing Knowledge , pp. 91-101.

Hasnawi , Ahmad, “Boèce, Averroès et Abû al-Barakât al-Baghdâdî, témoins des écrits de Thémistius sur lesTopiques d’Aristote,”Arabic Sciences and Philosophy , 12 (2007): 203-65.

Hasse , Dag Nikolaus, “Spontaneous Generation and the Ontology of Forms in Greek, Arabic, and Medieval Latin Sources,” inClassical Arabic Philosophy: Sources , pp. 150-75.

Hugonnard-Roche , Henri, “Le Corpus philosophique syriaque aux VIe-VIIe siècles,” inThe Libraries , pp. 279-91.

------- , “Le vocabulaire philosophique de l’être en syriaque d’après des texts de Sergius de Resh’aina et Jacques d’Edesse,” inArabic Theology, Arabic Philosophy , pp. 101-25.

Jolivet , Jean, “Étapes dans l’histoire de l’intellect agent,” in hisPerspectives médiévales , pp. 163-74 [reprint, 1997].

Pereira , Rosalie Helena de Souza, “Bayt al-Hikma e a transmissão da filosofia grega para o mundo islâmico,” inBusca do Conhecimento , pp. 17-62.

Rashed , Marwan, “Priorité du ΓΕΝΟΣ ou de l’ΕΙΔΟΣ entre Andronicos et Alexandre. Vestiges arabes ou grecs inédits,” in hisL’héritage aristotélicien , pp. 29-83 [includes édition, reprint 2004].

------- , “La classification des lignes simples selon Proclus et sa transmission au monde islamique,” in hisL’héritage aristotélicien , pp. 303-25 [reprint 2002].

------- , “Lesmarginalia d’Aréthas, Ibn al-Tayyib et les dernières gloses alexandrines de l’Organon ,” pp. 327-43 [reprint 2004].

Rashed , Roshdi, “Greek into Arabic: Transmission and Translation,” inArabic Theology, Arabic Philosophy , pp. 157-96.

Rizvi , Sajjad, “(Neo)Platonism Revived in the Light of the Imams: Qâdî Sa’îd Qummî (d. AH 1107/AD 1696) and his Reception of theTheologia Aristotelis ,” inClassical Arabic Philosophy: Sources , pp. 176-207.

Sebti , Meryem, “Une copie inconnue d’une paraphrase anonyme conservée en arabe duDe anima d’Aristote: le MS Ayasofia 4156,” inThe Libraries , pp. 399-414.

Ter Reegen , Jan G. J., “A Inteligência noLiber de Causis ,” inIntellect et Imagination , vol. II, pp. 1063-70.

------- , “A Metafísica da Teología do Pseudo-Aristóteles,”Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía , 23 (2006): 59-74.

------- , “A libertade na teologia do pseudo-Aristóteles,” inAnais do i encontro nacional de estudios neoplatônicos. Ontologia e libertade (Aracaju-SE: CEAV-Editora UFS, 2006): 45-56.

Theophrastus of Eresus ,Sources for his Life, Writings, Thought and Influence. Commentary, vol. 2:Logic , ed. by Pamela Huby with for the Arabic Material Dimitri Gutas (Philosophia Antiqua: A Series of Studies in Ancient Philosophy, CIII). Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2007, xvi-208 pp., ISBN 90-04-15298-9.

Travaglia , Pinella, “IMeteorologica IV nella tradizione ermetica araba: ilKitâb sirr al-halîqa ,” inAristoteles Chemicus , pp. 99-112.

Latin, Hebrew, and Byzantine Translations and Influences

Bláhová , Marie, “Spuren des arabischen Wissens im mittelalterlichen Böhmen,” inWissen über Grenzen , pp. 133-42.

Brenet , Jean-Baptiste, “Vision béatifique et séparation de l’intellect au début du XIVe siècle. Pour Averroès ou contre Thomas d’Aquin,”Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie , 53 (2006): 310-42.

------- , “Les sources et le sens de l’anti-averroïsme de Thomas de Strasbourg,”Revue des Sciences philosophiques et théologiques , 90 (2006): 641-63.

Burnett , Charles, “Humanism and Orientalism in the Translations from Arabic into Latin in the Middle Ages,” inWissen über Grenzen , pp. 22-31.

Calma , Dragos, “Le corps des images. Siger de Brabant entre leLiber de causis et Averroès,”Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie , 53 (2006): 188-235.

Chase , Michael, “Did Porphyry Write a Commentary on Aristotle’sPosterior Analytics a Albertus Magnus, al-Fârâbî, and Porphyry onper se Predication,” inClassical Arabic Philosophy: Sources , pp. 21-38.

Coccia , Emanuele, “Intellectus sive intelligentia . Alberto Magno, Averroè e la noetica degli arabi,”Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie , 53 (206): 133-87.

Costa , Iacopo, “Nota sulla secondaQuaestio Moralis di Sigeri di Brabante,”Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie , 53 (2006): 236-50.

Donato , Antonio, “Aquinas’ Theory of Happiness and its Greek, Byzantine, Latin and Arabic Sources,”Al-Masâq , 18 (2006): 161-89.

Fidora , Alexander, “Dominicus Gundissalinus und die arabische Wissenschaftstheorie,” inWissen über Grenzen , pp. 467-82.

Fijalkowski , Adam, “The Arabic Authors in the Works of Vicent of Beauvais,” inWissen über Grenzen , pp. 483-95.

Fletcher , Madeleine, “Almohadism: An Islamic Context for the Work of Saint Thomas Aquinas,” inLos Almohades , II, pp. 1163-1226.

Giletti , Ann, “Aristotle in Medieval Spain: Writers of the Christian Kingdoms Confronting the Eternity of the World,”Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes , 67 (2004): 23-47.

Guldentops , Guy, “Arabic Sciences in the Mirror of Henry Bate’s Philosophical Encyclopedia,” inWissen über Grenzen , pp. 521-41.

------- , “Beyond Averroism and Thomism: Henry Bate on the Potential and the Agent Intellects,”Archives d’Histoire doctrinale et littéraire du Moyen Âge , 69 (2002): 115-52.

Gutas , Dimitri, “What was there in Arabic for the Latins to Receivea Remarks on the Modalities of the Twelfth-Century Translation Movement in Spain,” inWissen über Grenzen , pp. 3-21.

Hasse , Dag Nikolaus, “Spontaneous Generation and the Ontology of Forms in Greek, Arabic, and Medieval Latin Sources,” inClassical Arabic Philosophy: Sources , pp. 150-75.

------- , “Averroica secta : Notes on the Formation of Averroist Movements in Fourteenth-Century Bologna and Renaissance Italy,” inAverroes et les averroïsmes , pp. 307-32.

------- , “The Social Conditions of the Arabic-(Hebrew-)Latin Translation Movements in Medieval Spain and in the Renaissance,” inWissen über Grenzen , pp. 68-86.

------- , “Aufstieg und Niedergang des Averroismus in der Renaissance: Niccolò Tignosi, Agostino Nifo, Francesco Vimercato,” in“Herbst des Mitellalters”a Fragen zur Bewertung des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts , ed. by Jan A. Aertsen & Martin Pikavé (Miscellanea Mediaevalia, 31) (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2004), pp. 447-73.

Hlaváaek , Ivan, “Der Widerhall der arabischen Kultur im mittelalterlichen Bibliotheksgut Böhmens (bis zur hussitischen Revolution),” inWissen über Grenzen , pp. 143-62.

Hofmeister Pich , Roberto, “Untersuchungen zu Scotus’ Rezeption der wissenschaftlichen Methodologie Alhazens (Ibn al-Haitâms),” inWissen über Grenzen , pp. 496-520.

Knebel , Sven K., “Volo magis stare cum Avicenna . Der Zufall zwischen Averroisten und Avicennisten,” inWissen über Grenzen , pp. 662-76.

Kuksewicz , Zdislaw, “La Découverte d’une école averroïste inconnue: Erfurt,” inAverroes et les averroismes , pp. 299-306.

Lejbowicz , Max, “Between Autochtonous Tradition and Concealed Acculturation,” inWissen über Grenzen , pp. 32-46.

Markowski , Mieczysaaw, “Der averroistisch geprägte Aristotelismus alsvia communis ,” inWissen über Grenzen , pp. 655-61.

Marrone , Steven, “From Gundisalvus to Bonaventure: Intellect and Intelligences in the Late Twelfth and Early Thirteenth Centuries,” inIntellect et Imagination , vol. II, pp. 1071-81.

Menocal , Maria Rosa, “The Castilian Context of the Arabic Translation Movement: Imagining the Toledo of the Translators,” inWissen über Grenzen , pp. 119-25.

Müller , Jörn, “Der Einfluss der arabischen Intellektspeculation auf die Ethik des Albertus Magnus,” inWissen über Grenzen , pp. 545-68.

Perger von , Mischa, “Stufen von Univokation und Äquivokation. Walter Burley als Shiedsrichter in einer arabischen Debatte,” inWissen über Grenzen , pp. 626-40.

Piron , Sylvain, “Olivi et les averroïstes,”Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie , 53 (2006): 251-309.

Puig , Josep, “The Polemic against Islam in Medieval Catalan Culture,” inWissen über Grenzen , pp. 238-58.

Ramón Guerrero , Rafael, “La razón latina y las traducciones árabes,” inWissen über Grenzen , pp. 106-18.

Rashed , Marwan, “Der Averroismus des Lauro Quirini,” inWissen über Grenzen , pp. 700-14 .

------- , “De Cordoue à Byzance. Sur une protothéorie inédite de laPhysique d’Aristote,” in hisL’héritage aristotélicien , pp. 457-504 [reprint 1996].

------- , “L’averroïsme de Lauro Quirini,” in hisL’héritage aristotélicien , pp. 567-81 [reprint 2005].

Ricklin , Thomas, “Arabes contigit imitari . Beobachtungen zum kulturellen Selbstverständnis der iberischen Übersetzer der ersten Hälfte des 12. Jahrhunderts,” inWissen über Grenzen , pp. 47-67.

Robinson , Maureen, “The Heritage of Medieval Errors in the Latin Manuscripts of Johannes Hispalensis (John of Seville),”Al-Qantara , 28 (2007): 41-71.

Roling , Bernd, “Glaube, Imagination und leibliche Auferstehung: Pietro Pomponazzi zwischen Avicenna, Averroes und jüdischen Averroismus,” inWissen über Grenzen , pp. 677-99.

Rudolph , Ulrich, “Kann Philosophie zum Dialog der Religionen beitragena Anmerkungen zur Koranexegese des Nikolaus von Kues,” inWissen über Grenzen , pp. 179-93.

Speer , Andrea, “Wissen über Grenzen. Arabisches Wissen und lateinisches Mittelalter,” inWissen über Grenzen , pp. xiii-xxiii.

Strohmaier , Gotthard, “Die geistigen und gesellschaftlichen Bedingungen der lateinischen Rezeption arabischen Wissens,” inWissen über Grenzen , pp. 126-32.

Veit , Raphaela, “Der Artz Andrea Alpago und sein medizinisches Umfeld im mamlukischen Syrien,” inWissen über Grenzen , pp. 305-16.

Zonta , Mauro, “The Jewish Mediation in the Transmission of Arabo-Islamic Science and Philosophy to the Latin Middle Ages. Historical Overview and Perspectives of Research,” inWissen über Grenzen , pp. 89-105.

General Studies

Arkoun , Mohammed,La pensée arabe (Que sais-jea), 6th ed. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 2005, 127 pp., ISBN 2-13-053359-0.

The Biographical Encyclopaedia of Islamic Philosophy , ed. by Oliver Leaman, 2 vol. London/N.Y.: thoemmes, 2006, vol. I, xlii-342 pp., & vol. II, 343 pp., ISBN 1-8437-1148-6 [to be used with caution].

Brague , Rémi,Au Moyen du Moyen Âge. Philosophies médiévales en chrétienté, judaïsme et islam . Chatou: Les Éditions de la Transparence, 2006, 317 pp., ISBN 2-35051-017-4.

------- , “Wie islamisch ist die islamische Philosophiea,” inWissen über Grenzen , pp. 165-78.

Butterworth , Charles, “Philosophy of Law in Medieval Judaism and Islam,” in A Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence, vol. VI: A History of the Philosophy of Law from the Ancient Greeks to the Scholastics, ed. by Fred J. Miller, Jr., & Carrie-Ann Biondi (Dordrecht: Springer, 2007): 219-50.

------- , “On Natural Right and Other Un-written Guides to Political Well-Being,” inPolitical Economy of the Good Society , 15,2 (2006): 53-55.

Campanini , Massimo, “O Pensamento Político Islâmico Medieval,” inO Islã , pp. 247-86.

------- , “A dialética utoppia—antiutopia no pensamento político islâmico medieval,” inBusca do Conhecimento , pp. 125-44.

D’Ancona , Cristina, “The Topic of the ‘Harmony Between Plato and Aristotle’: Some Examples in Early Arabic Philosophy,” inWissen über Grenzen , pp. 379-405.

El-Bizri , Nader, “The Microcosm/Macrocosm Analogy: A Tentative Encounter Between Graeco-Arabic Philosophy and Phenomenology, inIslamic Philosophy and Occidental Phenomenology , pp. 3-23.

Endress , Gerhard, “The Cycle of Knowledge: Intellectual Traditions and Encyclopaedias of the Rational Sciences in Arabic Islamic Hellenism,” inOrganizing Knowledge , pp. 103-33.

Forcada , Miquel, “Sintesis y contexto de la ciencias de los antiguos en época almohade,” inLos Almohades , II, pp. 1091-1135.

Goodman , Lenn E.,Islamic Humanism . Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003, xiv-273 pp., ISBN 0-19-513580-6.

Groff , Peter S. with Oliver Leaman,Islamic Philosophy A-Z . Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2007, xviii-237 pp., ISBN 978-0-7486-2216-0 (hardback); 2089-0 (paper).

Harvey , Steven, “The Place of theDe anima in the Orderly Study of Philosophy,” inIntellect et Imagination , vol. I, pp. 677-88.

Hasse , Dag Nikolaus, “Spontaneous Generation and the Ontology of Forms in Greek, Arabic, and Medieval Latin Sources,” inClassical Arabic Philosophy: Sources , pp. 150-75 [Avicenna & Averroes].

Jolivet , Jean, “Classification des sciences arabes et médiévales,” in hisPerspectives médiévales , pp. 175-94 [reprint 1999].

------- , “L’idée de la sagesse et sa fonction dans la philosophie des IVe et Ve siècles (H.),” in hisPerspectives médiévales , pp. 237-63 [reprint 1991].

Khamenei , Sayyid Mohammed, “’Man’s Creativity/Viceregency’ in Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism,” inIslamic Philosophy and Occidental Phenomenology , pp. 149-60.

Kheirandish , Elaheh, “Organizing Scientific Knowledge: The ‘Mixed’ Sciences in Early Classifications,” inOrganizing Knowledge , pp. 135-54.

Lomba Fuentes , Joaquín, “Razón e imaginación en la estética musulmana medieval,” inIntellect et Imagination , vol. I, pp. 375-414.

López-Farjeat , Luis Xavier, “Las relaciones entre gramática y lógica en el pensamiento árabe del siglo X,”Méthexis , 18 (2005): 119-35.

Lory , Pierre, “A alquimia islâmica: uma ciência do devir humano,” inBusca do Conhecimento , pp. 85-124.

Maróth , Miklós, “Possible Sources ofSir al-asrâr ,” inAuthority, Privacy and Public Order in Islam , ed. by B. Michalak-Pikulska & A. Pikulski (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 148). Louvain: Peeters, 2006, pp. 71-79.

Murata , Sachiko, “The Creative Transformation in Liu Chih’s ‘Philosophy of Islam’,” inIslamic Philosophy and Occidental Phenomenology , pp. 141-48.

Nasr , Seyyed Hossein,Islamic Philosophy from its Origin to the Present: Philosophy in the Land of Prophecy . Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press, 2006, 380 pp., ISBN 0791468003.

Ramón Guerrero , Rafael, “Al-Andalus, vínculo de unión entre dos tiempos y dos espacios,”Caudernos de Pensamiento , 19 (2007): 393-411.

-------, “El intelecto en la tradición gnostica islámica,” inIntellect et Imagination , vol. I, pp. 497-506.

------- , “La idea del ‘hombre perfecto’ en el pensamiento islámico,” inIdade Média: tempo do mundo, tempo dos homens, tempo de Deus , ed. by José Antônio de Camargo Rodrigues de Souza (Porto Alegre: EST Edições, 2006), pp. 347-54.

------- , “La recepción de laFalsafa oriental en al-Andalus,” inAl-Andalus y oriente medio: pasado y presente de una herencia común , ed. by Fátima Roldán Castro (Sevilla: Fundación El Monte, 2006), pp. 99-118.

------- , “¿Docta ignorancia en el neoplatonismo árabea,” inEl problema del conocimiento en Nicolás de Cusa: genealogía y proyección , ed. by Jorge M. Machetta & Claudi D’Amico (Buenos Aires: Biblos, 2005), pp. 67-84.

Rogers , Katherin, “Anselm and His Islamic Contemporaries on Divine Necessity and Eternity,”American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly , 81, 3 (2007): 373-93 [Avicenna, Averroes & al-Ghazâlî].

Rosenthal , Franz,The Concept of Knowledge in Medieval Islam , 2nd ed. with an Intro. by Dimitri Gutas (Brill Classics in Islam, 2). Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2007, xiv-355 pp,, ISBN 978-90-04-15386-8.

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Butterworth , Charles E., “Averroes on Law and Political Well-Being,” inAverroes et les averroïsmes , pp. 183-91 and also inEnlightening Revolutions , pp. 23-30..

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Caldera , Federica, “La Source inattendue d’un “néo-augustinien”; Averroès dans leCommentaire sur les Sentences de Guillaume de La Mare,” inAverroes et les averroïsmes , pp. 275-97.

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Di Donato , Silvia, “I traduttori di fronte alle citazioni coraniche: errori ed estraneità culturale. Il caso di un trattato di Averroè,” inÉcriture et réécriture , pp. 45-61 [aboutKitâb al-kashf ].

Di Giovanni , Matteo, “Averroes on the Species of Celestial Bodies,” inWissen über Grenzen , pp. 438-64.

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Pereira , Michela, “ Prima materia . Echi aristotelici e avicenniani nel Testamentum pseudolulliano ,” inAristoteles Chemicus , pp. 145-64.

Podkonski , Robert, “Al-Ghazâlî’sMetaphysics as a Source of Anti-atomistic Proofs in John Duns Scotus’s Sentences Commentary,” inWissen über Grenzen , pp. 612-25.

Porro , Pasquale, “Duns Scot et le point de rupture avec Avicenne,” inDuns Scot à Paris, 1302-2002. Actes du colloque de Paris, 2-4 septembre 2002 , ed. by Olivier Boulnois, Elizabeth Karger, Jean-Luc Solère & Gérard Sondag (Fédération Internationale des Instituts d’Études Médiévales, Textes et Études du Moyen Âge, 26). Turnhout: Brepols, 2004, pp. 195-218.

Segovia , Carlos A., “Del entendimiento al Ángel: en torno al lugar de la gnosis aviceniana,” inIntellect et Imagination , vol. I, pp. 563-69.

Schöck , Cornelia, “Discussions on Conditional Sentences from the Year AH 17/AD 638 to Avicenna (d. AH 428/AD 1037),” inClassical Arabic Philosophy: Sources , pp. 55-73.

Sebti , Meryem, “L’Analogie de la lumière dans la noétique d’Avicenne,”Archives d’Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge , 73 (2006): 7-28.

Sondag , Gérard, “La réception de laMétaphysique d’Avicenne par Duns Scot,” inWissen über Grenzen , pp. 591-611.

------- , “La réception d’Avicenne (Ibn Sina) chez Duns Scot,”Veritas (Porto Alegre), 29 (2004): 529-43.

Storck , Alfredo Carlos, “A Divisão das ciências segundo Avicena: texto e notas,” inBusca do Cohecimento , pp. 265-88.

Street , Tony, “Fakhraddîn ar-Râzî’s Critique of Avicennan Logic,” inLogik und Theologie , pp. 99-116.

Uscatescu-Barrón , Jorge, “Zur Bestimmung des Guten als Ungeteilheit von Akt und Potenz bei Avicenna und ihrer Rezeption in der christlichen Scholastik des Hochmittelalters,”Salzburger Jahrbuch für Philosophie , 51 (2006): 29-63.

Wippel , John F., “The Latin Avicenna as a Source for Thomas Aquinas’ Metaphysics,” inMetaphysical Themes in Thomas Aquinas II (Studies in Philosophy and the History of Philosophy, 47). Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2007, pp. 31-64 [a revised and updated version of the article published inFZPT in 1990].

Wright , Owen, “Die melodischen Modi bei Ibn Sînâ und die Entwicklung der Modalpraxis von Ibn al-Munadjdjim bis zu Safî al-Dîn al-Urmawî,”Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften , 16 (2004/05): 224-308 [on music].

al-Baghdâdî (‘Abd al-Latîf)

El-Bizri , Nader, “In Defence of the Sovereignty of Philosophy: Al-Baghdâdî’s Critique of Ibn al-Haytham’s Geometrisation of Place,”Arabic Sciences and Philosophy , 17 (2007): 57-80.


al-Fârâbî , “The Eisagoge, The Introduction; Selections from Book of Demonstration; On the Intellect; The Aims of Aristotle’s Metaphysics; The Principles of Existing Things [First Part]; and Directing Attention to the Way of Happiness,” in Classical Arabic Philosoph: Anthology, pp. 54-120.

Baffioni , Carmela, “Contrariety and Similarity in God according to al-Fârâbî and al-Kirmânî: A Comparison,” inClassical Arabic Philosophy: Sources , pp. 1-20.

Benmakhlouf , Ali, “Al-Fârâbî, Averroès: conversation et démonstration,” inAverroes et les averroïsmes , pp. 151-60.

Butterworth , Charles, “Alfarabi’s Plato: A Tale of Two Cities,” inThe Political Identity of the West: Platonism in the Dialogue of Cultures , ed. by Marcel van Ackeren & Orrin Finn Summerell (Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2007), pp. 55-76.

------- , “Farabi, al- (Alfarabius or Avennasar),” inThe Encyclopedia of Medieval Islamic Civilization , vol. I, ed. by Josef W. Meri et al. (London: Routledge, 2006), pp. 247-48.

Chase , Michael, “Did Porphyry Write a Commentary on Aristotle’sPosterior Analytics a Albertus Magnus, al-Fârâbî, and Porphyry onper se Predication,” inClassical Arabic Philosophy: Sources , pp. 21-38.

Druart , Thérèse-Anne, “One Divine and Human Language or Many Human Languages,”Journal of Religion & Society , 9 (2007): 1-13.

Galston , Miriam, “The Moral Status of Teaching and Writing,” inEnlightening Revolutions , pp. 3-21.

Guidi , Angela, “L’Obscurité intentionnelle du philosophe: thèmes néoplatoniciens et farabiens chez Maïmonide,”Revue des Études Juives , 166 (2007): 129-45.

Parens , Joshua, “Prudence, Imagination, and Determination of Law in Alfarabi and Maimonides,” inEnlightening Revolutions , pp. 31-55.

Pironet , Fabienne, “L’importance duTraité de l’harmonie d’al-Fârâbî: ses visées politiques,” inReason and Inspiration , pp. 71-84.

Ramón Guerrero , Rafael, “Al-Fârâbî: O Filósofo e Felicidade,” inO Islã , pp. 287-327.

------- , “Neoplatonismo árabe. Al-Farabi y su lectura de Aristóteles,” inAnais do i encontro nacional de estudios neoplatônicos. Ontologia e Libertade (Aracaju-SE: CEAV-Editora UFS, 2006): 26-44.

------- , “De nuevo sobre al-Fârâbî y Maimónides. Nota sobre los ocho capítulos o ética de Maimónides,”Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval , 12 (2005): 43-47.

Schoeler , Gregor, “Poetischer Syllogismus—bildliche Redeweise—Religion. Vom aristotelischenOrganon zu al-Fârâbî,” inLogik und Theologie , pp. 45-58.

Sweeney , Michael J., “Philosophy andJihâd : al-Fârâbî on Compulsion to Happiness,”The Review of Metaphysics , 60,3 (March 2007): 543-72.

Taylor , Richard C., “Abstraction in al-Fârâbî,”Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association , 80 (2006): 151-68.

Türker , Sadik, “The Arabico-Islamic Background of al-Fârâbî’s Logic,”History and Philosophy of Logic , 28,3 (2007): 183-255.

Ibn al-Tayyib

Rashed , Marwan, “Lesmarginalia d’Aréthas, Ibn al-Tayyib et les dernières gloses alexandrines de l’Organon ,” inL’Héritage aristotélien , pp. 327-43 [reprint 2004].

Ibn Bâjjah (Avempace)

Ibn Bâyya (Avempace) ,Carta del Adiós [Risâlat al-wadâ’] y otros tratados filosóficos , transl. and notes by Joaquín Lomba (Al-Andalus, Textos y Studios). Madrid: Trotta, 2006, 142 pp., ISBN 84-8164-791-8.

Ibn Bâjja , “Selections from Commentary on Aristotle’s Physics; Conjunction of the Intellect with Man,” in Classical Arabic Philosophy: Anthology, pp. 266-83.

Lomba Fuentes , Joaquín, “Avempace (Ibn Bâjjah), Primeiro Comentador de Aristóteles no Ocidente,” inO Islã , pp. 411-54.

Wirmer , David, “Avempace—ratio de quidditate . Thomas Aquinas’ Critique of an Argument for the Natural Knowability of Separate Substances,” inWissen über Grenzen , pp. 569-90.

Ibn Kammûna

Langermann , Y. Tzvi, “Ibn Kammûna at Aleppo,”Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society , 17 (2007): 1-19.

Pourjavady , Reza &Schmidtke , Sabine,A Jewish Philosopher of Baghdad: ‘Izz al-Dawla Ibn Kammûna (d. 683/1284) and His Writings (Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science. Texts and Studies, LXV). Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2006, xii-274 pp., ISBN 90-04-15139-7.

Ibn Khaldûn

Studies on Ibn Khaldûn , ed. by Massimo Campanini.

Abdalla , Mohamad, “Ibn Khaldûn on the Fate of Islamic Science after the 11th Century,”Islam & Science , 5,1 (2007): 61-70.

Ahmad , Zaid, “Ibn Khaldûn’s Approach in Civilisational Studies,” inStudies on Ibn Khaldûn , pp. 101-22.

Campanini , Massimo, “Ibn Khaldûn: laMuqaddima , la storia, la civiltà, il potere,” inStudies on Ibn Khaldûn , pp. 9-48.

Cheddadi , Abdesselam,Actualité d’Ibn Khaldûn. Conférences et entretiens . Témara: Maison des Arts, des Sciences et des Lettres, 2006, 245 pp., ISBN 9954-8607-2-X.

------- , “L’Encyclopédisme dans l’historiographie: réflexions sur le cas d’Ibn Khadûn,” inOrganizing Knowledge , pp. 187-98.

Francesca , Ersilia, “Ibn Khaldûn e “la Richezza delle Nazioni.” Lo sviluppo economico secondo laMuqaddima ,” inStudies on Ibn Khaldûn , pp. 75-99.

Forte , Francesca, “Per una nuova storiografia khaduniana,” inStudies on Ibn Khadûn , pp. 181-99.

Hanafî , Hasan, “TheMuqaddima of Ibn Khaldûn: A Contemporary reading,” inStudies on Ibn Khaldûn , pp. 49-73.

Horrut , Claude,Ibn Khaldûn, un islam des “Lumières”a (Théorie Politique). Bruxelles: Éditions Complexe, 2006, 227 pp., ISBN 2-87027-998-1.

Martinez-Gros , Gabriel,Ibn Khaldûn et les sept vies de l’Islam (Sindbad). Arles: Actes Sud, 2006, 368 pp., ISBN 2-7427-6114-4.

Mzoughi , Mohamed, “Ibn Khaldûn and Philosophy: A Critical Approach,” inStudies on Ibn Khaldûn , pp. 145-79.

Pomian , Krzysztof,Ibn Khaldûn au prisme de l’Occident (Bibliothèque des histoires). Paris: Gallimard, NRF, 2006, 234 pp., ISBN 2-07-078159-3.

Turroni , Giuliana, “Ibn Khaldûn: penseur classique de l’islam laïc,” inStudies on Ibn Khaldûn , pp. 123-44.

Ibn Masarra

Ramón Guerrero , Rafael, “Presentación de un texto de Ibn Masarra de Córdoba: SuEpístola de la reflexión (Risâlat al-I’tibâr) ,” inMaimónides y el pensamiento medieval. VIII Centenario de la muerte de Maimónides , ed. by José Luis Cantón Alonso (Cordoba: Universidad Córdoba, 2007), pp. 415-30.

Ibn Sab’în

Akasoy , Anna Ayse, “Ibn Sab’în, Maimónides y la emigración andalusí,” inMaimónides y el pensamiento medieval. VIII Centenario de la muerte de Maimónides , ed. by José Luis Cantón Alonso (Cordoba: Universidad Córdoba, 2007), pp. 113-20.

------- ,Philosophie und Mystik in der späten Almohadenzeit: Die Sizilianischen Fragendes Ibn Sab’în (Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science. Texts and Studies, LIX). Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2006, xxviii-605 pp., ISBN 90-04-14522-2.

Ibn Tufayl

Ibn Tufayl , “Selections from Hayy ibn Yaqzân,” in Classical Arabic Philosophy: Anthology, pp. 284-93.

Butterworth , Charles, “Ibn Tufayl,” inthe Encylopedia of Medieval Islamic Civilization , vol. I, ed. by Josef W. Meri et al. (London: Routledge, 2006), pp. 372-73.

Puig Montada , Josep, “Ibn Tufayl, a aventura da humanidade,” inBusca do Cohecimento , pp. 145-77.

Ibn Tumlûs

Le Livre de la Rhétorique du philosophe et médecin Ibn Tumlûs (Alhagiag bin Thalmus) , intro., critical ed., transl., and notes by Maroun Aouad. (Textes et traditions, 13). Paris: Vrin, 2006, cxxix-101+177 pp., ISBN 2-7116-1916-8.

Ikhwân as-Safâ’

Arfa , Mokdad, “The Brethern of Purity (Ikhwân al-Safâ’ ) and their Philosophical Treatises (Rasâ’il ),” inOrganizing Knowledge , pp. 155-68.

Baffioni , Carmela, “Echi diMeteorologica IV nell’ Enciclopedia dei Fratelli della Purità,” inAristoteles Chemicus , pp. 113-31.

------- , “History, Language and Ideology in the Ikhwân al-Safâ’ View of the Imâmate,” inAuthority, Privacy and Public Order in Islam , ed. by B. Michalak-Pikulska & A. Pikulski (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 148). Louvain: Peeters, 2006, pp. 17-28.


Montgomery , James E., “Al-Djahiz and Hellenizing Philosophy,” inThe Libraries , pp. 443-56.


Chittick , William C., “The Pertinence of Islamic Cosmology: Reflections on the Philosophy of Afdal al-Dîn Kâshânî,” inReason and Inspiration , pp. 274-83.


La polémica trinitaria entre Yahya ibn ‘Adî y al-Kindî , transl. with an intro. by Santiago Escobar Gómez & Juan Carlos González López, Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 23 (2006): 75-97.

al-Kindî , “The Explanation of the Proximate Efficient Cause for Generation and Corruption; On the Intellect; On Divine Unity and the Finitude of the World’s Body; The One True and Complete Agent and the Incomplete Metaphorical “Agent”; and On the Means of Dispelling Sorrows,” in Classical Arabic Philosophy: Anthology, pp. 1-35.

Adamson , Peter,Al-Kindî (Great Medieval Thinkers). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007, xiv-272 pp., ISBN 0-19-518142-5.

------- , “The Kindian Tradition. The Structure of Philosophy in Arabic Neoplatonism,” inThe Libraries , pp. 351-70.

Akasoy , Anna Ayse, “Die Lateinischen Übersetzungen derRisâla fî ‘l-‘aql al-Kindîs,” inIntellect et Imagination , vol. I: pp. 689-701.

Endress , Gerhard, “Building the Library of Arabic Philosophy. Platonism and Aristotelianism in the Sources of al-Kindî,” inThe Libraries , pp. 319-50.

Jolivet , Jean, “Al-Kindî, vues sur le temps,” in hisPerspectives médiévales , pp. 265-80 [reprint 1993].

------- , “La topographie du salut d’après leDiscours sur l’âme d’al-Kindî,” in hisPerspectives médiévales , pp. 281-88 [reprint 1996].

Ramón Guerrero , Rafael, “Conceitos de filosofia no pensamento de Al-Kindî,” inBusca do Cohecimento , pp. 63-84.

Wright , O., “Al-Kindî’s Braid,”Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies , 69 (2006): 1-32 [on music].


Baffioni , Carmela, “Contrariety and Similarity in God according to al-Fârâbî and al-Kirmânî: A Comparison,” inClassical Arabic Philosophy: Sources , pp. 1-20.

Hunzai , Faquîr Muhammad, “The Concept of Knowledge According to al-Kirmânî (d. after 411/1021),” inReason and Inspiration , pp. 127-41.


Adamson , Peter, “Miskawayh’s Psychology,” inClassical Arabic Philosophy: Sources , pp. 39-54.

Mullâ Sadrâ

Amir-Moezzi , Mohammad Ali, “’Le combattant duta’wîl’ . Un poème de Mollâ Sadrâ sur ‘Alî (Aspects de l’imamologie duodécimane, IX),” inReason and Inspiration , pp. 432-54.

A’wani , Gholam-Reza, “The Sadrean Theory of the World of Divine Command,” inIslamic Philosophy and Occidental Phenomenology , pp. 161-69.

Fernandes , Edrisi, “Mullâ Sadrâ,” inO Islã , pp. 565-92.

Kalin , Ibrahim, “Mullâ Sadrâ on Theodicy and the Best of All Possible Worlds,”Journal of Islamic Studies , 18,2 (2007): 183-201.

Kamal , Muhammad,Mulla Sadra’s Transcendent Philosophy . Aldershot: Ashgate, 2006, ii-136 pp., ISBN 0-7546-5271-8.

Rustom , Mohammed, “Eschatology, Psychology, and Imagination in Mullâ Sadrâ Shîrâzî’s Commentary on theHadîth of Awakening,”Islam & Science , 5,1 (2007): 9-22.


Rizvi , Sajjad, “(Neo)Platonism Revived in the Light of the Imams: Qâdî Sa’îd Qummî (d. AH 1107/AD 1696) and His Reception of theTheologia Aristotelis ,” inClassical Arabic Philosophy: Sources , pp. 176-207.


ar-Râzî , “The Philosopher’s Way of Life; On the Five Eternals; and Selections from Doubts about Galen,” in Classical Arabic Philosophy: Anthology, pp. 36-53.

Druart , Thérèse-Anne, “Al-Râzî,” inMedieval Science, Technology, and Medicine: An Encyclopedia , ed. by Thomas Glick, Steven J. Livesay & Faith Wallis. New York, N.Y.: Routledge, 2005, pp. 434-36.


Jolivet , Jean, “Al-Shahrastânî critique d’Avicenne dansLa lutte contre les philosophes (quelques aspects),” in hisPerspectives médiévales , pp. 195-208 [reprint 2000].

------- , “La cosmologie anti-avicennienne d’al-Shahrastânî d’aprèsLa lutte contre les philosophes (Musâra’at al-falâsifa ),” in hisPerspectives médiévales , pp. 209-16 [reprint 1997].

Sajan , Mohammad Azizan, “Al-Shahrastânî on the People of a Dubious Book (Ahl Shubhat Kitâb ): A Study of hisal-Milal wa al-Nihal ,”Hamdard Islamicus , 30,2 (2007): 43-48.

Steigerwald , Diana, “Al-Sharastânî’s Contribution to Medieval Islamic Thought,” inReason and Inspiration , pp. 262-73.


as-Sijistânî , “Selection from On the Proper Perfection of the Human Species,” in Classical Arabic Philosophy: Anthology, pp. 139-45.


as-Suhrawardî , “Selections from The Philosophy of Illumination,” in Classical Arabic Philosophy: Anthology, pp. 367-79.

Dinani , Golamhosein Ebrahimi, “The World of Imagination,” inIslamic Philosophy and Occidental Pehnomenology , pp. 177-82.

Fernandes , Edrisi, “Shihâb al-Dîn Suhrawardîal-Matqûl ,” inO Islã , pp. 517-64.

Khalilov , Salahaddin, “Al-Suhrawardi’s Doctrine and Phenomenology,” inIslamic Philosophy and Occidental Phenomenology , pp. 263-76.

Marcotte , Roxanne D., “L’Aperception de soi chez Shihâb al-Dîn al-Suhrawardî et l’héritage avicennien,”Laval théologique et philosophique , 62 (2005): 529-51.

------- , “Reason (‘aql ) and Direct Intuition (mushâhada ) in the Works of Shihâb al-Dîn al-Suhrwardî (d. 587/1191),” inReason and Inspiration , pp. 221-34.

Walbridge , John, “Al-Suhrawardî on Body as Extension: An Alternative to Hylomorphism from Plato to Leibniz,” inReason and Inspiration , pp. 235-47.


Ali , Mufti, “Jalâl al-Dîn al-Suyûtî Against Logic and Kalâm. Analysis and Significance ofSawn al-mantiq wa’l-kalâm ‘an fannay al-mantiq wa’l-kalâm ,”Hamdard Islamicus , 28,2 (2005): 23-44.

Yahyâ ibn ‘Adî

La polémica trinitaria entre Yahya ibn ‘Adî y al-Kindî , transl. with an intro. by Santiago Escobar Gómez & Juan Carlos González López, Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 23 (2006): 75-97.

Yahyâ ibn ‘Adî , “Selection from Establishing the Nature of the Possible,” in Classical Arabic Philosophy: Anthology, pp. 128-39.

Griffith , Sidney H., “Yahyâ b. ‘Adî’s Colloquy On Sexual Abstinence and the Philosophical Life, in Arabic Theology, Arabic Philosophy, pp. 299-333.

Current Scholars

Blanchard , Monica &Montgomery , James E., “Richard M. Frank, A Bibliography,” inArabic Theology, Arabic Philosophy , pp. 15-24.

Treiger , Alexander, “Andrei Iakovlevia Borisov (1903-1942) and his Studies of Medieval Arabic Philosophy,”Arabic Sciences and Philosophy , 17 (2007): 159-95.

Section II. Kalâm

General Studies

Aydinli , Osman, “Ascetic and Devotional Elements in the Mu’tazilite Tradition: The Sufî Mu’tazilites,”The Muslim World , 97 (2007): 174-89.

------- , “The Mu’tazilite Political Theory: The Afdaliyya and Mafdûliyya Doctrine,”The Islamic Quarterly , 48,4 (2004): 5-30.

Bellamy , James A., “Seven Qur’anic Emendations,” inArabic Theology, Arabic Philosophy , pp. 27-35.

De Smet , Daniel, “La valorisation du féminin dans l’ismaélisme tayyibite. Le cas de la reine yéménite al-Sayyida Arwâ (1048-1138),”Mélanges de l’Université Saint-Joseph , 58 (2005): 107-122.

The Encounter of Eastern Christianity with Early Islam , ed. by Emmanouela Grypeou, Mark Swanson, and David Thomas (The History of Christian-Mulsim Relations, 5). Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2006, 335 pp., ISBN 90-04-14938-4.

Escobar Gómez , Santiago, “El Mejor de los mundos en la teología racionalista musulmana clásica,”Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía , 22 (2005): 57-64 [al-Ghazâlî & Mu’tazilites].

Falbel , Nachman, “OKalâm e sua Influência no Pensamento de Sa’adia ben Joseph al-Fayyûmî,” inO Islã , pp. 703-44.

Frank , Richard M., Early Islamic Theology.

------- , “Several Fundamental Assumptions of the Basra School of the Mu’tazila,” inEarly Islamic Theology , III (pp. 5-18, 1971).

------- , “Yâ Kalâm,” in Arabic Theology, Arabic Philosophy, pp. 5-14.

Griffel , Frank, “Divine Actions, Creation, and the Human Fate after Death in 9th/15th-Century Imâmî Shi’ite Theology,”Journal of the American Oriental Society , 125,1 (2005): 67-78.

Griffith , Sidney H.,The Church in the Shadow of the Mosque: Christians and Muslims in the World of Islam. Princeton & Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2008, xvi-220 pp., ISBN 978-0-691-13015-6.

Mazzola Verza , Tadeu, “Kalâm : A Escolástica Islâmica,” inO Islã , pp. 149-76.

Montgomery , James E., “The Empty Hijâz,” inArabic Theology, Arabic Philosophy , pp. 37-97.

Ormsby , Eric, “The Faith of the Pharaoh: A Disputed Question in Islamic Theology,”Studia Islamica , 98/99 (2004): 5-28.

Sabra , Abdelhamid I., “Kalâm Atomism as an Alternative Philosophy to HellenizingFalsafa ,” inArabic Theology, Arabic Philosophy , pp. 199-272.

Schöck , Cornelia, “Aussagenquantifizierung und –modalisierung in der frühen islamischen Theologie,” inLogik und Theologie , pp. 19-43.

Uslu , Ferit, “Knowledge and Volition in EarlyAsh’ari Doctrine of Faith,”Journal of Islamic Studies , 18,2 (2007): 163-82.

Vasalou , Sophia, “Subject and Body in Basran Mu’tazilism, or: Mu’tazilite Kalâm and the Fear of Triviality,”Arabic Sciences and Philosophy , 17 (2007): 267-98.

Abû l-Hudhayl

Frank , Richard M., “The Metaphysics of Created Being according to Abû l-Hudhayl al-‘Allâf: A Philosophical Study of the Earliest Kalâm,” inEarly Islamic Theology , I (pp. iv+1-53, 1966).

------- , “The Divine Attributes according to the Teaching of Abû l-Hudhayl al-‘Allâf,” inEarly Islamic Theology , II (pp. 451-506, 1969).

Abû l-Husayn al-Basrî

Madelung , Wilferd, “Abû l-Husayn al-Basrî’s Proof for the Existence of God,” inArabic Theology, Arabic Philosophy , pp. 273-80.

Abû Hâshim

Frank , Richard M., “Al-ma’dûm wal-mawjûd: The Non-Existent, the Existent, and the Possible in the Teaching of Abû Hâshim and His Followers,” inEarly Islamic Philosophy , IV (pp. 185-209, 1980).

------- , “Abû Hâshim’s Theory of ‘States’: Its Structure and Function,” inEarly Islamic Theology , V (pp. 85-100, 1971).

Abû Qurrah

Monferrer Sala , Juan Pedro, “’Apologia racionalista’ de Abû Qurrah en el Maymar fî wujûd al-Hâliq wa-l-dîn al-qawîm II/2, 12-14,” Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 22 (2005): 41-56.

Abû Râ’itah

Keating , Sandra Toenies,Defending the ‘People of Truth’ in the Early Islamic Period: The Christian Apologies of Abû Râ’itah (The History of Christian-Mulsim Relations, 4). Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2006, viii-378 pp., ISBN 90-04-14801-9.


Frank , Richard M., “Elements in the Development of the Teaching of al-Ash’arî,” inEarly Islamic Theology , VI (pp. 141-90, 1991).

------- , “The Structure of Created Causality according to al-Ash’arî: An Analysis of theKitâb al-Luma’ , §§ 82-164,” inEarly Islamic Theology , VII (pp. 13-75, 1966).

------- , “Al-Ash’arî’s Conception of the Nature and Role of Speculative Reasoning in Theology,” inEarly Islamic Theology , VIII (pp. 136-54, 1972).

------- , “Al-Ash’arî’sKitâb al-hathth ‘alâ l-bahth ,” inEarly Islamic Theology , IX (pp. 83-152, 1988) [includes Arabic text].


Abû Hâmid al-Ghazâlî , Maladies de l’âme et maîtrise du coeur, livre XXII de l’”Ihyâ’ ‘Ulûm al-dîn” intitulé “Livre de la discipline de l’âme, de l’éducation des comportements moraux et du traitement des maladies du coeur”, intro., transl., and notes by Marie-Thérèse Hirsch, foreword by Maurice Borrmans (Patrimoines: Islam). Paris: Cerf, 2007, 192 pp., ISBN 978-2-204-08091-0.

al-Ghazâlî , “Concerning That on Which True Demonstration Is Based; The Incoherence of the Philosophers, “The First Discussion,” On Refuting Their Claim of the World’s Eternity; and On Power,” in Classical Arabic Philosophy: Anthology, pp. 238-65.

Ali , Zain Imtiaz, “Al-Ghazâlî and Schopenhauer on Knowledge and Suffering,”Philosophy East & West , 57 (2007): 409-19.

Brown , Jonathan A.C., “The Last Days of al-Ghazzâlî and the Tripartite Division of the Sufi World. Abû Hâmid al-Ghazzâlî’s letter to the Seljuq Vizier and Commentary,”The Mulsim World , 96 (2006): 89-113.

Campanini , Massimo, “I bei nomini di Dio: Teologia e filosofia in al-Ghazâlî,”Rivista di storia della filosofia , 61 (2006): 55-66.

Druart , Thérèse-Anne, “Al-Ghazâlî’s Conception of the Agent in theTahâfut and theIqtisâd : Are People Really Agentsa,” inArabic Theology, Arabic Philosophy , pp. 425-40.

Griffel , Frank, “The Introduction of Avicennian Psychology into Muslim Theological Discourse: The Case of al-Ghazâlî (d. 1111),” inIntellect et Imagination , vol. I, pp. 571-82.

Harvey , Steven &Manekin , Charles H., “The CuriousSegullat Melakhim by Abraham Avogdor,” inÉcriture et réécriture , pp. 215-52 [on theMaqâsid ].

Heath , Peter, “Reading al-Ghazâlî: The Case of Psychology,” inReason and Inspiration , pp. 185-99.

Leites , Adrien, “La règle de l’amour chez Ghazzâlî. À la rencontre d’une éthique duTawhîd ,”Arabica , 54 (2007): 25-66.

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