AL-MUQADDIMAH AL-AJURRUMIYYAH [On The Science Of Arabic Grammar]

AL-MUQADDIMAH AL-AJURRUMIYYAH [On The Science Of Arabic Grammar]0%

AL-MUQADDIMAH AL-AJURRUMIYYAH [On The Science Of Arabic Grammar] Author:
Translator: Amienoellah Abderoef
Category: Arabic Language and Literature

AL-MUQADDIMAH AL-AJURRUMIYYAH [On The Science Of Arabic Grammar]

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Translator: Amienoellah Abderoef
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AL-MUQADDIMAH AL-AJURRUMIYYAH [On The Science Of Arabic Grammar]

AL-MUQADDIMAH AL-AJURRUMIYYAH [On The Science Of Arabic Grammar]


This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

The Chapter on Identifying the ‘ALĀMĀT AL-I‘RĀB

For Raf‘ there are four ‘Alāmāt (signs): the Ḍammah, the Wāw, the Alif and the Nun.

As for the Ḍammah it is an ‘Alāmah of Raf‘ in four places:

in the Ism Mufrad (singular noun)[22]

the Jam‘ Taksīr (broken plural)

the Jam‘ Mu’annath Sālim (sound feminine plural), and

the Fi‘l Muḍāri‘ (present/future tense) that does not have anything attached to its ending[23] .

[E.g. يَسْأَل ُ المدرس ُ والطلاب ُ والطالباتُ    (The teacher, the male students and the female students ask)]

As for the Wāw it is an ‘Alāmah of Raf‘ in two places:

in the Jam‘ Muđakkar Sālim (sound masculine plural), and

in the Asmā’ Khamsah[24] (five nouns), and they are:

أبو ك                         (Yourfather )

أخو ك                        (Youbrother )

حمو ك                        (Youfather-in-law )

فو ك              (Yourmouth )

ذو مالٍ          (Possessor of money/wealth)

[E.g. جاء المدرسُو نَ وأبُو ك   (The teachers and your father came)]

As for the Alif it is an ‘Alāmah of Raf‘ in the Tathniyat al-Asmā’ (dual noun) specifically.

[E.g. جاء المدرسا ن والدرستا ن   (The two male teachers and the two female teachers came)]

As for the Nūn it is an ‘Alāmah of Raf‘ in the Fi‘l Muḍāri‘ that has the following (Ḍamā’ir: personal pronouns) suffixed to it:

the Ḍamīr Tathniya (personal pronoun of duality), or

the Ḍamīr Jam‘ (personal pronoun of the masculine plural) or

the Ḍamīr al-Mu’annathah al-Mukhāṭabah (personal pronoun of second person feminine singular).

[E.g. تجلسان يا طالبان ، تجلسون يا طلاّب، تجلسين يا طالبة   (You two students are sitting, You students are sitting, You female student are sitting)]

For Naṣb there are five ‘Alāmāt: the Fatḥah, the Alif the Kasrah, the Yā‘ and the Ḥađfu an-Nūn (dropping of the Nūn).

As for the Fatḥah it is an ‘Alāmah of Naṣb in three places:

in the Ism Mufrad (singular noun)

the Jam‘ Taksīr (broken plural), and

the Fi‘l Muḍāri‘ when it is preceded by a Nāṣib[25] and does not have anything attached to its ending.

[E.g. لن أسألَ المدرسَ والطلاّبَ   (I will not ask the teacher and the students)]

As for the Alif it is an ‘Alāmah of Naṣb in the Asmā’ Khamsah like

رأيتُ أبا ك وأخا ك   (I saw your father and your brother)

And what resembles that.

As for the Kasrah it is an ‘Alāmah of Naṣb in the Jam‘ Mu’annath Sālim.

[E.g.    سألتُ المدرساتِ (I asked the female teachers)]

As for the Yā’ it is an ‘Alāmah of Naṣb in:

the Tathniyah

the Jam‘ (Muđakkar Sālim).

[E.g. سألتُ الطالبَيـ نِ والمدرسِيـ نَ   (I asked the two students and the teachers)]

As for the Ḥađfu an-Nūn it is an ‘Alāmah of Naṣb in the Af‘āl Khamsah whose Raf‘ is with the Tabāt an-Nūn (fixing of the Nūn).

[E.g.  لن تجلسان يا طالبان،لن تجلسون   يا طلاّب،لن تجلسيـن   يا طالبة     

For Khafḍ there are three ‘Alāmat: the Kasrah, the Yā‘ and the Fatḥah.

As for the Kasrah it is an ‘Alāmah of Khafḍ in three places:

in the Ism Mufrad Munṣarif (fully-declinable/triptote singular noun)

the Jam‘ Taksīr Munṣarif (fully-declinable/triptote broken plural), and

the Jam‘ Mu’annath Sālim.

[E.g. سلّمْتُ على المدرسِ والطلابِ والطالباتِ   (I greeted the teacher, the male students and female students)]

As for the Ya’ it is an ‘Alāmah of Khafḍ in three places:

in Asmā’ Khamsah

in the Tathniyah, and

the Jam‘ (Muđakkar Sālim).

[E.g. سلّمْتُ على أبي ك والطالبَيـ نِ والمدرسِيـ نَ   (I greeted your father, the two students and the teachers)]

As for the Fatḥah it is an ‘Alāmah of Khafḍ in the al-Ism allađī lā yanṣarifu (the noun which is not fully-declinable/not triptote)[26] .

[E.g. سلّمْتُ على أحمدَ وعلماءَ من مصرَ   (I greeted Ahmad and scholars from Egypt)]

For Jazm there are ‘Alāmatān (two signs): the Sukūn and Ḥađf.

As for the Sukūn it is an ‘Alāmah of Jazm in the Fi‘l Muḍāri‘ Ṣaḥīḥ al-Ākhir (present/future tense verb that has a strong/sound ending).

[E.g.  لم أَسْأَلْ   (I did not asked)]

As for Ḥađf it is an ‘Alāmah of Jazm in:

the Fi‘l Muḍāri‘ Mu‘tall al-Ākhir (present/future tense verb that has a weak ending)

in the Af‘āl whose Raf‘ is with the Tabāt an-Nūn.

[E.g.  يا محمد، لم تدعُـو ولم ترمِـي ولم تنسَـى  (Muhammad, you did not call, you did not

throw and you did not forget)]

[E.g.  لم تجلسان يا طالبان لم تجلسون يا طلاّب، لم تجلسيـن يا طالبة،     

(You female student did not sit, You male students did not sit and You two students did not sit)]


The Mu‘rabāt (declinable words) are two groups: a group that is declined with Ḥarakāt[27] (vowels)[28] and a group that is declined with Ḥurūf (letters)[29] .

That which is declined with Ḥarakāt is of four types:

the Ism Mufrad

the Jam‘ Taksīr

the Jam‘ Mu’annath Sālim, and

the Fi‘l Muḍāri‘ that does not have anything suffixed to it.

All of them are declined with a Ḍammah for Raf‘, a Fatḥah for Naṣb, a Kasrah for Khafḍ and a Sukūn for Jazm.

Three things are excluded from this (norm/general rule):

the Jam‘ Mu’annath Sālim which is declined with a Kasrah for Naṣb (instead of the normal Fatḥah)

the al-Ism allađī lā yanṣarifu which is declined with a Fatḥah for Khafḍ (instead of the normal Kasrah)

the Fi‘l Muḍāri‘ Mu‘tall al-Ākhir which is declined with the Ḥađf al-Ākhir for Jazm (instead of the normal Sukūn).

That which is declined with Ḥurūf is of four types:

the Tathniyah

the Jam‘ Muđakkar Sālim

the Asmā’ Khamsah[30]

the Af‘āl Khamsah[31] , and they are:

يفعلان، تفعلان، يفعلون، تفعلون، تفعلين

As for the Tathniyah it is Marfū‘ with the Alif, Manṣūb and Makhfūḍ with the Yā’[32] .

As for the Jam‘ Muđakkar Salim it is Marfu‘ with the Waw, Manṣub and Makhfuḍ with the Yā’[33] .

As for the Asmā’ Khamsah it is Marfū‘ with the Wāw, Manṣūb with the Alif and Makhfūḍ with the Yā’.

As for the Af‘āl Khamsah it is Marfū‘ with the Nūn, Manṣūb and Majzūm with the Ḥađf thereof.

The Chapter on the AF‘ĀL

The Af‘āl are three: Māḍi, Muḍāri‘ and the Amr, example:        ضَرَبَ - يَضْرِبُ - اِضْرِبْ

(Hehit - hehits /will hit -Hit !)[34]

The Māḍi ends perpetually in a Fatḥah[35] .

The Amr is perpetually Majzūm[36] (i.e. it declined by means of a sign of Jazm).

The Muḍāri‘ is that which has at its beginning one of the four additional letters brought together in your statement: [37] (ت،ي،ن،أ)  أنيت   and it is perpetually Marfū‘ unless it is preceded by a Nāṣib (a particle causing Naṣb) or Jāzim (a word causing Jazm).

The Nawāṣib (the plural of Nāṣib) are ten[38] , and they are:

أن[39]                           (أريدأن أذْهَبَ إلى المسجد) (I wantto go the mosque)

لن                             ( لن أتركَ الصلاة) (Iwill not abandon prayer)

إذنْ  {إذن تنجحَ (لمن يقول: سأجتهد)} {In that case you will seek (for someone who says: ‘I will work hard’)}

كي                          (خُلِقْنَاكَيْ نعبدَ اللهَ) (We were createdto worship Allah)

لام "كي" (the Lām of  "كيْ"  i.e. the Lām that conveys the meaning of causation)           

(أًسافر إلى مكةَ ل ـأطلبَ العلمَ النافعَ) (I travel to Makkahto seek beneficial knowledge)

لام الجحود (the Lām of Denial i.e. the Lām reinforces prior Negation)

                               (لم يكن الله ل يغفرَ لهم) (Allah never intendedto forgive them)

حتّى                          (سأجتهدحتى أنجحَ) (I will work harduntil I succeed)

الجواب بالفاء (the complement of the Fā’[40] )

       (لا تكسلْف ترسبَ) (Do not be lazyand you will fail)

الجواب بـ"الواو" (the complement of the Wāw)

       (لا تتكلمو تأكلّ الطعامَ) (Do not speakwhile eating)

أوْ[41]                      (اُعْبُدِ اللهَأو تموتَ) (Worship Allahuntil you die)

The Jawāzim (the plural of Jāzim) are eighteen[42] , and they are:

لمْ              (لم يلدْ ولم يولدْ) (He doesnot beget and He wasnot begotten)

لماّ              (لما أبدأْ بالمراجعة) (I havenot started with revisionyet )

ألمْ             (ألم نشرحْ لك صدرك) (Have Inot opened for you your chest?)

ألماّ             (ألما تقرأْ كل القرآن) (Have younot read the whole Qur’anyet )

لام الأمر والدعاء  (Lāmof Command and Supplication)

( ل ينفقْ ذو سعة من سعته) (Let every possessor of wealth spend of his wealth)

"لا" في النهي والدعاء  (Lā used in Prohibition and Supplication)

(ل ا تغضبْ) (Do not get angry)

إنْ             (إن تجتهدْ تنجحْ) (If you work hard you will succeed)

ما    (ما تفعلْ من خير تجدْه عند الله) (Whatever you do of good you will find it with Allah)

منْ            ( من يَرحَمْ يُرحَمْ) (Whosoever shows mercy will be shown mercy too)

مهما          (مهما تفعلْ تُسألْ عنه) (Whatever you do you will be asked about it)

إذما           (إذْما تذكرْ ربك يذكرْكَ) (If you remember you Lord He will remember you)

أيّ   (أيُّ عالمٍ يتكبرْ يُبغضْه اللهُ) (Any scholar who keeps himself haughty Allah hates him)

متى            (متى تحسدْ تهلكْ) (Whenever you are envious you will be destroyed)

أيّان  (أيانَ تستغفرْ ربك يغفرْ لك ذنوبك) (Whenever you ask your Lord’s Forgiveness He will forgive you your sins)

أين            (أينما تنزلْ تُكرَمْ) (Wherever you reside you will be honoured)

أنّى            (أنى تسكنْ يُكرِمْك الناس) (Wherever you live people will honour you)

حيثما                   (حيثما تعملْ يُكتَبْ عملُك) (Whatever you do then your deed will be recorded)

كيفما                   (كيفما تُعاملْ أخاك يُعاملْك) (However you treat your brother he will treat you)

إذَا (Iđā used in poetry specifically)

( استغنِ ما أغناك ربك بالغنى *وإذا تُصِبْك خصاصة فتحمَّلِ )

(Seek wealth for as long as your Lord enriches you with wealth

Andwhen poverty strikes you then persevere)

The Chapter on the MARFŪ‘ĀT AL-ASMĀ’[43]

(the Places of RAF‘ in the ISM)

The Marfū‘āt are seven, and they are:

The Fā‘il (doer),

the Maf‘ūl (direct object) whose Fā‘il is not named or mentioned),

the Mubtada’ (subject),

its Khabar (predicate),

the Ism (noun) of Kāna and its sisters, and

the Khabar (predicate) of Inna and its sisters,

the Tābi‘ (follower or modifier) of the Marfū‘, and it is four things: the (1) Na‘t (qualifying adjective or descriptive noun), (2) ‘Aṭf (conjunction), (3) Taukīd (corroborative) and (4) Badal (substitute).

The Chapter on the FĀ‘IL

The Fā‘il is an Ism that is Marfū‘ and has its Fi‘l mentioned before it.

It is of two types: Ḍāhir (substantive noun) and Muđmar (personal pronoun).

The Ḍāhir is like when you say[44] :

قامزيد                                   (Zayd stood)

يقومزيد                      (Zayd stands)

قامالزيدان                   (The two Zayds stood)

يقومالزيدان                 (The two Zayds stand)

قامالزيدون                  [The Zayds (pl.) stood]

يقومالزيدون                [The Zayds (pl.) stand]

قامالرجال                   [The men (pl.) stood]

يقومالرجال                 [The men (pl.) stand]

قامتهند                   (Hind stood)

تقومهند                     (Hind stands)

قامتالهندان               (The two Hinds stood)

تقومالهندان                 (The two Hinds stand)

قامتالهندات              (The Hinds (pl.) stood]

تقومالهندات                [The Hinds (pl.) stand]

قامتالهنود                 [The Hinds (pl.) stood]

تقومالهنود                   (The Hinds (pl.) stand)

قامأخو ك                    (Your brother stood)

يقومأخو ك                  (Your brother stands)

قامغلام ي                  (My servant stood)

يقومغلام ي                (My servant stands)

and what is similar to that.

The Muđmar is twelve[45] like when you say:

ضَربتُ                                 (I hit)

ضَربنَا                                   (We hit)

ضَربتَ                                 [You (masc. sing.) hit]

ضَربتِ                                 [You (fem. sing.) hit]

ضَربتُمَا                      [You (masc./fem. dual) hit]

ضَربتُمْ                                   [You (masc. pl.) hit]

ضَربتُنَّ                      [You (fem. pl.) hit]

ضَربَ (هُوَ )                 (He hit)

ضَربتْ (هِيَ )               (She hit)

ضَربَا                                  [They (masc. dual) hit][46]

ضَربُوْ ا                                [They (masc. pl.) hit]

ضَربْنَ                                [They (fem. pl.) hit]



(Maf‘ūl whose Fā‘il is not named)

It is an Ism that is Marfū‘ whose Fā‘il is not mentioned with it.

If the Fi‘l is:

Māḍī its initial letter[48] is marked with a Ḍammah and what is before its final letter is marked with a Kasrah,

and if it is:

Muḍāri‘ its first letter is marked with a Ḍammah and what[49] is before its final letter is marked with a Fatḥah.

It is of two types: Ḍāhir and Muđmar.

The Ḍāhir is like when you say:

ضُربزيدٌ                    (Zayd was hit)

يُضرَبزيدٌ                  (Zayd is/will be hit)

أُكرِمعمروٌ                  (‘Amr was honoured)

يُكرَم عمروٌ                  (‘Amr is/will be honoured)

and what is similar to that.

The Muđmar is twelve, like when you say:

ضُرِبتُ                                 [I (masc./fem.) was hit]

ضُرِبنَا                                   [We (masc./fem. dual/pl.) were hit]

ضُرِبتَ                                 [You (masc. sing.) were hit]

ضُرِبتِ                                 [You (fem. sing.) were hit]

ضُرِبتُمَا                      [You (masc./fem. dual) were hit]

ضُرِبتُمْ                                   [You (masc. pl.) were hit]

ضُرِبتُنَّ                      [You (fem. pl.) were hit]

ضُرِبَ (هُوَ )                 (He was hit)

ضُرِبتْ (هِيَ )               (She was hit)

ضُرِبَا                                    [They (masc. dual) were hit]

ضُرِبُوْ ا                                [They (masc. pl.) were hit]

ضُرِب نَ                                   [They (fem. pl.) were hit]

The Chapter on the MUBTADA’ and the KHABAR

The Mubtada’ is an Ism that is Marfū‘ and is stripped of verbally expressed ‘Awāmil[50] .

The Khabar is an Ism that is Marfū‘ and is predicated to it (i.e. the Mubtada’, so as to give information about it) like when you say:

زيدقائم                      (Zaydis standing )

الزيدانقلئمان (The two Zaydsare standing )

الزيدونقائمون             [The Zayds (pl.)are standing ]

and structures similar to that.

The Mubtada’ is (of) two types: Ḍāhir and Muđmar.

The Ḍāhir has (already) been mentioned.

The Muđmar is twelve and they are:

أنا                            [I (masc. fem.)]

نحن                           [We (masc./fem. dual/pl.)]

أنتَ                          [You (masc. sing.)]

أنتِ                          [You (fem. sing.)]

أنتُما                         [You (masc./fem. dual)]

أنتُمْ                          [You (masc. pl.)]

أنتُنَّ                          [You (fem. pl.)]

هو                            He

هي                           She

هما                            [They (masc. dual)]

همْ                            [They (masc. pl.)]

هنَّ                           [They (fem. pl.)]

Like when you say:

أنا قائم                                  [I (masc.) am standing]

نحن قائمون                [We (masc. pl.) are standing]

The Khabar is (of) two types: Mufrad (single word) and Ghayr al-Mufrad (not a single word i.e. compound).

The Mufrad is like:

زيدقائم                      (Zaydis standing )

The Ghayr al-Mufrad is four things:

the Jarr wa Majrūr

the Ẓarf

the Fi‘l with its Fā‘il

the Mubtada’ with its Khabar

زيدفي الدار                 (Zaydis in the house )

زيد عندك                    (Zaydis with you )

زيدقام أبوه                  (Zayd,his father is standing )

زيدجاريتُه ذاهبةٌ           (Zayd,his maid is going )