A Hundred and One Rules in Arabic Grammar!
Author: Mohammed Jiyad
Publisher: www.mtholyoke.edu
Category: Arabic Language and Literature
Author: Mohammed Jiyad
Publisher: www.mtholyoke.edu
Category: visits: 8179
Download: 4290
- 1. The Arabic Alphabet
- 2. The Arabic Consonatial System
- 3. One Direction Connectors
- 4. Emphatic Consonants
- 5. Short Vowels in Arabic
- 6. Nunation
- 7. The Shadda
- 8. The Sun Letters
- 9. The Moon Letters
- 10. Arabic Syntax
- 11. The Definite Article in Arabic
- 12. The Arabic Morphology
- 13. The Feminine Marker
- 14. The Personal pronouns
- 15. All countries, towns, villages, etc
- 16. Definiteness in Arabic
- 17. The Nisba
- 18. Long vowel to a Diphthong
- 19. The Possessive pronouns
- 20. Sentences in Arabic
- 21. The Vocative Particle يا
- 22. Idaafa الاضافة
- 23. The Simple Idaafa
- 24. The Diptotes
- 25. Demonstrative Pronouns
- 26. The Equational Sentences
- 27. Interrogative Particles. أ / هل
- 28. Indefinite Noun Subject
- 29. Negating Equational Sentences
- 30. The Subject markers
- 32. Interrogative Particles أ / هل (revisited)
- 33. The Idaafa (revisited)
- 34. Verb-Subject Agreement
- 35. A Transitive Verb
- 36. Helping Vowels
- 37. Object Pronouns
- 38. The word ما
- 39. The Cluster Buster
- 40. Negation of Past Tense Verbs
- 41. هُنا / هُناكَ
- 42. کُلُّ
- 43. The conjunction ( و)
- 44. Definiteness in Arabic (Revisited)
- 45. Emphasis/Contrast
- 46. The Defacto Case of the Noun and Adjective
- 47. لِماذا (why)
- 48. When it means “how many,” کَم
- 49. Numbers
- 50. Plurals
- 51. Numbers (Revisited)
- 52. أيَّـةُ / أيُّ
- 53. Verb Object Pronouns
- 54. Object Pronouns of Prepositions
- 55. Prepositions
- 56. Feminine Sound Plurals
- 57. The Roots
- 58. The Verb Form Numbers
- 59. The Phonological Environment for Form VIII Verb
- 60. Non-human Plurals
- 62. The Conjunction لکنَّ
- 63. The Singular Subject and its mood markers
- 64. The Plural Subject and mood markers
- 65. The Present Tense of the Arabic verb
- 66. The Moods. The Present tense verb in Arabic has three moods
- 67. Vowels of the Present Tense Verb
- 68. حتـَّی
- 69. Negation of Present and Future Tense Verbs
- 70. The Sick Verbs الافعال المعتلة
- 72. The Plural Vocatives أيـُّها and أيـَّتـُها
- 73. Masculine Sound Plural
- 74. Negation of the Future Tense (Revisited)
- 75. Verbs with Two Objects
- 76. The Semi-Diptotes
- 77. کانَ & her Sisters (أصبحَ ، بَقيَ ، ما زالَ ، ظلَّ ، صارَ ، لـَيسَ)
- 78. Nouns are said to be in Apposition البَدَل
- 79. The Moody Present Tense
- 80. In the Subjunctive Mood
- 81. أن
- 83. The Nominalizer إنَّ & her Sisters ( لعلَّ ، أنَّ ، کأنَّ ، لکنَّ ، لأنَّ )
- 84. Adjectives
- 85. کانَ& her Sisters (Revisited)
- 86. Phony/Fake Idaafa
- 87. If the Perfect Particle قد
- 88. The Verbal Noun المَصدَر
- 89. Forms of Verbal Nouns
- 90. The Dropping of the Shadda of إنَّ and her sisters لکنَّ ، کأنَّ ، أنَّ
- 91. The Relative Pronouns ضَمائرَ الوصل
- 92. ما (Revisited)
- 93. The Cognate Accusative المَفعولُ المُطلق
- 94. The noun نـَفسُ
- 95. The Emphasis التوکيد
- 96. غيرُ
- 97. The Imperative Mood
- 98
- 99. The preposition مُنذ
- 100. The Apposition البَدَل (Revisted)
- 101. Verbs of Beginning. Past tense verbs like بَدأ ، أخَذَ ، جَعَلَ
- 102. The Active Participle إسمُ الفاعِل
- 103. The Derivation of the Active Participle
- 104. The nouns أبٌ and أخٌ
- 105. The Haal Construction الحال
- 106. The Passive Participle إسم المَفعول
- 107. The Derivation of Passive Participle إسم المَفعول
- 108. Negation Particle لـَيسَ (Revisited)
- 109. The Accusative of Distinction (Revisited) ألتمييز
- 110. Particles of Exception أدوات الأستثناء
- 111. The Accusative of Purpose المفعول لأجله
- 112. The Absolute Negation
- Functional Arabic Verbs List
- The Pedagogy Section
- The Explicit/Implicit Controversy
- Reformulating Grammar Instruction
- Basic Principles of Whole Language Teaching
- A Model for Integrating Form in a Whole Language Approach
- 1. Presentation of Meaningful Language
- 2. Attention
- 3. Co-construct an Explanation
- 4. Extension Activity
- References