Woman’s Value and Role

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Publisher: Al-Maaref Islamic Cultural Association
Category: Woman

Woman’s Value and Role

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

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Woman’s Value and Role
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Woman’s Value and Role

Woman’s Value and Role

Publisher: Al-Maaref Islamic Cultural Association

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

For Reading

Fatima ibnat Asad

Fatima ibnat Asad is the wife of the Sheikh of Al-Bat’hah ]the level land], Abou Taleb. She is the mother of The Prince of the Believers Imam Ali ibn Abi Taleb(God’s peace bestowed upon him) and Taleb and Akeel and Jaafar. And she is the one who brought up God’s prophet Mohammad ibn Abdullah(God’s prayers and peace bestowed upon him and his Household) after his grandfather Abdul Mouttaleb had died, putting him ahead of her four children in her tenderness, motherhood, and noble sympathetic affection.

How graceful the talk of The Noblest Prophet(God’s prayers and peace bestowed upon him and his Household) is when he describes her in his saying, “She was, among all God’s creatures, the kindest one to me. She was my mother next to my mother who gave birth to me. Abou Taleb used to do his work, and the table used to be prepared for him, and he used to gather us to his food. This woman used to keep a part of the food, so that I would eat from it.”

What also indicates this is what the historiographers and the biographers related as regards what he(God’s prayers and peace bestowed upon him and his Household) did when she died. The chronicles relate that he(God’s prayers and peace bestowed upon him and his Household) “shrouded her with his noble shirt. He lay in her tomb. And then he exclaimed seventy times, ‘God is Great’ when he prayed on her: an act he did with none but with her.” After that, God’s prophet(God’s prayers and peace bestowed upon him and his Household) said, “The angels filled the horizon. A door of Heaven was opened for her. The beds of Heaven were prepared for her. And an aroma from Heaven was sent to her: She is in an ease and spirituality and a Heaven of blessing; and her tomb is a yard from Heaven.”

One of the companions of The Concluding Prophet was astonished of that, so he asked him about the reason. God’s prophet(God’s prayers and peace bestowed upon him and his Household) answered, “Nobody, after Abi Taleb, was kinder to me than she was.”

The history recorded several points for this model woman, among which are the following:

Ibn Abbas related that the following noble verse descended in reference to her: (O Prophet! When believing women come to you to give you the pledge, that they will not associate anything in worship with Allah, that they will not steal, that they will not commit illegal sexual intercourse, that they will not kill their children, that they will not utter slander, intentionally forging falsehood ]i. e. by making illegal children belonging to their husbands], and that they will not disobey you in any good deed, then accept their  pledge, and ask Allah to forgive them, Verily, Allah is Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful)[22].

She is the mother of The Prince of the Believers Imam Ali Al-Mourtada(God’s peace bestowed upon him) . She gave birth to him inside Noble Kaaba, which is an excellence God granted to nobody but her: God, in an act of honoring her, split for her the wall of Al-Kaaba, thus giving her the permission to give birth to her blessed baby there.

Lesson Two: Woman’s Rights

When we talked about the woman’s value in Islam, we mentioned that the human type is the one which is designed to carry the divine authority and the one who can cover the levels of perfection. This applies to both the man and the woman.

This does not mean that there is no difference between the man and the woman; they, however, differ in the physiological and psychological capabilities. Yet, this difference is not linked to the aspect of deficiency or perfection; it is, however, a matter of equivalence and adequateness. The law of creation aims from this difference at the establishment of a higher adequateness between the man and the woman who are meant for a common life. The bachelorhood life is but a deviation from the law of creation. This concept will be more clarified later on when the forms of difference are going to be analyzed.

The Forms of Difference

Looking for the difference between the man and the woman is not a recent issue. In fact, it goes back in history to more than 2400 years. Plato insisted on the presence of a qualitative difference between the man and the woman. Also, his student Aristotle assured the presence of difference in his saying, “The quality of the woman’s capabilities differs from that of the man. Moreover, the duties and responsibilities which are imposed by the law of creation on each of them differ. And the various rights which the law of creation demands for each one of them differ.” The scholars and the philosophers who succeeded Aristotle gave his theories preference to those of Plato.[23]

As regards our present age with its scientific progress, the difference between the man and the woman has turned to be specific and clear as a result of the reliance on observation, experience, statistics, and field study.

Here we mention the differences which we have collected from what the researchers have said.

From the Physiological Aspect

1- The man in general is characterized by a huge body whereas the woman is not so.

2- The man is coarser while the woman is softer. The man’ s voice is huger and coarser while that of the woman is kinder and softer.

3- The woman grows up faster than the man does, but the muscular growth of the man is more than that of the growth of the woman’ s muscles and body.

4- The woman reaches the sexual maturity faster than the man does. In addition, the woman turns to be unable to bring children( i. e. barren) faster than the man does.

5- The child girl starts to talk faster than the child boy starts to.

7- The man’ s lung has a greater capacity for air than the woman’ s lung has.

8- The beats of the woman’ s heart are faster than those of the man’ s heart.

From the Psychological Aspect

1- The man inclines to the sports and hunting and motive actions than the woman does.

2- The man’ s feelings are opposing and military whereas the woman’ s feelings are peaceful. The woman keeps from using violence towards the others and towards her own self; as a result, the percentage of the women’ s suicide declines. Men’ s suicide is much uglier since they commit suicide by means of shooting themselves or jumping from a very high place. On the other hand, the women commit suicide by means of taking in sleeping pills or narcotic materials.

3- The woman is more passive than the man is i. e. she gets under

the influence of her feelings more than the man does.

4- The woman, on the contrary of the man, is greatly interested in beauty, adornment, and the different fashion styles.

5 -The woman is more cautious, fearful, and eloquent than the man is.

6- The woman’ s emotions are motherly, and this appears since childhood. Moreover, the woman is more related to the family, and she unconsciously notices the importance of the milieu of the family before the man does.

7 - In general, the woman does not reach the level which the man reaches with respect to the evidential sciences and the dry mental issues. Yet, she is equal to him with respect to the fields of literature, art, and all the issues which are related to taste and affection.

8- The man is more capable of keeping a secret and of keeping the disturbing news for himself. As a result, he is more fast afflicted with the illness resulted from keeping the secrets.

From the Aspect of the Exchanged Emotions

The man aims at accompanying the woman and at putting her at his command whereas the woman aims at winning the man’s heart and at dominating him through his heart. He, therefore, wants to control her from above while she wants to penetrate into his heart. The woman looks for courage and manliness in the man; on the other hand, the man looks for beauty and affection in the woman.

How To Examine the Rights?

There are two points that must be taken in consideration when we examine the woman’s rights. They are:

1-Adequateness Not Equality

On the basis of the already mentioned differences between the man and the woman, it is noticed that what adequates to the woman may not adequate to the man, and vice versa. From here, it is not required that we apply the situation of the woman on that of the man or the situation of the man on that of the woman. What is required is to specify each one of them with what adequates to him/

her physiological and psychological characteristics. Adequateness, therefore, and not equality between the man and the woman is what is required.

2-The Comprehensive View of the Rules

The fragmental view may be a major cause for not comprehending the Islamic legislation, for Islam is characterized by the comprehensive legislation. If we want to consider a certain issue, we must consider it within the frame of the whole system of the doctrine and not alone regardless of everything else related to it. Therefore, when we examine these rights about which the questions are raised, we must consider them with respect to the issues related to them.

On the basis of these two points, we move to shed light on some terms that are brought up concerning the woman’s rights.


It is doubtless that polygamy is permitted in Islam. The Most High God says, (And if you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly with the orphan­ girls, then marry women of your choice, two or three, or four but if you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly ]with them], then only one or ]the captives and the slaves] that your right hands possess. That is nearer to prevent you from doing injustice)[24].

In addition to this, there is a long chronicle about the Muslims who performed polygamy without The Prophet(God’s prayers and peace bestowed upon him and his Household) or the Imams(God’s peace bestowed upon them) objecting to that. Even more, The Prophet(God’s prayers and peace bestowed upon him and his Household) and the Imams(God’s peace bestowed upon them) used, in certain conditions, to suffice with one wife but used, in other conditions, to get married to more than one woman. Therefore, doubting Islam’s opinion about polygamy is just an unreasonable contention that has no evidence to support it.

The question set forth in this issue is not related to Islam’s opinion as we have just mentioned; it is related to the wisdom of the permissibility of polygamy. Why did Islam enact such an issue?

It is necessary that polygamy remain permissible in order to effectuate justice among the women on one hand and in order to solve the social problems that may become serious on another hand. This is so because there is a problem that has two faces:

1- The percentage of women is more than that of men. This is so because death attacks men much more than it attacks women, especially in youthhood as a result of wars which men usually confront and as a result of going out for work, in addition to the other risks to which the man is exposed more than the woman is.

2- Every woman has the right to establish a family on a religious and legal basis. The woman has the right to build her own family. Had the men’ s number been equal to the women’ s number, we would have been able to say that this right of the woman is reserved even without polygamy. Yet we know, by means of the scientific statistics, that the just opposite is true. The number of the women is much more than that of men, so preventing polygamy will necessarily mean closing the door before many women and depriving them of their right to establish their families. Therefore, calling for the prevention of polygamy is a sort of individual selfishness that the married woman falls in on the account of the other women who will not be able to get married.

The doctrine, on the basis of its balanced look that aims at achieving justice at least on the level of providing all the women with the opportunity to get married, leaves this door open.

The Man’s Superintendence over the Woman

The Most High God says in His Glorious Book, (Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has made one of them to excel the other, and because they spend from their means…)[25]In order to illustrate this term, we must take into consideration that the family is a small social unit which, as is the case with the large society, needs a leader and a person who is in charge of its affairs.

The man’s superintendence over the woman is based on two supports:

1-…) because Allah has made one of them to excel the other…) This preference is not one of spiritual value but one of practical merit by which the man is distinguished and which makes him eligible for superintendence. This is related to the traits by which the man is characterized and those by which the woman is characterized. The woman, on the contrary of the man, is usually passive due to the agitated affection she has.

2-…) and because they spend from their means…) The expense on the house is the duty of the man and not that of the woman. It is natural that the one who carries the responsibility of expense on any enterprise is more entitled to superintend it.


The Most High God says in His Noble Book, (There is a share for men and a share for women from what is left by parents and those nearest related, whether, the property be small or large - a legal share).[26]Islam legislated the inheritance for the woman as it did for the man and determined a portion for each one of them. But there is a distinguishing feature concerning the inheritance of the children i. e. they do not inherit equal portions, for the male receives double what the female receives. The Most High God says, (Allah commands you as regards your children’s ]inheritance]; to the male, a portion equal to that of two females…)[27]

Why is there such a difference between them as regards the inheritance?

The cause of this difference is manifested through the consideration of two points:

1- The man is responsible for spending on the family and providing for its materialistic needs; on the other hand, the woman is not responsible for that. Even more, it is the responsibility of the man, whether being a father or a husband, to provide for the woman’ s personal needs. Moreover, The Most High God

2 - The man is the one who pays the dowry to the woman in the marriage contract. This, in turn, supports the presence of privileges in the distribution of finances, so that there will be harmony between the incomes and the expenses.

A great percentage of what the man inherits will go back to the woman as a daughter or a wife whom he has to spend on. On the other hand, the money which the woman inherits remains completely for her with nobody having the right to share it with her.

Therefore, when we consider the inheritance as one of the financial incomes, we must consider it with respect to the system of incomes and expenses in the Islamic law, so that a kind of equivalence between them will be procured.


There are differences between the man and the woman with respect to the physiological and psychological capabilities. Yet this difference is not linked to the aspect of deficiency or perfection; it is, however, a matter of equivalence and adequateness. The law of creation aims from this difference at the establishment of a higher adequateness between the man and the woman who are meant for a common life.

Looking for the difference between the man and the woman is not a recent issue; in fact, it goes back in history to more than 2400 years.

The fragmental view may be a major cause for not comprehending the Islamic legislation, for Islam is characterized by the comprehensive legislation. We must consider the issue of the man and the woman within the frame of the whole doctrine and not alone regardless of everything else related to it.

Preferring the man to the woman in the Saying of The Most High God (… because Allah has made one of them to excel the other…)[28]is not one of spiritual value but of practical merit by which the man is distinguished and which makes him eligible for superintendence. This is related to the traits by which the man is characterized and to those by which the woman is characterized.

There is a distinguishing feature concerning the inheritance of the children i. e. they do not inherit equal portions, for the male receives double what the female receives. This difference has many causes, among which is the following: the man is responsible for spending on the family and for providing for its materialistic needs whereas the woman is not responsible for this. A great percentage of what the man inherits will go back to the woman as a daughter or a wife whom he has to spend on. On the other hand, the money which the woman inherits remains completely for her with nobody having the right to share it with her.

Comprehension Questions

1- Mention some physiological differences between the man and the woman.

2- Mention some psychological differences between the man and the woman.

3- What is the wisdom implied in the permissibility of polygamy?

4- Why does the male inherit double what the female inherits?

5- What is meant by the following noble verse: (… because Allah has made one of them to excel the other… )?

For Reading

Om Kolthoum

Sayyda Om Kolthoum is the daughter of Imam Ali ibn Abi Taleb(God’s peace bestowed upon him) and Sayyda Fatima Al-Zahraa(God’s peace bestowed upon her) . She is a woman who struggled for God’s sake by means of words and deeds. She is next to Sayyda Zeinab(God’s peace bestowed upon her) in age and honor, and she is her partner in carrying the burden which Sayyda Zeinab(God’s peace bestowed upon her) carried after the martyrdom of Imam Al-Houssein(God’s peace bestowed upon him) in Karbalaa.

Sayyda Om Kolthoum entered Al-Koufa during the regime of her father The Prince of the Believers(God’s peace bestowed upon him) after he had declared it as a capital for his state. She lived in his modest house and learnt on him the loftiest morals.

Yet when she entered Al-Koufa for the second time, she entered it as a captive with the captives of Karbalaa. She entered it with the heads of her brother Imam Al-Houssein(God’s peace bestowed upon him) and the martyrs raised over the spears and with the people watching them. She was greatly affected with what she saw, with the people’s pity on them, and with the people’s offering of bread and date for the children. She used to take away the alms from the children’s mouths and hands while saying, “O, People of Al-Koufa, giving alms to us is ]religiously] forbidden.”

Then, she addressed them with a speech from which we mention the following:“O, People of Al-Koufa! Shame on you. What is the matter with you? You disappointed Al-Houssein and killed him. You robbed his money and inherited him. And you took his women as captives and distressed him. Woe to you and away with you! Do you know what an evil you did? . .”

Her speeches, along the path of captivity, uncovered the evil policies which were conspiring against Islam and its prominent characters. Moreover, she spread among the people a poetry in which she aroused the emotions, so that the nation would wake up from its slumber to face the oppression of the Omawwyeet. From that poetry is the following:

We are the lost with no guardian

And we are lamenting on our brother

We are riding on mounts

Carried on the camels of the detesters

We are the daughters of Ya’seen* and Ta’ha* [29]

And we are weeping on our father

Oh our grandfather! They killed Houssein

And did not consider God in us

Oh our grandfather! Our enemies attained

Their wishes and avenged themselves from us.

This is Om Kolthoum, the woman who teaches the women how to struggle for God’s sake by means of the word and the attitude.

Lesson Three: Woman’s Learning

Importance of Learning

We might not come across such a consecration of learning and such a call for it among all the religions and sects and creeds as they are spot in Islam. Even more, the first verse addressed to The Greatest Prophet(God’s prayers and peace bestowed upon him and his Household) when the revelation came down on him was:(Read! In the Name of your Lord, Who has created * Has created man from a clot * Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous * Who has taught by the pen * Has taught man that which he knew not) .[30]

The Most High God joined the reading with the mentioning of Him in order to indicate the relationship between learning and the belief in The Most Glorious and Reverent God.

Then, He made learning one of the standards of preference among the people; The Most High God says,(…Say: «Are those who know equal to those who know not? »…) [31]  Then, He praised  the learners and raised them to special ranks:(Allah will exalt in degree those of you who believe, and those who have been granted knowledge) [32]to the extent that losing them turned to be a gap which can be closed by nothing.

It is ascribed to The Prince of the Believers Imam Ali Al-Mourtada(God’s peace bestowed upon him) that he said, “The learning believer is more rewarded than the one fasting and praying and fighting for God’s sake is. When he ]the learning believer] dies, a gap opens in Islam which is to be closed by nothing till the Day of Resurrection”[33].

Why did The Most High God attach such an importance to learning? And why did He endow the learner with all this spiritual essence, ranks, and honor?

Its Necessity for the Human Being

This interest in learning did not originate from nothing. This interest has specific significations to which the narratives referred. Learning is intricately associated to the true divine religion that came down from The Most High God. The Noblest Prophet (God’s prayers and peace  bestowed upon him and his Household) referred to this association in his saying, “Learning is the life of Islam and the prop of religion” [34].

The Most High God is The Truth. As the human being acquires more knowledge and insight, he/ she draws nearer to The Truth. The Most High God says, (And those who have been given knowledge see that what is revealed to you from your Lord is the truth, and guides to the Path of the Exalted in Might, Owner of all praise)[35]. Also, The Most High God says, (And that those who have been given knowledge may know that it  is the truth from your Lord, and that they may believe therein, and their hearts may submit to it with humility. And verily, Allah is the Guide of those who believe, to the Straight Path)[36].

Learning is not restricted to a certain topic rather than another topic or to a certain level of knowledge rather than another level; it is, therefore, good wherever it takes place. It is related in the narrative ascribed to The Prince of the Believers(God’s peace bestowed upon him) that he said, “Learning is the source of every good; on the other hand, ignorance is the source of every evil.”[37]

Here, we are going to reflect upon some roles of learning.

1- Acquisition of Knowledge

Knowledge is demanded for itself; thus it needs nothing else to justify it, especially as regards the basic lores which are related to the creation and the hereafter. Henceforth, The Noble Qur’an teaches us never to get quenched from knowledge but to ask always for more. The Most High God says, (And say: «My Lord! Increase me in knowledge)[38].

2- Prerequisite for the Work

Any deed, whether insignificant or great, needs scientific premises which as the human being gets more acquainted with them and works being guided by them, his/ her work becomes more masterfully and subtle. It is related in the narrative ascribed to The Noblest Prophet(God’s prayers and peace bestowed upon him and his Household) that he said, “…God likes that when a human being performs a work to master it.”[39]

3- Rationality for the Society

If ignorance were the characteristic of the societies, it is doubtless that the rule would be for none but for the law of the jungle. The ignorant person, in his nature, is not deterred by reason but is deterred when he senses a power greater than his.

We refer here to the narrative ascribed to The Prince of the Believers(God’s peace bestowed upon him) in which he said, “The ignorant is not deterred even by the sharpness of the swords.” [40]

4- A Solution for All the Problems

Wherever ignorance penetrates, corruption accompanies it. As a result, we may find out a lot of the social problems originating from ignorance and lack of learning. It is ascribed to The Prince of the Believers(God’s peace bestowed upon him) that he said, “Ignorance is the corruption of every matter.”[41]

Learning Is Not Exclusive to the Man

Is it possible, after having realized the association of learning to religion and knowing The Most High God and to the masterfulness of deeds and the guidance of the society and after having realized that ignorance is the origin of corruption, to make learning exclusive to the man and to deprive the woman of it?

If learning were exclusive to the man, this would mean that religion, knowing God, masterfulness of deeds, and guidance would be exclusive to the man, which is an idea stated by no one. In this course, we refer to the narrative ascribed to The Noblest Prophet(God’s prayers and peace bestowed upon him and his Household) in which he said, “Asking for learning is a duty imposed on every male and female Muslim. God likes them who ask for learning.”[42]

Learning, therefore, is not exclusive to the man because its excuses are not exclusive to him. Woman’s learning is not only not prevented, but also it is required and preferable.

It is ascribed to The Prophet (God’s prayers and peace bestowed upon him and his Household) that he said, “He who has a daughter whom he educates and masters her education, teaches and masters her teaching, and gives generously from the bounties God bestowed upon him will have her as a protection from fire.”[43]

The Circumstances of Learning

The circumstances of the schools, institutes, universities, and all the areas of learning must be healthy and helpful in accomplishing the aims of learning. Learning must continue in elevating the human being and in emphasizing the human values. In other words, it must be the prop of religion and must call ]the human being] to know The Creator and to be committed to the lofty human morals. This can be accomplished by means of two issues:

1- The woman must not be inattentive to the aim of learning which is the complementarity of the human being as an individual and as a society, for inattention is the cause of forfeiture.

2 - The woman must stick to chastity, abide to the religious rules, and follow after the path which noble Islam delineated for us in the character of Sayyda Fatima Al- Zahraa( God s peace bestowed upon her ) who is the model of the learnt women and who“ The Scholar” was one of her titles. Every scholar or learning woman, therefore, should have Sayyda Fatima Al- Zahraa( God s peace bestowed upon her ) always before her eyes, in order that she will follow after her in any movement she performs or any stillness she is in.

Priorities of Learning

What are the priorities of learning with respect to the woman? There are a lot of basic and indispensable issues, among which we are going to reflect upon the following:

1- The Basic Lores, Such as: the Creeds, Jurisprudence, and Morals

It is related in a narrative ascribed to The Prophet(God’s prayers and peace bestowed upon him and his Household) that he said, “Learning is of three types: a fixed verse, a just duty, or a followed convention. Anything else is considered to be an excess.”[44]

These lores are highly indispensable for each woman whatever position she is in because she is ordered to, before anything else, reform herself on the learning, religious, heart, moral, conduct, and jurisprudential levels which the woman can not do without whatever position she is in.

2- Methods of the Family Behavior

The first role which the woman faces is her role inside her family as a daughter, sister, wife, or mother. All of these roles are of a special importance and a crucial influence on the family, especially the role of the mother who sends out to the society righteous sons: scholars, fighters for God’s sake, martyrs, and pious sons.

From here, the woman must learn the means of education and must get acquainted with the characteristics and variables of the children with respect to their age and nature. This will help her a lot in her mission as a mother, and so is the case with the wife in her life with her husband.

A lot of problems and gaps result from ignorance, so it is natural that getting acquainted with these roles and their means and their methods improves the woman’s performance and activates her role.

3- The Services which Help in establishing the True Islamic Environments

Since the woman represents half the society, at the least evaluation, she needs social and psychological and medical services… If the society does not have women specialized in this field and thus able to satisfy the woman’s needs, the women would be obliged to consult the men, which is an improper issue if it is not necessary. As a result, the women should specialize in the fields which the women are in need of.

4- The Needs of the Society

The society, in general, has special needs which differ from one place to another with respect to the conditions and the requirements. It is required and preferable to consider these needs seriously and to turn towards specialization in order to satisfy them.

We might not come across such a consecration of learning and such a call for it among the religions and sects and creeds as they are spot in Islam. Learning is intricately associated to the true divine religion that came down from The Most High God.

From the roles of learning are:

1- Acquiaition of knowledge

2- Premise for the work

3- Rationality of the society

4- A solution for all the problems

If the duty of learning were exclusive to the man, this would mean that religion, knowing God, masterfulness of deeds, and guidance would be exclusive to the man, which is a matter that no one says!!

The circumstances of the schools, institutes, universities, and all the areas of learning must be healthy and helpful in accomplishing the aims of learning. Learning must continue in elevating the human being and in emphasizing the human values. This can be accomplished by means of two issues:

1 - The woman must not be inattentive to the aim of learning

2 - The woman must stick to chastity, abide to the religious rules, and follow after the path which Islam delineated

There are several basic issues which the woman should know:

1- The basic lores, such as: the creeds, jurisprudence, and morals

2 - The methods of the family behavior

3 - The services which help in establishing the true Islamic environments

4 - The needs of the society

Comprehension Questions

1 - What is the influential role which Islam aims at accomplishing by means of learning?

2- What is the attitude of Islam as regards the woman’ s learning?

3 - What are the issues which help in the accomplishment of the aims of learning?

4- What are the most important issues which the woman must learn?

5- What is meant by that the woman must learn the special needs of the society?