Woman’s Value and Role

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Woman’s Value and Role Author:
Publisher: Al-Maaref Islamic Cultural Association
Category: Woman

Woman’s Value and Role

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Al-Maaref Islamic Cultural Association
Publisher: Al-Maaref Islamic Cultural Association
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Woman’s Value and Role
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Woman’s Value and Role

Woman’s Value and Role

Publisher: Al-Maaref Islamic Cultural Association

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Comprehension Questions

1 -What must the human being be ashamed of?

2 - To what extent does ashamedness influence the societies?

3 - What is chastity? What are the issues related to it?

4- What are the impacts of chastity?

5- What are the opposites of chastity?

For Reading

From the Attitudes of Sayyda Zeinab (God’s peace bestowed upon her)

The eloquent inheritance which Sayyda Zeinab(God’s peace bestowed upon her) bequeathed to us in addition to her attitudes which the history has immortalized deserve to be engraved in the hearts of all of the people who want to adopt the attitude of the truth and virtuousness.

We are going to mention a part of her speech with which she addressed the people of Al-Kufa and which left a great imprint in their hearts.

Basher ibn Kha’zeem Al-Asadi relates, “On that day, I looked at Zeinab ibnat Ali(God’s peace bestowed upon her) and saw no fear. And God sent the words from her as if they were branching from the tongue of The Prince of the Believers Imam Ali ibn Abi Taleb(God’s peace bestowed upon him) . She made a sign for the people, thus asking them to be silent; so the breaths drew back, and the bells stopped ringing. Then, she(God’s peace bestowed upon her) said,

“Praise be to God. And God’s prayers be bestowed upon my father Mohammad and upon his virtuous good Household.”

“O People of Kufa! O People of deceit and betrayal! Are you crying? ! May your tears stop not and may your cry ease not! You are like the woman who undoes the thread which she has spun after it has become strong, by taking your oaths a means of deception among yourselves. You are characterized by none but by boastfulness, being stained by evils, detest, adulation, betrayal of the enemies: you are like a dead animal which is laid in a grave.”

“Evil is what your souls have offered you: God’s wrath fell upon you and you are going to be immortalized in the torture. Are you crying and weeping? By God! Cry a lot, and laugh a little, for you will never be able to wash the shame and disgrace you did. How can you wash your killing of the descendant of The Concluding Prophecy, the spring of the message, the master of the youths of Heaven, the shelter for your confusion, the refuge for your crisis, the light for your aim, and the leading person for your religious norm? !”

“Verily! Evil is the burden you are carrying! Away with you! And woe to you! Your attempt was frustrated. Your hands were broken down. The bargain was lost. You were afflicted with a wrath from God. And you were stricken by disgrace and shame!!”

“O People of Al-Kufa! Are you aware what a son for God’s prophecy you did kill? What a daughter for him you did uncover? What a blood for him you did shed? What a sacredness for him you did violate? Your deed was cunning, ignominious, tremendous, violent, and as much disgraceful as much as the whole earth and the whole sky are huge!”

“Wonder not if the sky rains blood. And the torture of the hereafter is going to be much more disgraceful, and you are not going to be helped. Be not comfortable because you are granted a delay. Hastiness does not drive Him [The Most High God]. And it is not feared that the revenge be missed. And your God is in wait for you!!”

Lesson Seven: Marriage -1-

The Importance of the Establishment of the Family

It is ascribed to God’s prophet(God’s prayers and peace bestowed upon him and his Household) that he said, “Nothing established in Islam is more liked by The Most High God than marriage is.”[81]

There are many narratives which spur on marriage and which refer to that small nest where the family lives within a legal and social frame which guarantees the care, security, and completeness for the family. The family is that small society which Islam stresses its importance, spurs on establishing it, and lies the bases for the relationship among its members on the level of the prevailing environments and the behaviors before the level of the rights and duties.

- What are the aims of this establishment?

- What are the environments which prevail in this establishment?

- What are the rights and the duties?

From the Aims of the Family

There are many doctrinal texts which reflect upon the aims of the family building. Here we mention these aims in the following points.

1- Chastity and Purity

Marriage represents the natural satisfaction for the instinct which The Most High God made in the human being and through which reproduction and preservation of the human species are maintained. By means of marriage, this instinct is satisfied and silenced. In addition, the human being guarantees not to slip after this instinct in a fault way. Marriage, therefore, maintains chastity and purity. It is ascribed to God’s prophet(God’s prayers and peace bestowed upon him and his Household) that he said, “Let the man who likes to meet God pure and purified to meet Him with a wife.”[82]

The address of this call to the human being starts since the age of youth because the human being may weaken in front of the demand and insistence of the instinct if he/she does not satisfy it correctly, properly, and in a religiously permissible way. It is ascribed to God’s prophet(God’s prayers and peace bestowed upon him and his Household) that he said, “Whenever a youth man gets married while being in the stage of youthfulness, his devil uproars, ‘Alas! Alas! He guarded from me two thirds of his religion.’ Then, let the human being be devout as regards the remaining third.” [83]

2- Fortification of the Morals

Turning away from marriage results in a lot of psychological struggles inside the human being which in turn lead to a lot of psychological complexes and problems which come out in the form of ill nature. From here, marriage puts an end to such disturbances and brings about good nature. It is ascribed to The Noblest Prophet(God’s prayers and peace bestowed upon him and his Household) that he said, “Marry off your male servants, so that God will improve their natures, increase their livings, and add to their vitalities.”[84]In addition, it results in the spiritual repose at which The Noble Qur’an points out. The Most High and Glorified God says, (And among His signs is this, that He created for you your wives from among yourselves, that you may find repose in them, and He has put between you affection and mercy. Verily, in that are indeed signs for men of sound knowledge)[85].

3- Complementarity between the Wife and the Husband and Fulfillment of the Needs of Each One of Them:

Both the man and the woman have gaps in their characters, so each one of them is in need for the other one in order to fill in these gaps. The Noble Qur’an indicates this in the Saying of The Most High God,(…They are libas [i. e. body cover, or screen, or sakan (i. e. you enjoy living with her)] for you and you are libas for them…) [86]

4- Occupation of Time with Obedience

Marriage involves a direct responsibility as regards the providing for the needs of the family after establishing and maintaining it. Therefore, certain daily duties and deeds become requisite, and this in turn presents for the human being daily aims and programs. As a result, this serves in preventing the occurrence of the social evils which originate from vacancy and from the state of having neither an aim nor a responsibility.

Increasing the Believing Progeny and Maintaining the Continuity of Life

It is ascribed to The Noblest Prophet(God’s prayers and peace bestowed upon him and his Household) that he said, “What prevents the believer from getting married? Perhaps God will grant him a child who will fill the earth with, ‘There is no god but God. ’”[87]

The religious texts, therefore, direct the wife and the husband on the basis of these aims and cast on the family specific environments which help in a substantial way in the achievement of these aims. What are the environments which must be available in the family and which ensure the achievement of these divine aims?

The Environments Prevailing in the Family Relationship

The woman must bear in mind that her relationship with her husband has a religious priority and that it comes at the head of everything else as long as this relationship is included within the frame of the religious standards. Such an importance is attached to the woman’s relationship with her husband to the extent that it is considered to be a basis for the woman’s struggle for God’s sake. It is related in the narrative ascribed to The Noblest Prophet(God’s prayers and peace bestowed upon him and his Household) that he said, “Woman’s struggle for God’s sake is fulfilled by her being a good wife.”[88]i. e. her good relationship with her husband. There are many details concerning this relationship which the doctrine reflects upon.

2- Mercy: It is the other point to which the just mentioned verse points out. Next to affection comes mercy which means tenderness and gentleness. The Most High God did not settle it for the affection and love relationship between the wife and the husband but He added to it the gentleness and tenderness which appear through the behaviors which manifest the act of giving that expects nothing in return.

It is related in the discourse, “Offering her husband [even] a gulp of water will be better for every woman than the worship of a whole year during which she fasts all the days and stays up all the nights [i. e. in praying and supplication].”

This honorable association is manifested in various behaviors which the narratives indicate. It is ascribed to The Noblest Prophet(God’s prayers and peace bestowed upon him and his Household) that he said, “…The best woman among you… is the easy coming, the soft, and the obedient. She is the one who does not sleep while her husband is still angry till he is pleased, and the one who preserves her husband while he is away from her. She is one of God’s workers, and God’s worker is not disappointed.”[89]

Moreover, it is ascribed to Imam Al-Sadik(God’s peace bestowed upon him) that he said, “One man came to God’s prophet (God’s prayers and peace bestowed upon him and his Household) and said to him, ‘I have a wife who welcomes me when I enter the house. She accompanies me to the door when I leave. And she says to me when she notices that I am worried, ‘What worries you? If you are worried about your living, then it is undertaken by somebody [wanting God] rather than you. And if you are worried about your hereafter, then may God increase your worry. ’’ Then, God’s prophet (God’s prayers and peace bestowed upon him and his Household) said to that man, ‘Harbinger her with Heaven, and tell her, ‘You are one of God’s workers, and you are every day granted the reward which seventy martyrs are granted. ’’” [90]

- She was the first woman next to Khadija( May God be pleased with her ) who adopted Islam.

- She was the first woman to immigrate to Al- Madina on foot and bare footed.

- She was the first woman to pledge allegiance to God’ s prophet( God s prayers and peace bestowed upon him and his Household ) in the day of Allegiance Pledge.

6- The size of the man’ s brain is bigger than the size of the woman’ s brain, taking in consideration the brain’ s proportion to the whole body.

says, (Allah burdens not a person beyond his scope. )[91]. As long as the man is responsible for spending on the family, it is natural that this be recognized in the distribution of the finances, so that the distribution will be in consistent with the responsibilities which are assigned to each one of them. From here, it is not weird that the man inherits double what the woman inherits.

1- Sayyda Fatima Tabtabaei said,“ The Imam used to be hurt so much when he realized that someone was disobeying the doctrine, and his composure used to change clearly. He, for example, used to caution us as regards the complete abidance to the veil if a part of the hand of one of us was apparent, more than the permitted religious extent, while we were sitting to the table of food.”[92]

2- Sayyda Ateefa Al- Ishraki said,“ From the issues which The Imam used to be so concerned in is the marriageable persons’ being at the same place. I remember that he called me once when I was not more than ten years old. I was playing hide and seek with my brothers and my cousin. Even though I was putting on the veil, he said to me,‘ There is no difference between you and your elder sister. So, how is that you are playing with the boys while she is not doing so?’” [93]

3- Sayyda Fatima Tabtabaei said,“ The Imam used to find no necessity in the talk to the marriageable men, so we used not to sit in The Imam’ s house in one room with any of his grandsons if he had reached the age of religious responsibility. The rare point while we used to be sitting with The Imam is that if one of his grandsons entered his room, he used to ask his grandson, and not us, to get out. Also, when I used to be sitting with The Imam and one of his grandsons who had reached the age of religious responsibility wanted to enter, The Imam used to prevent him to enter because of my being there, in spite of the fact the this grandson was of my son’ s age.”[94]