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Sorrows And Sufferings

Sorrows And Sufferings

Publisher: www.alhassanain.org/english

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

(8) The Gems

On Ashoor night, he called his friends

So pure and noble, each was a rare GEM

To induce them to leave, with their dear ones

For his sake, he declared, should suffer none.

With rolling tears and heads bent down

Their love for Husayn knew no bound

Their burning desire, their goal of life

Was to defend Husayn, in this strife.

"It is my life that Yazid desires

I permit you, one and all, to retire

The sufferings, you have so far faced,

Speaks volumes for your loyalty and faith!"

To avoid embarrassment, he put out the lights

For dark was the night, to aid their flight

When the lights were lit, after quite sometime

None had moved, even an inch, from the line.

"You are to us everything; how can we explain?

Without you, life is nothing!" they exclaimed

"Not merely we love, venerate, and adore, he put out the lights

For dark was the night, to aid their flight

When the lights were lit, after quite sometime

None had moved, even an inch, from the line.

"You are to us everything; how can we explain?

Without you, life is nothing!" they exclaimed

"Not merely we love, venerate, and adore you,

Each single act of yours kindles truth and love anew!"

Habib, Muslim, Buraire and Zuhair Ibn Kain

Expressed these sentiments, all in one strain

Such devotion, such ecstasy, the world had not seen

Even amongcompanions of 'Hayder' nor of 'Al Amin'.

What brave souls were these followers of Husayn?

What unique attachments of theirs, he had gained?

From different walks of life they came

Their object was, absolutely, one and the same.

With what simplicity, the noble Jaun exclaimed

"O, my lord, I am a Negro slave" he maintained

"Let my blood mingle with the martyrs blood,

To prove that we too are of the same mud."

In the face of trials and tribulations,

He had only one solace and consolation;

A band of faithful and fearless human beings

The like of whom, the world had not seen.

Habib Ibn Mazahir, was a childhood devoted friend

He literally followed Husayn, wherever he went

He veneratingly kissed the ground, Husayn tread

He was loved by the Prophet and lovingly caressed.

He was in Kufa, when he heard of Husayn's plight

"For Karbala, I shall leave the very same night."

With encouragement from his wife, a noble lady

His faithful slave, kept for him all things ready.

Kufa, was agog with numerous rumors afloat

Treachery was afoot, for sacrificial goats

Such was the risk, with spies all round

Yet he ventured; such was the magnetic bond.

He reached Karbala on 9th of Muharram night

Husayn was distributing arms for the fight

He had kept aside, for him, one set of arms

"Habib, my dearest friend, is sure to come."

Wahab, was the son of a noble and virtuous lady

From Damascus, she was externed, when he was a baby

For praising Ali, she had incurred Moawiyah's wrath

Such was the fate, at that time, of all lovers of God.

Returning home, with his mother and wife,

He saw an army poised like a murderer's knife

A small group, mostly women, babes and old folks

Were the victims of these cruel mercilessfoes.

He soon learnt, Prophet's grandson, Husayn Ibn Ali

Surrounded by Yazid's hordes, were he and his family

He rushed to the side of Imam's small group

And begged of him, to let him join his troop.

When Husayn learnt Wahab had married only day before

He insisted on his leaving with his wife and mother

With unflinching resolve, imploringly he pleaded,

Till Husayn gave in and to his joining agreed.

Muslim Ibn Ausaja, had witnessed rights being trampled

Bent with age, his love for truth was undampened

Venerable companion of the Prophet, a most saintly soul

To fight for truth, was his life's sole object and goal.

Physically withered by age, being four score ten,

His anxiety to help was a heroic gesture to men

For he had witnessed on countless occasions

The undying love, which the Prophet bore for Husayn.

Buraire Hamadeni, was a warrior of repute

His name caused shivers inadversaries boots

He was itching to display his terrific might,

To Yazid's mercenaries, in single battle and fights.

Husayn calmed him down and explained

To fight them is not at all our aim

But to defend and die like a martyr

Was the supreme test of eachfighter.

On the eve, prior to the day of fateful battle,

Buraire urged his friends to show their mettle

And guard the Imam against the enemy's surprise raids

For crafty was the enemy, unscrupulous, and debased.

Unbearable it was, the cry of thirsty children for water

Even savages watered their victims, before slaughter

Buraire, with his friends, fought their way to the river

Filled a bag and returned with the precious life giver.

With what dejection and dismay, he witnessed the sight

The thirsty children threw themselves in mad delight

The bag opened, under the weight of the terrible crush

And out poured the water, in a mighty and mad gush.

Moved to tears, the brave warrior's eyes welled up

No water was left, O, merciful heaven, not even a cup!

The thirst of the children remained unquenched

Though the earth, in water, was fully drenched.

Hur Ibn Yazid Riyahi, a strict disciplinarian

In the army of Yazid, he commanded a battalion

With thousand soldiers, he blocked Husayn's path

Not realizing, that it would lead to a blood bath.

Hoping that a peaceful solution would be found

He forced Husayn towards Karbala, as in duty bound

Little did he realize that his very men

Would dare spill the blood of Prophet's GEM.