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Sorrows And Sufferings

Sorrows And Sufferings

Publisher: www.alhassanain.org/english

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

(10) The Loot

Eerie silence hung over the battleground

Broken occasionally by drum beating sounds

The carnage, the massacre, of saintly souls

Caused a shudder, inIslam's true believers' fold.

The massacre being over, they raided they tents

To loot and destroy, they were all fiendishly bent

Helpless ladies and children, they mercilessly pashed

Young innocent babes, to the ground they dashed.

Daughters of the Prophet, simple lives had led

Coarse and patched clothes, were all they had

Woven by Fatima, they were immensely treasured

In terms of money, none could be measured.

They were shamelessly looted of even their veils

The Yazidi hordes outclassed, themselves, the devils

Earrings were snatched of the child of Husayn

She was slapped mercilessly, for crying in pain.

In stupor, lay the only surviving adult male

Ali Zainal Abedeen was flogged as in horror tales

After the looting, the tents were set on fire enmasse

Hell was let loose, with a vengeance, quick and fast.

Zaynab was perplexed, she was lost

Perish in flames or face still worst

This hour of trial, whom to consult

Her nephew was unconscious, lying in dust.

"Ali Zainal Abedeen, I appeal to you

As our Imam, tell us what are we to do?"

He opened his eyes, burning with fever

With utmost effort, advise he delivered.

"To save our lives is a religious duty

Go in the open and seek security."

Ladies and children, they left the tent

Salvaging what they could, as they went.

The loot, the pandemonium, was soon over

Burning embers of fire only hovered

A partially burnt tent was all that remained

A solitary witness of torture andblood stain .

The Ahl Bait cuddled together therein

Shattered in mind and body, beyond dream

The time had come almost to a standstill

The night was in sorrow; one could feel.

The mourning widows of Husayn's friends

Their anguished hearts, who could mend?

Zaynab and Kulthum consulted each other

The orphaned children, they had to mother.

Zaynab counted the children; one was missing

To her dismay, it was Sakina, her darling

"Tell me Sakina, where are you my child?"

In wilderness, the echo was the only reply.

Frustrated, she ran towards the battlefield

"Sakina is lost, your darling child

Husayn, where shall I look for her?"

She imploringly sobbed, in utter despair.

The silvery moon, behind the clouds was hid

The clouds dispersed, the ground was lit

Lying with her head on Husayn's chest

Little Sakina was sleeping in her usual nest.

"Sakina, my child, I have come here

After searching the desert, my dear

Your father's beheaded body, how could you find

In this dark night, with your frightened mind?"

"An irresistible urge seized me, though dampened

To tell my father all that had happened

How they snatched my earrings, after his death

The slaps I received, the treatment we met."

"Running aimlessly in the desert I cried

Tell me dearest father, where do you lie

Sakina, my darling Sakina, come here, come here!

I heard him calling and found my father dear."

"I narrated to him, all I had endured

It lightened my heart: I was re-assured

An urge to sleep on his chest, for the last time

I placed my head in the nest of mine."

With Sakina, Zaynab hurried to the camp

Again it was dark; there was no lamp

All were anxiously waiting in the ghostly night

Praying silently to God, the Eternal Light.

She placed Sakina in her mother's arms

She had several other duties to perform

No, not to protect any worldly treasure

The children had suffered, beyond measure.

Advancing towards them, she saw a group

"There is nothing left, which you can loot

Pray, do not disturb the children in sorrow

If you want something, come in the morrow!"

"We do not want anything from you

We know, what you have said is true

We have brought some water and food

We know, you are in a sorrowful mood."

Zaynab was surprised; so polite was the speaker

It was the widow of Hur, the truth seeker

"Soldiers of Omar Saad have deputed me

To carry food and water for thee."

"Lest you perish, due to hunger and thirst,

Before Yazid, they want to take you first

That is why they have sent water and food

Not because they have suddenly turned good."

"O, sister, we are indebted to your husband

For his precious life, in defending Husayn

He was our guest, but at a time, alas!

We had not even water; no, not a glass!"

"My lady, I am grieved, you lost not one

But eighteen members todeath, were done."

They offered condolences to each other

Zaynab was large hearted like her mother.

"At last there is water for you

Wake up, Sakina, see it is true

Wet your throat, sobbing will stop."

For days, she had not even a drop.

"Let Ali Asghar drink first, he is the youngest

My dear brother died of sheer maddening thirst

Now that water is available, give him first

Before I can taste it and quench my thirst."

Guarding her folks, with a half burnt pole

Alone, all alone, with no waking soul

Due to exhaustion, Zaynab fell in a swoon

O' Merciful God, it was, indeed, a boon!

One person came galloping in her dream

"O' Shaikh, please go back" she screamed

"I am daughter of Hazrat Ali and Fatima

We are guardians of the holy 'Kalima '!

The person lifted the veil from his face

It was her father Ali himself, by Divine Grace

She poured out her mutilated and bleeding heart to him

The outpourings caused convulsions, ending the dream.

Lying on the desert sand, clothes wet with tears

The dawn was breaking, time of prayer was near

Events of previous day, she recalled with pain

Ali Akbar had given Azan; prayers led by Husayn.

Finishing her prayer, she laid her head

Prostrate before God of the living and dead

To give her courage, to carry on the mission

Which, to the world, would be an everlasting lesson.

(11) The JourneyTo Kufa

The sun rose, crimson-red was its color

Downcast with shame, the world looked duller

Ladies and children, huddled with shambled remains

The victors rejoiced, without compunction or shame.

Vying with one another, to torture and torment

They took delight, in causing them lament

Marching them, by the bodies of their dear ones

Beforebeing taken to Kufa, in a caravan.

Without any saddles, on camels' bare-backs

The ladies were put in a sheep like pack

Bound hand and foot, with ropes and chains

Children's necks were tied with their hands.

Burning with fever and heavily chained

Zainal Abedeen was marched, though in pain

The heads of the martyrs, carried on spears

Headed the procession of Muhammad's dears.

Kufa was reached in a few hectic hours

Shimr and Khooli gloated, over and over

To the governor was sent a courier

The caravan stopped at a barrier.

Zaynab and Kulthum had resided for four years

In Kufa as daughters of Islam's ruler

Now, they were captives of those Muslims,

Who were steeped in vices andsins.

The grand daughters of the Prophet of Islam

Were too noble, to cause anyone least harm

Helpless victims of those followers of Muhammad;

The lofty principles of Islam were thrown in mud.

O' Kufa, recall the days of glory of Zaynab!

The honored daughter of the noblest of Arabs

For four years, Kufians vied with each other

Every wish of theirs to fulfill like a mother.

The same Kufa now wore a festive look

People gathered in every corner and nook

To watch the grand daughters of Muhammad

People of Kufa were now thirsty for their blood.

Heading the caravan, the town crier was crying aloud

The prisoners are Zaynab and Kulthum, beyond doubt

Husayn and his followers have all been slain,

By Yazid's might and power, on Karbala's plain.

All who question Yazid, such is their fate

Beware, lest you be subjected to such hate

If you obey Yazid, without any question

Rewards will be plenty and pleasingly handsome.

When the identity was revealed, some were sad

Ladies and children of the house of Muhammad;

Could they be captives and his grand-son murdered?

None, however, dared protest; they merely shuddered.

It was noon, the sun increasingly blazing

Continuous pleading for water, Zaynab was facing

It was futile, to ask the brutes for water

Zaynab was explaining to Husayn's daughter.

A lady in balcony, saw the plight of Sakina

Rushing down with water, she was in a dilemma

She went to Sakina, breaking the police cordon

A tumbler of cool water; O' merciful heaven!

Was it Umm Ayman? Zaynab was not sure

Two decades had passed, since the days of yore

"I am thankful for your noble gesture,

May God, on you, His blessingsshower. "

She was astonished and completely dazed

Zaynab brushed aside the hair, from her face

The same Zaynab, whom she adored and venerated,

Was now a picture of woe, a victim offate.

Kissing Zaynab's feet, out of reverence

Umm Ayman, weepingly, asked for forgiveness;

Lest, such display rouse public sympathy

The guards pounced and whipped, Ayman, mercilessly.

Thrown aside, she weepingly complained to Allah

The caravan proceeded to the court of Obeidullah

Seated on a throne, holding his royal court

The prisoners were marched in the villain's fort.

Seeing Zaynab and Kulthum, he ordered his men

To place at his feet, the head of Husayn;

He mockingly inquired, the son of a bitch'

"Are these slave girls or children of Prophet?"

as per the parting promise given to Husayn

Zaynab, who was controlling herself, lost restrain

"We are grand-daughters of your acknowledged Prophet,

Sisters of Husayn, whom your henchmen murdered!"

In frenzy, she gave him a bit of her mind

"You are the stooge of Yazid, O' you fiend!

He has flouted all the principles of Islam

The house of Prophet, he has unjustifiably harmed!"

"He has trampled all ethical concepts

reduced all beings to a condition abject

your success, is ephimeral, be sure

very soon, God's wrath, you will endure."

Ibn Ziad, was stunned by this bold rebuke

His embarrassment was apparent, though he fumed

The awe inspiring atmosphere of the court

Held no terrors for Zaynab and Kulthum, both.

He looked around to see the devastating effect

If she went on, the masses would defect

He shouted at the top of his heartless voice

Undaunted by threats, Zaynab dared him twice!

She projected the issues, the sacrifices of Husayn;

Most poignantly, she recalled his piety and fame

A blind companion of the Prophet, Ziad bin Arkan

Protested at the indignities on founders of Islam.

Ibn Ziad, shouting him down, ordered his removal

By nature, he was crafty and vindictively cruel

He hurriedly dismissed the corrupt court

"Carry the prisoners to Damascus", he roared.

(12) The Devil's Den

Through the desert of Mesopotamia they marched on

Falling every few feet, due to sheer exhaustion

Ali Zainal Abedeen was mercilessly whipped

Even if he stumbled, even if he tripped.

Sakina fell down from the camel's bare-back

Zaynab raised an alarm; she was taken aback

The soldiers were intoxicated, they paid no heed

Without any succour, she would perish indeed!

In desperation, Zaynab turned towards the spear

"Husayn, fallen down is your daughter dear;

I am helpless, my feet and hands are bound."

The spear, with Husayn's head, got planted down!

Khooli jumped down, to uproot the spear

The stooges rushed forth, from far and near

The spear remained stuck as if cemented

The impact would be great, if soldiers got scent.

Shimr approached Ali; his anger was boiling

The Imam looked at the head; tears were trickling

He turned his gaze, Zaynab caught his weeping eye

"Sakina has toppled over, the child may die!"

Shimr picked up the unconscious exhausted child

Dumping her in Zaynab's arms, rushed the hostile

Khooli could now lift the spear from the ground

The caravan proceeded quietly, onwards bound.

The Syriandesert was strewn with prickly thorns

Marching bare foot, like on painful corns

The torture was borne, with patience and calm

God was the healer, soothing was his balm!

For few hours they halted, each tiresome night

Feasting, the vulturous soldiers were a sight

Food and water, for prisoners was rationed

Barely enough to sustain them, was the caution.

They reached a mountain top, quite secluded

A hermitage of a holy and pious recluse

The heads of the martyrs, Shimr gave

For safe custody, in his solitary cave.

The prophets descended to guard the head

Startled and baffled, he awoke from his bed

Rushing out of the monastery, Shimr he awoke

"Whose heads are these?" boldly he spoke.

"The grandson of Prophet Muhammad had defied

The authority of Yazid ibn Moawiyah" Shimr cried

"For refusing to accept his spiritual suzerainty

He had been butchered at Karbala, ruthlessly."

The hermit was shocked, beyond any words

"You cursed people, fie upon you cowards

Beheading your own Prophet's beloved grandson,

His helpless family you now hold at ransom!"

Shimr lost his temper, he was enraged;

With one sweep of the sword, he chopped his head.

For Islam's injunctions, he had scant regard

To grant protection to those dedicated to God.

The city of Damascus was soon in sight

Through hurried marches, by day and night

Near the gate of the fortress, the caravan halted

In blazing sun, the prisoners sweated.

The scenes in Kufa, had reached Yazid's ears

To disclose their identity, he now feared

He announced, that a rebel had been defeated

A day of rejoicing, it should be treated.

The city was assuming a gay and festive look

Festoons and buntings hung from every nook

The victims were scorching under the burning sun

To the onlookers, it was all laughter and fun.

Sacrificial dates, they threw at them

To ward off evil from their dear ones

The hungry children tried to eat them

Zainab was perplexed and at herwit's end.

"Prophet has forbidden his own family

To eat sacrificial offerings, O' you ladies,

Do not throw such offerings at our children;

Pray, do not increase our pain and burden!"

Can it be, they are the family of Muhammad?

Their faces and bodies were smeared with mud

From some princely family of noble stock

Their bearings revealed, without any doubt.

After one full hour, the imperial orders came

Bring in the prisoners, the followers of Husayn

An elevated throne, lavishly decorated with gold

Seven hundred gilded chairs surrounded it, all told.

In tattered rags, with dirt and mess

Blood oozing from lash-wounds in the flesh

Tightly tied in ropes and heavy chains

Were the daughters and sisters ofHusayn.

On a gold salver, the head of Husayn,

At the feet of Yazid, was vindictively laid

He could not for a moment believe his eyes

These people claimed with Muhammad, blood ties.

Yazid was fully drunk; he quivered with rage

"Omar Saad, how dare you cheat me, your sage!

These are not the ladies of Husayn."

His eyes displayed a thirst for slaying

Flinging himself abjectively at Yazid's feet

"Mercy, O' Commander of Faithful", he pleaded,

"I have carried out your august command,

Nay,your every wish, your every demand."

"The prisoners are Zaynab and Kulthum,

for any doubt, pray have no room,

The ailing man is Ali Zainal Abedeen,

Othermembers, may also please be seen."

Raising his eye brows, he watched Yazid's face

"Ah, there, who is trying to hide from my gaze?"

falteringly , he replied, afraid of being snubbed

"The old lady is Fizza; behind her is Zaynab."

"None, shall protect the prisoners from me;

Throw aside Fizza, so that Zaynab I can see."

Fizza turned to the slaves, behind the throne

With naked swords, as bodyguards they roamed.

"O brothers, from Abysinia, my own native land

with folded hands why do you passively stand?

Your aged princess demands from you protection

This tyrant's blood thirst is his obsession!"

The slaves stepped forward and addressed Yazid

"Your Majesty, please desist from the foul deed;

if Shimr proceeds to do anything to her,

blood will flow right now, like water!"

Yazid, was flabbergasted at this affront

He fully realized, they said, what they meant

In the light of chandeliers, their swords glistened

The coward in him panicked, as he shiveringly listened.

"Shimr, withhold your lash; stay where you are

I will chop off your head, if you harm her;

My good fellows, your devotion to me, is such

Your sense of honor, I will not touch.

The courtiers andothers, saw his humiliation

To display his triumph, was his fascination

Beating Husayn's head, with a cane of gold knob

He rejoiced with glee, as the prisoners sobbed.

Using the cane, on the lips of Husayn

He chuckled, wickedly, without any shame

"Were not these lips, receiving kisses fromMuhammad

The same lips, which are now lying in mud."

"How delighted my fore-fathers must be

How happy, their souls, must be today, to see

I have avenged them, for all their defeats

By butchering Husayn; a daring feat."

"Whose head isthis, may I ask, O' King?

What crime, had committed, this human being

To deserve, this treatment, even after death

Woeful is the punishment, his family has met."

An ambassador, of a foreign country, Abdul Wahab

Inquired of Yazid, on seeing the holocaust

"The head is of Prophet's grandson Husayn;

He, with his supporters,were all slain."

"These are the ladies of the house of Prophet

Watching them in distress is, to me, a treat

Husayn, and his friends,were put to sword

Opposition to my Caliphate, I can ill-afford."

"I shall subject them, to such punishment

To the world, it would be a valuable lesson

None, shall question my sovereignty, hereafter

Their punishment, will be, no fun and laughter."

"You have committed the greatest sin, O' King!

I have not heard of such tortures and killings;

My people treat me with highest respect,

For being a descendent of their Prophet."

He then turned toward Zainal Abedeen

"Ali, from what I have heard and seen

Your father, indeed, was the noblest soul

To fight this tyrant, was a courageous role."

"I declare, my faith, in your esteemed religion

fully aware of the consequences of the decision,

I denounce the usurper, the incarnation of 'devil';

He is the fittest epitome of the highest evil."

Yazid was mad with rage, smarting under insult

Most unexpected was the rebuke, staggering the result

"Drag away the Ambassador," Yazid angrily demanded

"Chop off his head," like a mad cap, he next commanded.

Pin drop silence prevailed; everyone was reserved

Gulping down cups of wine, to soothe his nerves

"You there," he shouted at Imam Zainal Abedeen

"Your punishment shall be such, the world has not seen."

"You shall pay dearly for his sins

for the insults and rebukes, flung by him

I shall chop off your head, here and now

To wreak vengeance, I have the know-how."

On second thought, he added, trying to be tough

"No, no; killing you will not be enough

Your life, will be a living death, everyday

You will pine for death, even while you pray."

In a feeble, but clear ringing voice,

Said Zainal Abedeen, "O' tyrant do not rejoice

Worst torture, is to make our ladies stand,

Without any veils, in this Islamic land."

"I am not frightened by your threats

The descendents ofProphet, have no fear of death

Those who love God, are severely tried by him,

To display their true faith and heaven win."

The retort evoked spontaneous whispers of admiration

Despite his cunning nature, Yazid was visibly shaken

He feigned loud laughter to cover his embarrassment

He still tried to justify the unparalleled harassment.

"God inflicted this punishment on you all

for your father's obduracy and defiance of my call

to accept my lawful authority, you are reluctant still

you got what you deserved, according to his will."

"O' tyrant, do not distort the words of God

to act with justice or to ride rough shod,

he gives opportunities to all women and men;

punishment ultimately over takes those with evil in them."

Yazid was speechless; he could not reply

His mouth was sealed, much as he did try

A subservient courtier, anxious to curry favor

Bowed before him, thinking himself too clever.

"Your Majesty, your indulgence I crave

Bestow that girl, Sakina, on me as a slave."

Zaynab standing nearby, with her head bowed

Was furious, and infuriated as never before.

"You, wretched soul; no shame you have

Prophets grandchild, you wish to enslave

Is there none amongst you, even toprotest

Against the shocking and shameless request."

A gold embroidered curtain only ruffled in shame

Hind, Yazid's favorite wife, entered the harem

Once, she had been a lady-in-waiting, to Zaynab

A devoutlady , a believer in Almighty Rab.

She still remembered Zaynab, with devotion

Yazid knowing this had concealed his intention,

To kill Husayn and his family's enslavement;

She was unaware, of the tragic development.

Hearing Zaynab's voice, and talk of enslavement,

She rushed out, without veil, in a frenzied moment

"What is all this about, do let me know

Who can enslave them, except the lowest of thelow. "

The action of his wife, was a daring feat

Coming without a veil, was against custom, indeed

Yazid, hurriedly shouted orders, dismissing the court

"Carry the captives to the darkest dungeon in the Fort."

The good lady kept on questioning her husband

Who the prisoners were, she enquired and so on,

He gave her evasive replies, to allay her fears

The prisoners are not the Prophet's near and dear.

(13) A Rose Bud Fades Away

In the dark desolate dungeon, the caravan halted

The scorpions and snakes took fright and bolted

Zaynab and Zainal Abedeen, prostrated themselves in prayer

Without a word of complaint, without any demur.

It was dark inside, despite the sun's bright rays

The stone walls were damp, crumbling with decay

Looks of sorrow and despondency, was on each face

Of joy and laughter, there was not even a trace.

The faces depicted sufferings, beyond human endurance

Prayer was the solace, they enjoyed, without hindrance

A few stale morsels of bread and a little water

Was their daily ration, in these horriblequarters.

"Stone walls do not a prison make nor iron bars a cage,"

Was equally true in that merciless land and cruel age

Though in shackles, every night their spirits soared high

To heights sublime, beyond all plains, in the heavenly sky.

Sakina, woke with a shriek, in the dead of the night

She had seen her father's heavenly soothing light

"O' Sakina, you have suffered enough, come with me

the days of your sufferings are over; O' where is he?"

It was just a dream, what a disappointment!

It was not a reality, to her bewilderment

Her uncontrollable lamentations, gathered a crowd

The ladies also lost control and wailed aloud.

Hearing the wails, Yazid sent slaves to inquire

Pacing up and down, he had not yet retired

On knowing the cause, his crooked mind strived

A devilish scheme, he soon mischievously contrived.

Yazid's men entered with a covered tray,

"I do not want food, please take it away

I want my father; promises he did give

Without taking me, why did he leave?"

They removed the cloth; Sakina beheld the face

Even in death, it was full of heavenly grace

With a cry, she flung herself on the wooden tray

Hugging to her heart, she snatched the face away.

Inconsolably, she bent down over the head

Putting, her cheeks, against that of her dad

Within a few moments, her sobbing had stopped

Her mortal remains, she had quietly dropped.

"How long will you lie on your father's head?"

Zaynab touched her hand; she was shockingly dead

Sakina had gone with her father, never to return

Husayn had kept his promise, as he had always done!