Elementary Arabic Morphology Volume 3

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Elementary Arabic Morphology Author:
Translator: Hamid Hussein Waqar
Publisher: www.al-islam.org
Category: Arabic Language and Literature

Elementary Arabic Morphology

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Rashid Al-Shartuni
Translator: Hamid Hussein Waqar
Publisher: www.al-islam.org
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Elementary Arabic Morphology

Elementary Arabic Morphology Volume 3

Publisher: www.al-islam.org

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

The Exaggerated Forms

103. What are the exaggerated forms?

104. How many forms of exaggeration are there?

103. The exaggerated forms are adjectives that have the meaning of an active participle noun and denote great quantity of the adjective in the described word. It is not formed from anything other than triliteral verbs.

104. There are nine famous exaggeration forms, none of them are according to any rules. They are as follows:

•فَعَّال , for example:حَمَّال

•فَعَّالَة , for example:علَّامة

•مِفعَال , for example:مِقدام

•فِعِّیل , for example:صِدِّیق

•مِفعِیل , for example:مِعطِیر

•فُعَلَة , for example:ضُحَکَة

•فَعِل , for example:حَذِر

•فَعیل , for example:رَحیم

•فَعُول , for example:بَتُول

Adverbial Nouns of Place and Time and Instrumental Nouns

105. What are adverbial nouns of time and place?

106. How are adverbial nouns of time and place formed from triliteral verbs?

107. How are adverbial nouns of time and place formed from verbs with more than three letters?

108. What is an instrumental noun and how many kinds are there?

105. An adverbial noun of time is a form that indicates the place that the verb took place in, for example:مَطبَخ . An adverbial noun of time is a form that indicates the time are verb took place, for example:مَغرِب .

106. Adverbial nouns of time and place are formed from triliteral verbs on the form ofمَفعَل if the verb is a sound verb whose second root letter has a dummah or a fathah in the aorist tense or if the verb is a defective verb, for example:مَجمَع . They are formed on the form ofمَفعِل if the second root letter has a kasrah in the aorist tense or is a quasi-sound verb in the preterite tense, for example:مَجلِس . There are rare exceptions to this rule, for example:مَطلِع و مَغرِب و مَشرِق whose second root letter has a dummah in the aorist tense.

107. Adverbial nouns of time and place are formed from verbs with more than three letters in the same way as their passive participle noun or their mīmī infinitive form, for example:مُنصَرَف .

108. The instrumental noun is a form that indicates a tool of an action. They are derived and non-derived. There are no rules for the instrumental nouns that are not derived, for example:جَرَس . The derived instrumental nouns are formed from transitive triliteral verbs and there are three forms:مِفعَل for example:مِبرَد, مِفعَلَة for example:مِکنَسَة , andمِفعَال for example:مِفتَاح .

The Structure of a Noun

109. How many letters does a noun have?

110. Can a noun that has erased letters be less than two letters?

109. Principally, a noun has three letters, for example:قَلَم , four letters, for example:جَعفَر , or five letters, for example:سَفَرجَل . Any noun that has less than three letters or more than five letters has either erased letters or added letters.

110. The erasing that takes place in nouns stops at leaving the word with two letters, for example:أبٍ which is originallyأبوٌ . It does not become less than this unless it is a diptote, in this case it can be one letter, for example the pronoun tā' or two letters, for example:مَن .

Maqsur, Mamdud and Manqus Nouns

111. How many types of declinable nouns are their in respects to the end of the word?

112. In how many cases is a maqsūr noun stemmed from a defective verb?

113. In how many cases is a mamdūd noun stemmed from a defective verb?

114. In how many cases is a manqūs noun stemmed from a sound verb?

111. There are three types of declinable nouns in respects to the end of the word. The first kind is a maqsūr noun which is a noun that ends in a necessary alif, for example:الفَتیَ . The second kind is a mamdūd noun which is a noun that ends in a hamzah preceded by an added alif, for example:سَماء . The third type is a manqūs noun which is a noun that ends in a necessary yā' preceded by a kasrah, for example:الدّاِعِي .

112. A maqsūr noun stems from a defective verb in four cases: First, when it is in the formأفعَل indicating a color, defect, trickery, or the superlative/comparative case, for example:الأحویَ . Second, in adverbial nouns of time and place and mīmī infinitives, for example:المَرمیَ . Third, in the plural of the formفِعلَة , for example:الحِلیَ . Fourth, the infinitive of the intransitive formفَعِلَ , for example:الرِّضَیَ .

113. A mamdūd noun stems from a defective noun in five cases: First, in infinitives of verbs with increase letters, for example:الإعطاء . Second, what is formed from the infinitives in the formتأساء . Third, the exaggerated formفَعَّال , for example:بَطَّاء . Fourth, the formفِعَال which is made plural in the formأفعِلَة , for example:رِداء . Fifth, the infinitives of the formفَعَلَ of verbs which indicate sound or sickness, for example:المُشاء .

114. A mamdūd noun stems from a sound verb in the female form ofأفعَل indicating a color, for example:الحَمرَاء . All other mamdūd nouns do not have grammatical rules, for example:الأناء .

Rules Pertaining to the Dual Form

115. How many types of nouns are there?

116. How is the dual form formed?

117. How is a maqsūr noun put into the dual form?

118. How is a mamdūd noun put into the dual form?

119. How are nouns whose third root letter becomes erased put into the dual form?

115. There are three types of nouns: singular (a noun that indicates one item), dual (a noun that indicates two items), and plural (a noun that indicates more than two items).

116. The dual form is formed by adding an alif and nūn to the end of the singular noun when it is in the nominative case, for example:حَضَرَ الرَّجُلانِ or by adding a yā' and nūn to the end of the singular noun when it is in the accusative or genitive cases, for example:اِشتریا الکتابَینِ .

117. A triliteral maqsūr noun is put into the dual form returning its alif into its original state, for exampleعَصَا becomesعَصَوَان . If it is formed from a noun with more than three letters the alif is changed into a yā', for example:المُصطفیَ becomesالمُصطَفَیان . If the yā' of a manqūs noun is erased it is returned when put into the dual form, for example:هادٍ becomesهادِیان .

118. If the mamdūd hamzah was added to put the noun in the feminine case it will be changed to a wāw, for example:حَمراء becomesحَمرَاوَان . If it was an original part of the word it will remain, for example:قَرَّاء becomesقَرَّاءان . If it was changed into an hamzah from a wāw or a yā' it is permissible to do one of the two previous actions, for example one can sayدُعاءان orدُعاوان .

119. The third root letter in nouns whose third root letter is erased, for exampleأب returns when put into the dual form, for example:أبَوانِ . There are exceptions, for example:ید becomesیدان .

Sound Masculine Plural

120. How many types of plurals are there?

121. How is a sound masculine plural formed?

122. Are there exceptions to this rule?

123. Are all nouns pluralized in this way?

124. What is the condition of this plural of names?

125. What are the conditions of this plural of adjectives?

126. What are added to adjectives?

120. There are three types of plurals: sound masculine plurals, sound feminine plurals, and broken plurals.

121. The general rule regarding sound masculine plurals is that its single form is not changed and a wāw and nūn with a fathah is added to the end of the word when it is in the nominative case and a yā' and nūn with a fathah is added to the end of the word when it is in the accusative or genitive cases. For example:مُرسَلون َ و مُرسَلینَ .

122. The exceptions to this rule are: manqūs nouns; their yā' is erased and the letter before the wāw is given a dummah or the letter before the yā' is given a kasrah, for example:هادُونَ , maqsūr nouns; their alif is erased and the letter before the wāw or yā' keeps its fathah indicating the alif, for example:مصطَفَونَ , and mamdūd nouns; which undertake the same change as is given to it in the dual form, for example:بَنَّاؤُونَ .

123. The only nouns that are pluralized in this form are masculine proper nouns with intellects and their characteristics.

124. The condition for names is that they do not have the feminine tā' and are not compound names, for example:سَعیدونَ .

125. The conditions of adjectives are that they do not have a tā' that can be used in a feminine case, they do not indicate the superlative or comparative form, they are not in the formأفعل فَعلاء , they are not in the formفَعلان فَعلیَ , and they are not a word whose usage is the same in the masculine and feminine cases, for example:عالِمونَ .

126. The relative noun is added to adjectives due to their similarities, for example:لُبنانیُّونَ .

Sound Feminine Plural

127. How is a sound feminine plural formed?

128. Are there exceptions to this rule?

129. What is a sound feminine plural attributed to?

127. The general principle of a sound feminine plural is that an alif and tā' are added to the end of the noun without changing the singular form of the noun, for example:مریمات .

128. There are three exceptions to this rule: first, words that end with a feminine tā'; the tā' is erased and then the letters are added, for example:مؤمنات which wasمؤمنة . Second, in maqsūr and mamdūd nouns; the same actions taken in the dual form apply in the sound feminine plural as well, for example:فُضلَیات و رَحَیَات و عَصَوَات و صحراوات . Third, triliteral nouns (non-adjectives) whose first root letter has a fathah; if the second root letter is sound and does not have a vowel sign it is given a fathah, for example:تَمَرَات which wasتَمرَة .

129. A sound feminine plural is attributed to female names, for example:هِند , words that end in a feminine sign, for example:جمیلة , infinitives if they have more than three letters, for example:إحسان , masculine non-rational beings in the diminutive form, for example:دُرَیهِم and as adjectives, for example:معدود .

Broken Plurals

130. What is a broken plural?

131. How many types of broken plurals are there?

132. What do you understand from a plural of a plural?

133. Can a plural be made plural?

134. How can a plural be made plural?

135. What is a quasi-plural noun?

136. What is a quasi-plural?

137. Are quasi-plural nouns and quasi-plural nouns made plural?

130. A broken plural is a plural that changes the singular form of the noun, either by adding letters, for example:رجال the plural ofرَجُل , or by erasing letters, for example:رُسُل the plural ofرَسُول , or by changing the vowel signs, for example:أسُد the plural ofأسَد .

131. There are two types of broken plurals: a plural of paucity, which is a plural that indicates three to ten, and a plural of multitude, which is a plural that indicates three or more. There are four forms for the plural of paucity:أفعُل , for example:أنفُس, أفعال , for example:أجداد, أفعِلَة , for example:أعمدَة , andفِعلَة , for exampleفِتیَة . Any other form used as a broken plural is a plural of multitude and if these forms are used in any other way they are being used figuratively.

132. The form of a plural of a plural is any plural where after there are two letters with vowel signs after an added alif, for example:دَراهِم , or if a yā' falls in between three letters, for example:ریاحِین .

133. A plural is made plural to increase the number of whatever it is making plural, for example:الأیادي which is the plural ofالأیدي which is the plural ofالید .

134. A plural is made plural in the same way that a singular noun is made plural according to its form, therefore the plural ofأکلُب would beأکالِب or the plural ofأظفار would beأظافیر . These are the only two forms that are used to make a plural plural.

135. A quasi-plural noun is that which indicates a group, not an instance from the group. For example:شَعب .

136. A quasi-plural is that which indicates a group, the difference between this and a quasi-sound noun is by a tā', for exampleتُفَّاحَة , or by a yā', for example:إفرَنجي .

137. A quasi-plural noun and a quasi-plural is made plural in the same way as singular nouns according to their forms, as an example the plural ofقوم becomesأقوام .

Rules of Broken Plurals

138. Are there rules for broken plurals or not?

139. In how many places are there rules for broken plurals in regards to nouns?

140. In how many places are there rules for broken plurals in regards to adjectives?

138. Most of the time there are no rules for broken plurals except for a few forms of nouns and adjectives.

139. There are rules in the following forms of nouns on how they are made into broken plurals:

•فَعل، فُعل، فَعل، فَعَل و فَعِل becomeأفعال , for example:قُفل becomesأقفال .

•فِعلَة becomesفِعَل , for example:عِبرَة becomesعِبَر

•فُعلَة becomesفُعَل , for example:صُورَة becomesصُوَر

• Any triliteral noun where an alif or wāw is added after its first root letter becomesفَوَاعِل , for example:خاتَم becomesخَواتِم

•أفعل (regardless of what vowel sign its hamzah or second root letter have) becomesأفاعِل , for example:إصبَع becomesأصابِع

• Any feminine noun whose third letter is a long vowel becomesفَعائل , for example:کنیسة becomesکَنائس

• All quadriliteral nouns where a long vowel is added before its last letter becomeفَعالیل , for example:عُصفور becomesعَصافیر

140. There are rules in the following forms of adjectives on how they are made into broken plurals:

•أفعل فَعلاء becomesفُعل , for example:أخضَر becomesخُضر

• Comparative/superlative forms becomeأفاعِل , for exampleأکبر becomesأکابِر

• Defective verbs in the formفاعل becomeفُعَلَة , for exampleرامٍ becomesرُماة , and hollow verbs in the same form that indicate making or building something becomeفَعَلَة , for example:حاک becomesحَیَکَة , and all other words in this form becomeفُعَّل أو فُعّال و فَعَلَة و فُعَلاء

•فاعِلة becomesفَواعل orفُعَّل , for example:عاذِلة becomesعَواذِل و عُذَّل

•فَعیل if it has the meaning of an accusative indicating a form of tribulation becomesفَعلیَ for example:جریح becomesجَرحیَ

•فَعیل when it means an actor becomesأفعال , for example:شَریف becomesأشراف , if it indicates a character trait it becomesفُعَلاء و فعال , for example:کَریم becomesکُرماء و کرام , and if it is a double-lettered word or a defective word it becomesأفعلاء , for example:شقي becomesأشقیاء

•فَعُول meaning an actor becomesفُعَل orأفعال , for example:صَبور becomesصُبَر

•فَعلان فَعلیَ becomesفُعالی orفِعال , for example:سکران becomesسُکاری

Nouns and Epithets

141. What is a noun?

142. What is an epithet?

143. Can all nouns be described?

144. What words are added to epithet?

141. A noun is a word that can be used for a person,یوسف , animal,بهیمة , or thing,کتاب , or a meaning,إحسان

142. An epithet is any word that describes a noun, for example:کریم .

143. All apalistic nouns can be described. The derived words that can be described are adverbial nouns of time and place and instrumental nouns. The rest of them are epithets.

144. Two types of words are added to the category of epithets: a relative noun, for example:بیروتي , and an apalistic noun that indicates the meaning of a derived noun, for example:رأیت قائداً أسداً , and lion here means brave. The epithet must follow the word it is describing in number and gender.

Generic and Proper Nouns

145. What is a generic noun?

146. What is a proper noun and how many types of proper nouns are there?

147. What is the ruling regarding a compound proper noun?

148. Does a proper noun become indefinite?

145. A generic noun is a word that is applicable for every instance of it and does not indicate one instance disregarding another, for example:کتاب .

146. A proper noun is a word that indicates one instance of a genius without regarding another. There are two types of proper nouns; a singular proper nouns, for example:سلیم , and compound which is either by a compliment to a prefixed noun, for example:عَبد الله , a real compound, for example:بَیتَ لحم , or attribute, for example:تأبَّط شراً .

147. The ruling regarding a compound due to a compliment to a prefixed noun is that the prefixed word is put into whatever state that the previous situation calls for and the compliment is put into the genitive state, for example:جاء عبدُاللهِ . The ruling regarding the real compound noun is that the first word is indeclinable with a fathah and the second letter is declinable, for example:أعجبتني بَیتَ لحمُ . The ruling regarding the compliment due to being an attribute is that both words accept the signs of whatever state they are in, for example:تأبَّطَ شراً . Proper nouns are also divided into metonymy, which start with āb or um, for example:أبو یوسف and nicknames, which can either be positive or negative, for example:المصطفی which is the nickname of the last Prophet, Muhammad (s).

Masculine And Feminine Nouns

149. What are masculine and feminine nouns?

150. How many feminine signs are there?

151. How many types of feminine nouns are there?

152. When is a femininity of a noun real?

153. How is a masculine noun (human or animal) made feminine?

154. How is an epithet made feminine?

155. Are there any exceptions to the rule regarding making an epithet feminine?

156. How many epithets are there that are used in the masculine and feminine sense with one word?

157. What are the rules regardingفعول with the meaning of an actor andفعیل with the meaning of an accusative?

158. What are the rules regardingفعیل with the meaning of an actor andفعول with the meaning of an accusative?

149. A masculine noun is that which indicates a male person or animal, for example:أب . A feminine noun is that which indicates femininity, for example:أم .

150. There are three feminine signs: the feminine tā', for example:عالِمَة , alif maqsūrah, for example:سَلمیَ , and an added alif mamdūdah, for example:حَسناء

151. There are three types of feminine nouns: grammatically, this is a noun that indicates masculinity but has a feminine sign, for example:مُعاویة , real, this is a noun that indicates femininity but does not have a feminine sign, for example:مریم , grammatically and real, this is a noun that indicates femininity and has a feminine sign, for example:لَطیفَة .

152. The real feminine noun is applied to four cases: feminine names, for example:مریم , nouns that are exclusive for females, for example:أخت , names of cities, civilizations, and tribes, for example:الشام , and the names of dual body parts, for example:عَین .

153. A masculine name (human or animal) is made feminine by adding the feminine tā' to the end of the word, for exampleسلیم becomesسلیمة .

154. Epithets are made feminine by adding a feminine tā' to the end of masculine epithets, for example:مُؤمن becomesمُؤمنة .

155. The exceptions to the rule of making epithets feminine are: epithets in the formفعلان , they are made feminine by putting them in the formفَعلیَ , for exampleسَکران becomesسَکرَیَ , and epithets in the formأفعَل which is made feminine in the formفَعلاء , for exampleأخضَر becomesخَضراء , and the superlative/comparative form which is made feminine in the formفُعلیَ , for example:أکرَم becomesکُرمیَ .

156. The epithets that are used for both feminine and masculine words in one form are:فَعَّالة مثل علَّامة و مِفعَال مثل مِفضال و مِفعیل مثل مِعطیر و فَعُول الفاعل مثل صَبور و فَعیل المفعول مثل قَتیل

157. Wheneverفَعُول has the meaning of an actor andفَعیل has the meaning of an accusative they are used interchangeably with masculine and feminine words. If the described word is not mentioned a feminine tā' is added to it, for example:هذه جریحة .

158. Wheneverفَعُول has the meaning of an accusative andفَعیل has the meaning of an actor the feminine tā' is always used to make it feminine, for exampleبَقرةٌ حَلوبة .

Possessive Nouns

159. What is a possessive noun?

160. What is the ruling of possessive noun?

161. How is a word ending in a hamzah made into a possessive noun?

162. How is a word ending in an alif made into a possessive noun?

163. How is a word ending in a yā' made into a possessive noun?

164. How is a word ending in a doubled yā' made into a possessive noun?

165. How is the formفعیلة made into a possessive noun?

166. How is a triliteral noun whose third root letter has been erased made into a possessive noun?

159. A possessive noun is a noun where a doubled yā' is added to the end it in order to relate it to something, for example:لبنان becomesلبنانيّ .

160. The ruling of a possessive noun is that the feminine tā' and the signs of the dual and plural forms should be erased from the word and the letter that comes before the possessive yā' is always given a kasrah, for example:عراقین becomesعراقيّ .

161. If the noun ends in a hamzah and one wants to make it into a possessive noun there are three cases: first, if it is a feminine hamzah it is changed to a wāw, for example:بیضاء becomesبَیضاويّ . Second, if it is a replacement of a weak letter one can either change it to a wāw or have it remain as it is, for example:سَماء becomesسَماويّ orسَمائيّ . Third, if it is an original letter it is not changed, for example:قرّاء becomesقرّائيّ .

162. If the noun ends in an alif and one wants to make it into a possessive noun there are three cases: first, if the alif is the third letter it is changed into a wāw, for example:فتیَ becomesفَتَويّ . Second, if it is the fourth letter and the second letter of the word does not have a vowel sign it is changed into a wāw, for example:معنیَ becomesمَعنَوِيّ . Third, the alif is erased if it is the fifth letter or greater, for example:خُزَامیَ becomesخُزاميّ .

163. If the noun ends in a yā' and one wants to make it into a possessive noun the yā' is changed into a wāw and the letter before it is given a fathah, for example:الشجيّ becomesالشَجَويّ . The exception is if the yā' comes after a sound letter without a vowel sign, in this case it is not changed, for example:ظَبي becomesظَبیيّ .

164. If the noun ends in a doubled yā' and one wants to make it into a possessive noun there are three cases: first, if it is after one letter, the second yā' is changed into a wāw and the first is given its original form with a fathah, for example:حيّ becomesحَیَويّ . Second, if it is after two letters, the first yā' is erased and the second is changed into a wāw and the letter before it is given a fathah, for example:نَبيّ becomesنَبَوِيّ . Third, if it is after three or more letters the word remains the same, for example:کرسي becomesکرسيٌ .

165. If the noun is in the formفعیلة and one wants to make it into a possessive noun the yā' is erased and the letter before it is given a fathah, for example:مدینة becomesمَدَنيّ . The exception to this rule is if the second root letter is weak or doubled, in this case the yā' is not erased, for example:طَوِیلة becomesطَویليّ .

166. If the noun is a trilateral noun whose third letter is erased and two letters remain and one wants to make it into a possessive noun the erased letter returns in the possessive form, for example:أب becomesأبَويّ . If a feminine tā' replaces the erased letter, it will be erased and the original letter will be brought back, for example:سنة becomesسنويّ .

The Diminutive Form

167. What is the diminutive form?

168. What is the ruling of the diminutive form?

169. What happens in the diminutive form of quadriliteral nouns?

170. How is a word whose second letter is weak put into the diminutive form?

171. How is a word whose third letter is weak put into the diminutive form?

172. How is a word whose fourth letter is a wāw or an alif put into the diminutive form?

167. The diminutive form adding a yā' without a vowel sign after the second letter of a declinable noun to indicate smallness, for example:دُرَیهِمات , humiliation, for example:رُجَیل , or amazement, for example:بُنَيّ .

168. The ruling of the diminutive form is that the first letter of the word is given a dummah and the second letter is given a fathah, for example:عَبد becomesعُبَید .

169. If the word has four letters or more the letter after the yā' is given a kasrah, for example:دِرهَم becomesدُرَیهِم , unless it is connected to a feminine tā', for example:مهرة becomesمُهَیرَة or if it is a proper noun or an adjective that ends in an added alif and nūn, for example:سَلمان becomesسُلَیمان .

170. If the second letter of the word is weak and has been changed it will be changed back to its original form, for example:باب becomesبُوَیب .

171. If the weak letter is an alif or a wāw it will be changed into a doubled yā' in the diminutive form, for example:عَصا becomesعُصَيٌّ . If it is a yā' it is doubled in the diminutive form, for example:جمیل becomesجُمَیِّل .

172. If a word whose fourth letter is a wāw or alif is put into the diminutive form they will be changed into a yā', for example:عُصفور becomesعُصَیفیر .


173. What is declination?

174. Are all nouns declinable?

175. What verbs are declinable?

176. What are the names of the declinable states?

177. How many types of declinable words are there?

178. What are vowel-declinable words?

179. What are lettered declinable words, representing vowel-signed ones?

180. What are the five nouns and how are they declined?

181. How is the dual form declined?

182. How is the sound masculine plural declined?

183. What are the five verbs and how are they declined?

173. Declination is the changing of the end of nouns and verbs due the change in their state, for example:قَدِمَ الغائبُ و رأیتُ الغائبَ و سلّمتُ علی الغائبِ .

174. All nouns are declinable except for certain nouns which will be discussed in the indeclination section.

175. The aorist tense from among the verbs is declinable except in the feminine nūn or the nūn of emphasis is added to it.

176. The names of the states of declination are: nominative, accusative and subjunctive, genitive, and jussive. The nominative, subjunctive, and jussive states are for verbs and the nominative, accusative, and genitive states are for nouns.

177. There are two types of declinable words: vowel-declinable words and lettered-declinable words.

178. There are four types of vowel-declinable words: single nouns, broken plurals, feminine sound plurals, and aorist tense verbs without clear nominative pronouns. All of these have a dummah in the nominative state, a fathah in the accusative or subjunctive state except the feminine sound plural which has a kasrah, a kasrah in the genitive case except for words that do not conjugate which have a fathah, and a sakūn in the jussive case except for verbs whose last letter is weak, in this case the letter is erased, for example:لم یدعُ .

179. There are four lettered declinable words: the five nouns, the dual form, the masculine sound plurals, and the five verbs.

180. The five nouns are:أبٌ و أخٌ و حَمٌ و فَمٌ و ذُو . The condition onفَمٌ is that its mīm is erased. All of these nouns are given a wāw in the nominative state, for example:جاء أبوه , an alif in the accusative state, for example:رأیتُ أخاه , and a yā' in the genitive state, for example:مَررتُ بذي أدَبٍ .

181. The dual form is given an alif in the nominative state, for example:جَلَسَ الرّجُلانِ and a yā' in the accusative and genitive states, for example:أحضَرتُ الغائبَینِ و ذَهَبتُ بالحاصرَینِ .

182. A sound masculine plural is given a wāw in the nominative state, for example:وَصَلَ القادمونَ and a yā' in the accusative and genitive states, for example:اِستَقبَلنا القادمونَ و رَحَّبنا بالقادمونَ .

183. The five verbs are the aorist tense verbs that are connected to the dual alif, the plural wāw, or the second person yā', for example:یَفعَلان و تَفعَلان و یَفعَلون و تَفعَلون و تَفعَلین . The nūn remains in the nominative state and is erased in the subjunctive and jussive states, for example:لم یَذهَبا و لن تَذهَبي .

Implied Declinable Signs

184. When are the signs of declination implied?

185. When is the wāw implied?

186. When is the nominative nūn implied?

187. When is the sakūn implied?

184. There are four cases when the signs of declination are implied: declinable nouns that end in an alif, for example:الفتیَ , nouns that are prefixed to a first person yā', for example:غلامي , declinable words that end in a wāw preceded by a dummah or a yā' preceded by a kasrah, for example:یَدعُو القاصي , and in words whose last letter is erased, for example:قاضٍ . All vowel signs are implied when the word ends in an alif because an alif cannot take a vowel sign. The vowel signs are implied in nouns that are prefixed to a first person yā' because the last letter has to receive a kasrah in relation to the yā'. The vowel sign is implied in the third case due to difficulty in pronunciation. A fathah is able to come in the third case, for example:لن یَدعُوَ القاصيَ , a wāw and yā' can receive vowel signs if they are preceded by a letter without a vowel sign, for example:دَلوٌ , if the last letter is erased the dummah and kasrah are implied while the fathah remains, for example:رأیتُ قاضیاً .

185. The wāw is implied in masculine sound plurals in the nominative state which are prefixed to a first person yā', for example:جاءَ مُکرِميَّ . We would say that this word is in the nominative state and its sign is a wāw that has turned into a yā' because of incorporation.

186. The nominative nūn is implied in two cases: if it comes before a nūn of emphasis, for example:هل تُکرِمانَّ or if it comes before the nūn of separation, for example:هل تُکرِمُوني .

187. The sakūn is implied if it follows a letter without a vowel sign, for example:احترام الشیوخَ . In this case the mīm is given a kasrah so two letters without vowel signs will not occur together.

Conjugational and Non-Conjugational Declinable Nouns

188. What is a conjugational declinable noun?

189. What is a non-conjugational declinable noun?

190. How many types of nouns are there that do not conjugate?

191. When is a proper noun non-conjugational?

192. What condition makes an adjective non-conjugational?

193. When is a plural non-conjugational?

194. What condition makes a noun ending in a feminine alif non-conjugational?

195. When does a non-conjugational noun receive a kasrah?

188. A conjugational declinable noun is a noun which accepts nunation and all vowel signs, for example:جاءنا رجلٌ عالِمٌ .

189. A non-conjugational declinable noun is a noun that does not accept a kasrah or nunation; it is limited in accepting a dummah and a fathah only, for example:قَدِمَ إبرهیمُ و سافَرتُ مَعَ یُوسفَ .

190. The nouns which do not conjugate are: singular proper nouns and singular adjectives, plurals in the formsمَفاعِل andمَفاعِیل , and any noun that ends in the feminine alif.

191. Proper nouns are non-conjugational in six cases: First, if it ends in an additional alif and nūn, for example:عثمان . Second, if it is in a form similar to a verb, for example:أحمَد . Third, if it is an insignificant compound, for example:بَعلَبَکَّ . Fourth, if it is feminine, be it grammatically (مُعاویة ), real (مریم ), or grammatically and real (وردة ). Fifth, if it is a non-Arabic word consisting of more than three letters, for example:إبراهیم . Sixth, if it is transformed, for example:عُمَر which is transformed fromعامر .

193. Plurals become non-conjugational when they have the following forms:مَفاعِل for example:مَساجِد orمَفاعِیل for example:مَصابِیح .

194. Maqsūr and mamdūd nouns ending in the feminine alif are non-conjugational whether they are singular or plural or proper or adjective on the condition that the alif is additional, not an original letter of the word and that it has four letters or more, for example:سَلمیَ .

195. A non-conjugational noun is but in the genitive form by giving it a kasrah when it is the compliment of a prefixed noun or given the alif-lam prefix, for example:مَرَرتُ بأفضَلِ العُلماءِ .

Indeclinable Words

196. What is an indeclinable word and what are its signs?

197. How many types of indeclinable words are there?

198. Which nouns are necessarily indeclinable?

199. How many types of nouns are there that are indeclinable for a reason?

200. What are intended vocatives indeclinable on?

201. What is the subject of a lā that denies a whole genius indeclinable on?

202. What are compound numbers indeclinable on?

203. What are the six directions indeclinable on?

204. What verbs are necessarily indeclinable?

205. What are preterite tense verbs indeclinable on?

206. What are imperative verbs indeclinable on?

207. What verbs are there that are indeclinable for a reason?

208. Are the signs of indeclinable words ever implied?

196. An indeclinable word is a word whose end does not change no matter where it is in the sentence, for example:مَن رأیتَ . It has four signs: a dummah, fathah, kasrah, and sakūn. The dummah and kasrah are specific to nouns, for example:حَیثُ , and prepositions, for example:مُنذُ . The fathah and sakūn are seen both in nouns, for example:أینَ , verbs, for example:قامَ , and prepositions, for example:لَیتَ .

197. There are two types of indeclinable words: necessary indeclinable words, which are indeclinable in every state and words that are indeclinable for a reason which will be made declinable when the reason disappears.

198. The nouns which are necessarily indeclinable are: personal pronouns, demonstrative pronouns, conjuncts, conditional nouns, interrogative nouns, some metonymies, some adverbial nouns of time and place, verbal nouns, and sounds.

199. There are four types of nouns which become indeclinable for a reason: First; intended vocatives, second; the subject of a lā that denies a whole genius, third; compound numbers, and fourth; the six directions and similar words.

200. If an implied vocative is singular it will become indeclinable on a vocalized dummah, for example:یا رجلُ or an implied dummah, for example:یا فتیَ . If it is in the dual form it becomes indeclinable on an alif, for example:یا مُؤمنانِ . If it is a masculine sound plural it becomes indeclinable on a wāw, for example:یا مؤمنونَ .

201. If the subject of a lā that denies a whole genius is indefinite and singular (not a compliment to a prefixed noun or similar to a compliment to a prefixed noun) it is always made indeclinable on a fathah, for example:یا رَجُلَ في الدَّارِ . If it is in the dual form or a masculine sound plural it is made indeclinable on a yā', for example:لا عالِمَینِ و لا عالِمِینَ في المدینة .

202. If the compound number is inbetween 11 and 19, excluding 12, both of its parts are made indeclinable on a fathah, for example:جاءنی خمسَةَ عَشَرَ رَجُلاً .

203. The six directions, which are:، تحتُ ، یمینُ ، شمالُ ، خلفُ و قُدَّامُ فوقُ and whatever else has their meanings, for example:قَبلُ ، بَعدُ ، أولُ ، دونُ ، و حسبُ , are all made indeclinable on a dummah.

204. Verbs that are necessarily indeclinable are the preterite tense and the imperative.

205. The preterite tense is made indeclinable on a fathah. Hence, it is correct to say that if a plural wāw or nominative pronoun is added to it, it would have an implied fathah due to the vowel sign in congruence with the wāw in the first case and the sakūn in the second.

206. An imperative is made indeclinable on a sakūn if the feminine nūn is added to it, for example:اِحفَظنَ or its last letter is sound and there is nothing added to it, for example:اِحفَظ . It is made indeclinable by erasing its last letter if it is weak and nothing is added to it, for example:اُدنُ . It is made indeclinable by erasing the nūn if it is connected to the dual alif, the plural wāw, or the second person yā', for example:اِحفظا . It is made indeclinable on a fathah if it is connected to a nūn of emphasis, for example:اِحفَظَنَّ .

207. The verbs which are made indeclinable for a reason are the aorist tense verb and no other. It is made indeclinable on a sakūn if the feminine nūn is added to it, for example:یَذهَبنَ . It is made indeclinable on a fathah if a nūn of emphasis is added to it, for example:لِیَحفَظَنَّ . If the aorist tense verb is not in these two cases then it is declinable.

208. Indeclinable signs are implied just like declinable signs are, either because another sign takes its place or because there is a reason that it cannot be mentioned, for example in vocatives, whether they be indeclinable before the vocation (یا حِذامِ ) or declinable before it (یا یحییَ ), or in aorist tense verbs ending in an alif (دَعا ), or the subject of a lā that denies a whole genius (لا فتیَ هُنا ).


209. What is a pronoun?

210. How many types of pronouns are there?

211. How many separated pronouns are there in relation to their case?

212. How many connected pronouns are there in relation to their designated case?

209. A pronoun is a word that takes the place of an apparent meaning, for example:هُوَ which takes the place of whoever it is referring to.

210. There are two types of pronouns: separated pronouns which are either inchoatives or are mentioned afterإلا , for example:هوَ نائمٌ و ما نائمٌ إلا هو , or connected pronouns which are like a part of the word that comes before them, for example:الهاء inرَحِمَهُ .

211. There are two types of separated pronouns in relation to their case: nominative (هو ، هما ، هم ، هي ، هما ، هنَّ ، أنت ، أنتما ، أنتم ، أنت ، أنتما ، أنتنَّ ، أنا ، نحن ) and accusative (إیّاه ، إیّاهما ، إیّاهم ، إیّاها ، إیّاهما ، إیّاهنَّ ، إیّاهک ، إیّاهکما ، إیّاهکم ، إیّاهک ، إیّاکما ، إیّآهکنَّ ، إیّاهي ، إیّاهنا ).

212. There are three types of connected pronouns in relation to their designated case: those who are only nominative (alif, wāw, nūn, yā' and tā'), for example:قاموا , those that are either accusative or genitive (the first person yā', the second person kāf, and the third person hā'), for example:أکرَمَکَ سیَّدک , and those that come in the nominative, accusative, and genitive cases which is theنا , for example:ربَّنا إنَّنا سمعنا .

Demonstrative Pronouns

213. What is a demonstrative pronoun?

214. How many types of demonstrative pronouns are there?

215. What are the demonstrative pronouns that are exclusive to places?

213. A demonstrative pronoun is that which denotes a specific thing by pointing to it.

214. There are three types of demonstrative pronouns: close, medium distance, and far. Refer to the second volume for the list of these pronouns. The hā' is added to the close demonstrative pronouns in all cases, for example:هذا and to the feminine singular medium distance demonstrative pronoun, for example:هاتیک .

215. There are four demonstrative pronouns that are exclusive to places:هنا (close),هناک (medium distance), andهنالِک و ثَمَّ (far).