The Role of Holy Imams (a.s.) in the Revival of Religion Volume 2

The Role of Holy Imams (a.s.) in the Revival of Religion0%

The Role of Holy Imams (a.s.) in the Revival of Religion Author:
Translator: Jalil Dorrani
Publisher: Naba Organization
Category: General Books

The Role of Holy Imams (a.s.) in the Revival of Religion

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Allamah Sayyid Murtadha Askari
Translator: Jalil Dorrani
Publisher: Naba Organization
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The Role of Holy Imams (a.s.) in the Revival of Religion

The Role of Holy Imams (a.s.) in the Revival of Religion Volume 2

Publisher: Naba Organization

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Alhassanain (p) Network for Islamic Heritage and Thought

The Role of Holy Imams (a.s.) in the Revival of Religion Vol. 2

Author(s): Sayyid Murtadha al-'Askari

Translator(s): Jalil Dorrani

Publisher(s): Naba Organization

Table of Contents

Chapter 5 6

Description of The Holy Prophet In The School Of Sunnis 6

Agreement of Caliph Omar With His Lord 6

The Number Of Agreements Rise! 7

Quran - Following The Words Of Omar 8

Agreement of Quran With The Caliph's Views 9

Noteworthy Conclusion 9

Traditions Concerning 'Virtues' 9

Traditions Which Undermine The Position Of The Holy Prophet: 10

They Claimed: The Prophet Urinated While Standing 11

They Would Claim: The Holy Prophet Used To Eat Meat Sacrificed And Presented For An Idol! 11

Conclusion Of This Tradition 11

Analysis Of The Tradition 12

Tarnishing The Image Of The Holy Prophet's Fore-Fathers 12

Examination Of Omar's Agreement 13

Agreement About The Standing-Place Of Ibrahim 13

Analysing This Agreement 13

Agreement About The Prophet's Wives 14

Analysing This Agreement 14

Agreement With Regards To The Sentence: 'Blessed Be Allah 15

Analysing This AgreementAnalysing This Agreement 15

Examining Omar's Agreement In The Light Of Traditions 16

About The Veil Of The Holy Prophet's Wives 16

Analysing This Agreement 16

Occasion Of Revelation Of The Verse Of Veil From The View-Point Of Tradition 17

Another Tradition From Ayesha 17

About Envy Amongst The Prophet's Wives 18

About The Commandment On Prohibition Of Wine 18

Tradition About The Holy Prophet Urinating While Standing!? 21

Eating Meat Sacrificed In The Name Of The Idols 22

The Evil Consequences Of Such Traditions On The Beliefs Of Muslims 23

Tradition On The Holy Prophet Cursing The Muslims 24

The Holy Prophet Confessed His Ignorance In Some Of The Worldly Matters 24

Forgetfulness Of The Holy Prophet In 'Namaz' (Prayers) 24

The Holy Prophet Reciting Prayers In The State Of 'Janabat' (Unwashed From A Sexual Intercourse) 25

Conclusion 25

These Traditions Create a Special Insight in the Caliphate School 26

The Reasons Behind The Dissemination Of Such Traditions In The Caliphate School Of Thought 27

The Worst Effect Which These Traditions Have Left Behind 31

The Effect And Result Of Such Traditions 32

Conclusion Of The Previous Discussions 37

What Did They Do To The Holy Prophet's Shrine 39

Treatment With The People Of Medina 40

The Killing Of The Prophet's Household And Taking As Captive His Daughters 40

On The Path Of Obedience To The Caliph 40

The Second Factor In The Alteration Of Islamic Precepts 41

The Effect of Forsaking the Imams Of Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) 42

Description of the Holy Prophet (S) in the school of Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) 43

Hazrat's Portrait 43

His Style Of Speaking 44

His Behaviour At Home 44

His Behaviour Outside The House 45

His Conduct And Behaviour In Social Gatherings 45

Notes 48

Chapter 6 53

Factors Which Attributed To The Alteration Of Religions 53

Fabrication Of Traditions 55

Why Did They Fabricate Traditions? 55

Official Command For Forging Traditions 57

The Command Gains Severity 58

The Issue Of The Third Command 58

Tradition of «Yaum-Ud-Dar» يوم الدار 59

A Contradiction To This Tradition 60

From The Words Of Ayesha 60

From The Words Of Abu-Huraira 61

Tradition Of 'Muslim' 62

Tradition Of A'mash Quoted From Ibn-Abbass 63

Traditions Of Tabari And Suyuti 64

Two Reminders 65

One Corneous Lie 66

Over The Mountain Of 'Safa' 67

What Is The Real Story? 68

Looking Into The Chain Of Transmission Of The Traditions 69

Examining The Text Of The Traditions 70

So, What Has Been The Story? 70

The Period When These Traditions Were Forged 71

Two Other Fabricated Traditions 71

Conclusion 72

Producing An Untrue Tradition Concerning Amir-Ul-Mumineen (a.s.) 73

First Tradition 73

Second Tradition 74

Third Tradition 74

Assessing The Previous Tradition 75

Fourth Tradition 76

Assessing The Fourth Tradition 77

Fabrication Of Tradition By Samur-Ibn-Jundab 78

The Idols Should Be Broken 80

Verses Of «Tayammum» (Dry Ablution) 82

Race Between The Holy Prophet And His Wife! 83

Hadith About «Tayammum» (Dry Ablution) 83

A Probe Into This Tradition 84

The Reality Of This Matter 88

The Consequence Of Propagating Such Forgeries In The Islamic Texts 89

The Period Of Forgery Of Such Traditions 91

The Consequence Of These Traditions On the thoughts of those believing in them 91

Presence Of Sunni Scholars In The context of Fabrication of Traditions 93

Story Tellers 95

Tamim ad-Dari, the christian scholar, The spokesman of the islamic world: 96

His Record Before Islam 96

During The Second Caliph's Era 98

His Penetration Into The Caliphate School 99

Hadith Of «Jassaseh» And «Dajjal» 99

Review Of This Tradition 100

Western Islamicists And The Hadith Of «Jassaseh» 102

On The Path Of Greater Recognition Of Tamim Dari 103

Summary 105

Kab Al-Ahbar, The Jewish Scholar, The Expositor Of Quran 106

The Students Of Kab 109

Kab's Influence In Official Positions 110

The Guardians Of Islam - The Opposition To Kab Al-Ahbar 112

Why Kab Al-Ahbar Was Given Attention? 113

Summary 117

Notes 118

Chapter 7 124

First Section: Enumerating The Companions (Of The Holy Prophet) Forged By Seef 125

Second Section: Abdullah-Ibn-Saba And The Sabas 128

Third Section: Narrators Of Hadith Created Out Of Seef's Imagination 130

Fourth Section: The commanders of the Infidels Army 132

Fifth Section: The Poets Made Out Of Seef's Imagination: 132

Sixth Section: The Disciples Fabricated By Seef 132

First: The fictitious lands and cities which Seef has created 133

Second: The Days Fabricated By Seef 134

Third: The Fictitious narrations made on wars and military entourage – wars against renegades and the Islamic conquests – created by Seef 135

A Brief Account Of These Fables 135

Fourth: The superstitious fabricated by seef the like of the miracle 137

Fifth: Seef’s Distortion of the time of occurrence of the historical events 138

Sixth: Distortions made in names 139

Second Part: The Reason Behind The Dissemination Of Seef's Lies Into The Reliable Books Of The Caliphate School 142

A Few Examples Of Those Traditions Of The caliphate school which have entered the dignified books of the ahlul bayt school 144

First Part: The Condition For Referring To The Primary Sources Of Islam 151

Second Part: The condition for referring to the Holy Quran 151

Analysing These Exegesis 160

Another Painful Aspect 170

Preface 171

First: Concealment of the Holy Prophet’s Hadith and Seerah: 172

Second: In Explanation of the Second Medium 173

The Gharaniq Fable 174

Third: In Explanation of the Third Medium 179

The Issue Of The Third Command 179

A Few Examples Of Such Traditions 180

Traditions About Ayesha's Virtues 181

The Destructive Activities Of The Infiltrating Agents in the Traditions 184

Another Dangerous Infiltrating Agent 185

Conclusion 186

Notes 187