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This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Armenian Muslim Brother

Nobar Klislian says:

● Having read The Holy Quran several times, I realized that it was a Divine Book and that it could not be written by a human being; therefore, I embraced Islam.

● One of the characteristics of The Holy Quran is that it suits every time and place, and the more you read it, the more new things you discover in it.

● I wish that Muslim preachers andUlama would urge people to read and learn besides deducing the meanings of The Holy Quran, for they are theUmmah of« Read » .

● The only attribute that I like to be called with is that I am one of« the people of The Quran » .

Noor Al-Islam Magazine is glad, in this part that hosts converted brothers and sisters whom Allah has delighted their hearts with Islam and the light of the Clear Right, to publish (not literally) this valuable interview which was made by Sister Nadia Sultan with the Armenian brother who has converted to Islam Nobar Klislian in order to benefit its readers.

The interview was published in the Arabic language magazine Sada al-Mashreq in Canada, where Brother Klislian currently resides and continues his activity of invitation to Islam and distinguished intellectual work.

First , we would like to welcome you as a good Muslim and active brother for the sake of Islam as far as invitation, thought, and writing are concerned. Could you please tell us about your upbringing, academic and occupational life?

I was born in the Syrian town of Aleppo in 1942. I grew up there, and when I reached the college level I moved to study in Lebanon at the American University in Beirut from which I got my Masters degree in Mathematics. Between 1962 and 1976, I taught in the Lebanese University, Beirut College for Girls, the American University in Beirut, Jan American and other schools.

In 1976, when the Lebanese civil war broke out, I immigrated with my wife and children, who were then six and three years old, to Canada. I worked in marketing machinery and then in the commerce of precious stones. In 1982, I worked in real estate. Later, I taught mathematics to the children of those whom I knew of the Arab and Armenian communities as a volunteer.

In 1990, I came second in selling real estate in Canada’s Hall of Fame Remax, and fourth at the international level.

Can we talk about the beginnings? How did you embrace Islam?

I had a Muslim friend of Arab origin who presented me with a translation of The Holy Quran by Thomas Irving, which I believe is the best English translation of The Holy Quran, because he has used the simple and understandable language of North America. Then I read the Arabic version of The Holy Quran over twenty times. I realized that this book is a Divine Book, and that it could not be a« human production » . In the meantime, I also read Mohammed Assad’s The Message of Islam. Therefore, I decided to embrace Islam and to translate The Holy Quran into the Armenian language.

How was this task, and how long did the translation take?

Of course it wasn’t an easy task. I relied in my work in a balanced fashion on the English translation of The Holy Quran and the Arabic original one. I also used Assad’s book and A-Tabarai’s interpretation which was quite useful, although I disagree with him on some points. I needed five years to complete the translation, that is from May 1997 until April 2002.

You said that when you read The Holy Quran you realized beyond doubt that it was a Divine word and not a human production. Can you tell us about this certainty?

First , the miracle of The Holy Quran is that it is not restricted to a period of time. Human beings are able to understand it and apply it now, after over one thousand four hundred years since it was first revealed.

Second , any encyclopedia, even if it is made of thousands of pages, will include defects. Whereas The Holy Quran, with its thirty chapters, answers all the questions that may come to one’s mind; it’s a complete and comprehensive coverage of the human being’s needs; it has no inadvertence or negligence in any topic that is of interest to man be it in his or her worldly life or what awaits them after death.

Third , the miracle of The Holy Quran lies also in the fact that the more you read it, the more new things you discover in it. Even if you read it hundreds of times, you will not be bored; this serves as categorical evidence that it is Divine and that it was not written by a human being.

What do you think about Islam and Muslims today?

Pertaining to Muslims, I have a two-part answer.

First , since I converted to Islam, I have taken part in the Friday Prayer. I really find it strange how none of the preachers have ever talked in his Khotba about instructing and urging Muslims to read, although the first verse that was revealed was« Read » . I wish that Friday preachers would return Muslims to the origin and essence of Islam through urging people to read and learn besides deducing the meanings of The Holy Quran, for they are the Ummah of« Read » ; otherwise, George Bernard Shaw’s remark, that they are the worst implementers of the Best Book that have ever been revealed to humanity, The Holy Quran, will hold good for them, because they do not read.

Second , as for my opinion on Muslims in general, well, many people come to me, because I have embraced Islam, to ask me this question, I reply that I do not have the answer to this question, for to judge people, be they Muslims or non-Muslims, is up to their Creator, be He exalted. Allah has pointed out in The Holy Quran that human beings are completely free in this worldly life whether they follow or ignore the teachings of The Holy Quran. However, they will return to Allah in the Hereafter, and He will judge them.

Regarding Islam, Islam is The Quran, and I am trying to follow its teachings as much as I can. And I can always discuss its topics with anyone, for Allah has recommended the Shura (consultation) and allowed dialogue and exchanging ideas and opinions.

Is there in the horizon any other works other than your translation of The Holy Quran?

Yes, I am currently writing a book which I titledThe Creation: Planned or Random? The book is in English. It tackles many issues including, for instance, Water: The Holy Quran states that water is the source of life; but in order to remain fit and suitable to supply the living people, animals, and plants, water has to be in a condition that enables it to perform this task, as it needs to be liquid, not vapor or frozen. The whole universe has been made subservient to achieve this liquid state of the water in order to enable it to perform this task. This is clear in many aspects: the size of the earth, its gravity, its farness from each of the sun and the moon, its rotation, the wind movement… Even storms serve this end. In the past, I used to fear storms and hate them until I knew that they cleanse the environment of pollution and contribute in environmental balance.

In the end of each chapter of my new book, there is a question that I raise before the reader: is it a coincidence or is there an upper hand that plans and works to achieve balance on earth in order to preserve life?

Did your upbringing in an Arab country have any role in your decision to embrace Islam?

Not at all. The opposite is right. The major influence was when I read The Holy Quran. However, after I embraced Islam, I began to feel sympathy with Muslims throughout the world where Muslims are being persecuted.

… And I Became Zeinab Ramirez

Filipino Sister Zeinab (Teresa) says:

Interviewed by Salma Bitar

● I had misconceptions about Islam, but having studied its creeds and conceptions, I admired this great faith.

● I admired the hijab of the sisters I saw due to its modesty, solemnity, and spirituality.

● What I have obtained through embracing Islam is more precious than all the jewels of the world, and I fear that Satan may steal it from me.

Dear Sister Zeinab Ramirez (Teresa before embracing Islam) welcome to the heaven of Islam. We praise Allah Who has guided you and us to His Right Path. I will ask you a few questions that will tell us about your march towards the world of Guidance and your life before being guided. Could you tell us about your life before becoming a Muslim?

I am a Filipino; I was born in the capital Manila away from the Islamic areas. I was born to a Catholic family. My father died when I was six years old. My mother and brother sustained me. I finished school and got my BS in Computer Sciences in 1984; then I worked in a travel agency. I used to go to church and attended sessions of studying and analyzing the Bible. At this time, I believed Muslims were bad people who did not know the Creator and killed people and that we should guide them to Christianity.

I met my husband who was an Engineering student and taught him English. A few months later, he proposed to me. I agreed to marry him without knowing that he was Muslim, for I had never asked him about his faith. I found out that he was Muslim when he told me he went to the mosque for prayer. As for him, he never opposed my going to church and practicing my Christian rituals. He was very high-minded and understanding.

When was your first step on the Path of Guidance, and what made you take it?

After we got married, I got to know Islam through my husband. We discussed our faiths; he told me about Islam, and I told him about Christianity. I realized that the conceptions I had about Islam were wrong. This made me want to know more about the creeds, principles, and conceptions of this faith.

How did you become fully convinced that you needed to embrace Islam?

My husband started to bring me English books about Islam, its Prophet (p.b.u.h.), andAhlul-Bait (a.s.). The more I read, the more my interest and my liking of knowledge about Islam grew; I felt that my mind accepted the doctrines of this religion and that I have become fully convinced that it was the Right Religion. I took part in Islamic sessions and felt relaxed there. I admired thehijab of the sisters I saw due to its modesty, solemnity, and spirituality.

Having had that conviction, what was the next step?

The next step was to seriously consider declaring my conversion to Islam, wearinghijab , and performing the religious duties ordained by Allah. I changed my name from Teresa to Zeinab and asked my husband to teach me how to pray. I observed how he prayed and then started praying with him. I was then the mother of a four-year-old child.

What was the reaction of your Christian milieu then?

My mother did not oppose my embracing Islam; she was not prejudiced against this faith (in fact I was surprised when I knew later that she knew about the Muslims’ holidays, prayers, and fasting). Unfortunately, nevertheless, she did not know the reality and essence of Islam. As for my friends, they felt sad and thought that I had gone astray; they started warning me against Satan and told me that he had controlled me to relinquish the faith of my fathers and grandfathers. Of course I did not care about their attitude and did what satisfied my conscience, mind, and heart.

Having been in the World of Right for over 12 years now, how do you feel?

I feel satisfied with what I did. I sense peace of mind and stability. I pray to the Most Gracious every day after I perform my prayers to render my guidance unwavering, for what I have obtained is more precious than all the jewels of the world, and I fear that Satan may steal it from me.

How do you face the mistakes made by some Muslims? And how do you feel then?

I notice that these people are behaving in contrast with Allah’s orders and the teachings of their faith. Besides, I try to forgive those who are unjust to me, as Allah (be He exalted) has ordered me, if any injustice is inflicted on me.

Do you have any advice to your fellow Muslims?

I would like to advise them to always remember that their faith is that of the nobility of character (Prophet Mohammed (p.b.u.h.) has said,« I was sent to perfect the nobility of character » ). I hope that every Muslim observes the meaning of the religious duties and the deeds that are desirable that they perform; I mean the symbolic connotations of these duties that give them a greater spiritual and behavioral dimension. I also ask them to pray for me.

Australian Guided Sister Fatima

(Formerly Antoinette ) Says:

● My path to Islam was full of suffering.

● I thank Allah for the grace of guiding me to this Great Faith.

This is another story of a young woman who is western in culture, affiliation, and way of living, and who has rested with relief on the shores of Islam while enjoying the religion’s safety after she was guided to its Light by the ship of seeking the True Religion that has answers to the questions of the puzzled minds and sends reassurance into anxious hearts.

Here she is, telling her story of embracing Islam and the suffering and obstacles she encountered for that sake. She expressed the satisfaction and happiness she feels with her new faith in the following letter that she has sent toNoor al-Islam . She began her tale with the following Quranic verse:

As quoted in The Holy Quran,{ All praise and thanks be to Allah, who guided us to this and never could we have found guidance, were it not that Allah had guided us } . (7:43)

Truly thanks and praise be to Allah (s.w.t.) alone, who guided me towards His light from shear darkness. I was born in a Catholic family where I was taught excellent morals and values. My siblings and I were expected to attend church every Sunday, and believe me we would hear it from my mother if we didn’t! Going to church used to make me feel a sense of peace, like I had achieved something good. Although I would hardly pay attention I felt like I was pleasing God so that made me happy.

Growing up in an area where Muslims and Christians mixed, Islam was not too foreign to me. Some Muslim friends I had explained to me their views on God and Jesus and how they differ to what I was taught. I didn’t think much into it at that time as I was still immature and wanted to live my life the way it was.

Until one Sunday when I was at the age of 21 years. I attended church as usual. I recall sitting there when the questions started hitting me! How is God and Jesus the same person? One minute, Jesus is the son; the next, he is God!? How did Jesus’ dying on the cross save me from hell when I still sin everyday? All of a sudden, all of this didn’t make any sense to me. Why haven’t I asked myself these questions before? I just realized I was doing what I was taught to do without thinking all my life, which is not my usual character. At this point, I remembered what my Muslim friends had told me about Islam’s views on Jesus and Mary. I started thinking about why God divided us into different religions on earth. What was His plan? Why didn’t He make us all the same? It was then that I realized I had to find out about different religions and see which one was correct.

During the mid semester break of my last year of university, I got a temporary full time job as a secretary for 6 weeks. My job was not very demanding, so I spent most of the day searching the Internet for answers to my questions. I quickly discarded Judaism as correct as it does not believe in Jesus or Mary, and I found that Islam acknowledges them and praises them.

Slowly my questions were being answered, and I was beginning to feel satisfied and content with the principles of Islam. Everything had a perfect explanation and a logical answer. I realized I couldn’t deny the truth in front of me, so I decided to embrace Islam.

That night I went home and said theShahadda in my bedroom all alone. This was the beginning of my secret life as a Muslim for the time being. I grew more and more in love with Islam; I was learning new things every day. I had confided in one Muslim friend only as I knew if my family found out it will cause a major problem which I was not strong enough to deal with yet. I was praying and fasting in my house without the knowledge of my family. Only with Gods’ protection was I able to do that for 3 years.

In my quest for knowledge, I started searching for an Islamic center, which could offer me more. I came across the Imam Hussein Centre, which I can now truly say established a real foundation in my life. I owe many thanks to this center and its principle, Sheik Mansour Leghaei, who became my spiritual guide from this moment on and who guided me through the struggles in my life. At this centre, I started to realize what Islam really is as my knowledge and faith expanded beyond my expectations.

After my 4th practicingRamadan , I decided to gradually break the news to my mother, who at this stage was getting suspicious of my changes in dress and attitude. She didn’t know how to take the news, so she went to others for help. This caused the whole family to get involved resulting in a backlash against me. They told me I had to be Catholic and that I was being brain-washed and all Muslims are bad. They had commanded me to throw out all my long sleeve clothes, and if I wanted to go out anywhere it would be supervised by a member of my family. The lock on my bedroom door was removed, and at that point, I knew I could not stay there any longer, as I was now unable to practice my religion.

The next day, I secretly grabbed some of my belongings and went off to work as usual. I called my mother during the day and advised her that I wanted to come home and be with her but everyone getting involved has made it too difficult for me to live my life as I wanted. I explained to her that I was living as a Muslim under her roof for the past 3 years, and it had not affected anyone, so why should it now. But I knew nothing would be the same again. My family members hold their traditions close and to my extended family, it was as if I had betrayed them and went with the enemy.

I found a place to stay, but the hardest thing I had to do was living alone. I knew my mother wanted me home so desperately but my brother would not allow me to come home unless it was under his conditions. I knew I could never abandon God or the path He has set out for me, so I just had to resist my family although it was hurting me. My spiritual guide told me something that very first day that stayed with me forever. He said,« Hold onto the firm hand of God, and you will be successful and win your family back too one day » . So I did just that; I struggled against my family for almost a year on my own. I occasionally saw my Mother and sisters who always spoke to me but had a hard time accepting and understanding my conversion. This became more complicated when I decided to wear theHijab !

Hijab was always on the back of my mind, and I had felt guilty for some time now for not wearing it. But living at my home with a Catholic family I had no other choice at that point. But now that I had left home and all were aware that I had embraced Islam, I felt I had no excuse in front of God anymore. So with the help from my spiritual guide I decided to wearHijab and face the battle with my family.

This step caused a greater backlash within the family. They all of a sudden didn’t care that I was Muslim but just didn’t want me to show it to anyone! I didn’t see my family for 3 months but had constant phone contact with them. Most of the time, it was people calling and abusing me for being« selfish » . No one could understand that I was not harming anyone if I was practicing the laws of God and that we could all live peacefully together if they would allow it. But the main problem was dealing with the wider Catholic community and all the criticism my family had to face.

Even though this was the most depressing and lonely and hardest time of my life, I felt so close to God. I was in constant communication with Him. I felt most comfort in thedua book of Imam Zein Al-Aabideen« The Psalms of Islam » . Each night I would read adua from this book asking God to help me through this hard time and never let me give up. From his beautiful words and guidance, I feel a special connection with Imam Zein Al-Aabideen. I was mentally struggling as this issue did not change for a while and neither did the situation with my family.

Until I met my husband and decided to get married, that’s when things started to improve. Up until this point my extended family constantly pressured my mother to try and change my mind about Islam, as I was still under her« guardianship » in their mind. Once I was married, that expectation from my mother was lifted which relieved her tremendously.

My mother is now one of my strongest supporters and is seeing Islam with a new light. I see my sisters frequently, although my 2 younger brothers still do not want to speak to me and refuse to see me withhijab . I only communicate with a handful of my extended family, as most are still outraged at my conversion.

In my opinion, I did not lose anything as I made other family from the Imam Hussein Islamic Centre and with my husband, which makes up for everything.

As my spiritual guide advised me, I held to the strong hand of God and in the end God increased my faith in Him and rewarded me.

Looking back at my years of hardship, I am so thankful to Allah for putting me through this test, as it made me stronger as a person and increased my faith in Him. Without trials there is no reward, and without hardship we cannot elevate ourselves spiritually.

Warton Kirbassi

(Hussein Ithna Ashari) :

● Miracle of Imam Hussein (A.S.) and my readings have led me to embrace Islam.

Warton Kirbassi is a western man as for birth, raising and way of thinking. His heart and mind were touched by the lights of Islam; thus he was guided to the Right Faith, went on deepening his knowledge about it, and started inviting people to embrace it.

Birth and Raising

Brother Warton Kirbassi was born in the French village of Fontainebleau, around 50 kilometers from Paris. He finished his academic studies in the Teachers’ College. In 1951, he left France to Britain to specialize in Radio and Electrical Engineering. He stayed in France for four years and a few months before he returned to Paris.

Another Journey

Warton did not stay in France for a long time as he signed in 1956 a one-year contract with an airlines company in Mehrabad International Airport in the Iranian capital, Tehran. He worked in the technical division.

When the contract period ended, Warton preferred to stay in Iran where he spent three years working as a translator in different commercial institutions.

Warton Kirbassi spent his spare time in Iran in reading and studying the Islamic faith in general and the Shia confession in particular. Furthermore, he has read The Holy Quran several times to examine its treasures.

Providence Will

Providence has chosen that he sustain a fatal disease. As days passed, the severity and pains of the illness increased, along with the suffering. In light of the examinations he had, doctors decided that he must undergo surgery. In spite of this he did not let despair control him; he kept hoping that he would be cured.

The Turning Point

The severity of the suffering coincided with the month of Muharam. Warton says,« Next to me was a large house prepared for marking the occasion of Ashura. Maatem were held at night and addresses were made in which the disasters [inflicted on Ahlul-Bait] were recalled.

« One night, one of those serving in the Maatam offered me a cup of tea.’Sir, would you like to drink the tea of Imam Hussein (a.s.)?’ he asked me. I accepted his invitation with extreme longing and will. When my lips touched that tea, I felt a striking light in my mind. Then, I whispered to my Lord, ‘O God, by the sanctity and stature of Imam Hussein, show me a unique miracle so as to be relieved of these pains and the severity of this illness’.

« When I got up the next day, I saw a wonderful thing: the miracle happened and I was cured!

« My previous readings about Islam and this amazing incident, which my eyes have witnessed, had a great impact on me; therefore, I decided to embrace Islam » .

Afterwards, he went to the Holy City of Qom and declared the two testimonies (that there is no god but Allah, and that Mohammed (p.b.u.h.) is his servant and apostle) in front of one of the majorUlama (clerics). He chose the name of Hussein Ithna Ashari.

She Followed the Call of Her Heart

A Polish Lady’s journey to Islam

This is the warm journey of the Polish woman, Kamila Rozniata ,to Islam through which she wants everyone to know the story of her conversion to Great Islam which attracted her with its spirituality and enchanting teachings the minute she started knowing what it was. With this warmth and zeal, she tells us the story of her embracing Islam and what she encountered in this path.

Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ ala ) created human being with his free will to be able to make his own decision and choose his own destiny; but I believe that our path of life was planned even before our birth, and we - through our choices - can make it worse or better.

Each human being also is born as a Muslim, and his parents choose his religion and teach him their own tradition and customs.

I came from strong Polish Catholic family. We used to go to the church every Sunday and celebrate holidays together. Since I remember I used to join the prayers mostly as an obligation than a call of my heart even though I didn’t ask any questions or search for something deeper. It was enough, I believed; I had some basic knowledge, I had good relation with my family, and I enjoyed the life. I was a happy 25 years old girl.

Then I left my homeland and moved to Connecticut, USA. Here, for the first time, I heard about Islam. It was year 2001 and I was working between Muslim people. We started talking about our religious backgrounds, and I was surprised that in Islam I could find things which I already knew - about creation, prophets or even Mary and the birth of Jesus. I really enjoyed all those conversations. At the beginning, I tried to convince them that my religion is better but soon I realized that I cannot find any more arguments. I needed knowledge so as to find the truth; I read a lot about comparing both religions. At the beginning, I was really scared and confused. I didn’t know where I belong: I gave up my old practices including prayers and attending church, and I couldn’t find myself in Islam yet. I was stuck. I would like to pray, and I didn’t know how. My friend told me: Clear your heart, and ask God in your own words to guide you and to show you the truth. And AllahSubhanahu wa ta’ala gave me the answer. I had a dream in which I heard the most important words in Islam - la ilaha illa Allah [there’s no god but Allah]. At this time, I didn’t know the exact meaning of those words, and when I found out that they meant there is no god but Allah, I knew that I was going in the good direction.

It took me one year to sayshahadah [Testimony of Faith] because it was hard to accept or understand some of the Islamic rules, especiallyhijab . I was looking forward to change my life, but I was afraid of my parents and other peoples’ reactions. Besides, I felt like I didn’t have enough knowledge, and I would like to prepare myself to be a Muslim. So, I learnt how to pray and say the most important words in Arabic. I was fasting, and I kept reading to know as much as possible. Practically, I was already a Muslim. I just needed to say:« Ashhadu anna la ilaha illa Allah wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan Rasu-lul Allah » . And I didAlhamdulillah . I chose the Holy Month ofRamadan - December 2002 - to clear my past in front of Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala ) and pray as a Muslim in the Holy night Laylat Al-Qadr [The Night of Power]. From this time, I was born again andRamadan became the month of changes. One year later, I started wearinghijab ,Alhamdulillah .

Being in a different country, far away from my family, I was able to be responsible for my own future and to search for the meaning of life in my own way. For my parents, it was kind of a shock, as their only little, loving daughter was looking for something strange and difficult to understand. When I started reading about Islam, I was so excited that I would like to share with my parents everything I experienced. Unfortunately it was a big mistake. For them, Islam was something wrong, dangerous, and disrespectful for human being. Even though I tried to show them positive aspects, they didn’t listen. They just paid attention to the media. They thought I was in a sect, and somebody was washing my brain. The more I was talking the more trouble I was getting into. I don’t remember how many phone calls I made to convince them that I was right, that I could be able to choose my own way no matter what other people think. It was so painful. We were arguing, crying, saying sorry and arguing again. It was hard especially for my Mom. She told me that I’m hurting her so much, I’m putting knife to her heart, and I’m turning my back to all what she taught me and what I sacked from her milk. Then, 2 weeks after my conversion, my father came to USA because he wanted to change me but he didn’t know that I’m a Muslim already. After so many arguments, I decided to keep quiet and when I gain some knowledge and experience, I shall show them the truth. It was really a difficult time for me. I wasn’t able to pray without hiding. My father took me to the church to talk with a priest.Subhan Allah [Glory be to Allah], they couldn’t answer any of my questions; they said that you don’t even need to understand anything, you just need to believe. He even moved me to a different state so I would be far away from my Muslim friends. A couple of times I was thinking to give up and stop hurting my parents and do what they expect me to do. But then I remembered the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his companions,Subhan Allah . After all, the pain and insult they had to go through to survive and bring Islam to us, my problems became not important.

Alhamdulillah , I survived also. I came back to Connecticut and in March 2003, I married one of my Muslim friends - brother Hisham from Morocco. My husband gave me guidance and knowledge about Islam. He showed me different ways of worshiping Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala ). We prayed together, made dhikr [remembrance of Allah], read differentHadiths and Qur’an. Day by day, my faith grew as a beautiful flower and fulfilled all my heart. I realized how much I lost in my life before when I didn’t know this feeling. I became calm and more patient. Every single minute, I keep watching and wondering about Allah’s creation. Although the situation with my parents got worse, I could find peace and support in Islam. I was asking Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala ) that maybe one day they will understand and accept my decision.

Time goes by and I enjoyed being a Muslim. I started to taste life; my face was always lit up with a smile. Everything around seemed to be beautiful and easy. I felt like somebody added wings for me so I could fly, and I had so much energy. At this time, I met a lot of Muslims who gave me pieces of advice and showed what Islam is really about in every aspect of life - especially sisters who widely opened their door and hearts for me. I was touched so deeply by their discipline, respect, and warm and open heart. Even when you met them for the first time, you feel like you know them for ages, you belong to them, and you are important. This is a beauty of IslamMashallah [whatever Allah wills], and I’m asking Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala ) for everybody to taste it.

In October 2004, Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala ) gave me a wonderful gift - a child, a boy named Mohammed Karim. This miracle of life opened the door to better relationship with my parents.Alhamdulillah , they realized that I’m happy, I have a good husband, and I really enjoy the life in my way - nobody is pushing me to the decision I made. We broke the ice and started talking honestly about feelings and changes in our life. I found out how hard it was for my parents to accept the new me. They thought they lost me, and they needed to discover me again. For them, everything was Arabic or Islamic - their daughter’s dress, their grandson’s name… So where is the space for their tradition and religious celebration? I try my best to show them that I’m still their little girl, I love them so much, and if I change, I change to be a better person. I talk to them very often and send pictures - even those which they didn’t like so much - with a scarf, so they will be part of our life and feel informed about everything.Alhamdulillah , they accepted all my family and me as Muslims, although, in their heart, they are still praying for me to come back to my old path.

Alhamdulillah , Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala ) chose for me to be a Muslim. I’m so happy with all my decisions that I will never go back. May Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala ) protect me from going astray and strengthen my will to remain firm on His path.

Every day I try my best to be a good servant of Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’ala ) and build up my faith. I keep worshiping Him, following the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and educating myself about Islam. Recently I started learning reading The Qur’an in Arabic,Alhamdulillah . Like every human being, I have ups and downs. I struggle with the whispering of Satan and the weakness of my soul. This is my jihad which helps me to improve myself and remind me where I came from and where I’m going to.