WELCOME TO ISLAM Publisher: www.alhassanain.org/english
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Publisher: www.alhassanain.org/english

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Table of Contents


Christian comes home to Islam 16




The Oneness of Allah (Tawheed) 19


Q: We would like you to tell us in the beginning about yourself and your life before you embraced Islam? 20

Q: What was your family’s, and your social environment in general, idea about Islam? 20

Q: Didn’t the academic curriculum talk about the Islamic Religion? 20

Q: How did you learn about Islam? And what were the reasons that made you embrace it? 21

Q: As a Christian, what was particularly capturing in Islam? 22

Q: Who is the Islamic personality that impressed you? 22

Q: To what extent did you enjoy a feeling of peace and tranquility after Islam? 22

Q: On another level, having noticed the relations Muslims develop among themselves in comparison with the Western social relations; what can you say about it? 22

Q: In the light of your experience, what is the best way a caller should pursue in the West? 22

Q: How do you evaluate the Muslim women’s position today? 23

Q: Any last word you like to say? 23


This is how I realized the truth 24

Confrontation... Steadfastness and Success 24

Q: Since you mentioned the Muslim family, what in your view is the role of Muslim women? 25

Let Us Call for Islam by Our Islamic Practice and not by Lecturing 26

Q: In view of the reaction of the society you live in towards your belief in Islam, it leads us to the question: How should Islam be introduced to the West? 26



Q: We would like to express in the beginning our feelings of pride in meeting with sisters like you, and we ask you to introduce yourself and tell us about how you became a Muslim 30

Q: Can you tell us about the direct and principal motives that made you adopt Islam? 30

Q: Would you describe your parents’ attitude towards your becoming a Muslim and towards wearing the veil in particular? 31

Q: How do you see the impact of Islam on your personality? 31

Q: In the light of your experience, can you suggest any new propositions regarding the methods of calling especially in the West? 31

Q: What about the potentials for the Islamic Call in Germany? 32

Q: How would you describe the general state of Muslims on the international stage? 32

Q: How do you evaluate the role of Muslim women in the light of what you have learnt about the position of women in Islam? 32

Q: Any final word you would like to convey through «Noor Al-Islam»? 32



Q: What made you decide at the age of just 13 to become a Muslim? 33

Q: Did you know any Muslims at that time? 33

Q: Since most orientalists tend to be negative about Islam, how did you see Islam? 33

Q: How did your parents react to their 13-year-old daughter embracing another faith? 34

Q: How did Muslims react to you - a young girl embracing Islam? 34

Q: How did you gain knowledge about Islam without practicing Muslims around you? 34

Q: How did you know that what you were learning was right? 34

Q: Did any one say to you: «Look, you just cannot do that» even when you knew you were right? 35

Q: What is the best way of reading the Quran? 35

Q: How can women find out what the truth is when men with qualifications quote Hadiths which seem to put women down? 35


Q: Tell us about your childhood and your first religious life? 37

Q: How were you introduced to Islam in such an environment? 37

Q: How did you then become convinced that Islam was the true path? 38

Q: When you declared your Islam and followed the teachings of Islam, did you find any difficulties or trouble from your husband, family, and relatives? 38

Q: Do you remember some of the incidents that you encountered with your relatives? 39

Q: How do you describe the American’s view of lslam? 39

Q: What about your current activities for the cause of the Call? 39

Q: Are there significant problems that face the new converts or the new generations of Muslims? 40

Q: How did you find the Muslim women in Lebanon? 40


Q: Allah has blessed you with Islam, could you tell us about your life before Islam? 42

Q: ·Were you a religious person? What was your idea about religion? 42

Q: Do you still have a negative attitude towards religion? 43

Q: What saved and rescued you from this state of confusion? 43

Q: What happened then? 43

Q: Would you tell us about the impact of embracing Islam on your milieu and the problems you faced? 44

Q: What are the tangible positive changes in your life since you adopted Islam? 44

Q: What can you tell us about methods to call non-Muslims to Islam based on your own experience? 45

Q: What is the role you are personally assuming or the role you intend to assume in serving the Islamic Call? 45

Q: What are the potentials and prospects of the Islamic Call in your country? 46

Q: How do you view the Muslim’s current state of affairs and that of women in particular? 46

Q: Do you wish to address the Muslims from the forum of Noor Al-Islam? 46



Please introduce yourself, and when did you embrace Islam? 47

Q: Why did you convert to Islam? 47

Q: Could you describe the present situation in Italy, and how many converts are there? 47

Q: What are the problems for Italian Muslims? 48

Q: We have heard of some problems the foreigners are facing. Are the Muslims targeted as well? 48

Q: Do you have freedom of worship in Italy, and do you have Muslim schools, organizations, mosques… etc? Can hijab be worn at schools and universities? 49

Q: Does the situation in Bosnia make you afraid for the future of Islam in Europe? 49

Q: What message do you have for the converts? 50


Q: How did you become a Muslim and why? 51

Q: Do you have, as a Muslim, problems in the society? 52

Q: What do you think of the present conditions of Islam and Muslims? 52

The American Sister 53

Q: Please tell us about your environment and the circumstances that led you to Islam? 53

Q: How did you come to embrace Islam? 54

Q: Could you tell us about the impact of your embracement of Islam on your milieu, and what are the problems, if any, that you now face? 55

Q: On the personal level, do you feel more peaceful, secure, and relieved? 56

Q: On the social relations level, do you feel the difference between your relations with Muslims now and those with non-Muslims in the past? 56

Q: Do you suggest any specific methods, based on you own experience, to call non-Muslims to Islam? 56

Q: What is the role you are personally assuming or the role you intend to assume in serving the Islamic Call? 57

Q: What are the potentials and prospects of the Islamic Call in your country? 57

Q: What in your view is the state of Muslim women? 57

Q: Do you wish to address Muslims from the forum of Noor Al-Islam? 58


Antoine Ja’ja: 62

The Bible Calls to Islam 62

Q: When and how did you acquire Islamic ideology? 62

Q: When did you start such investigation? 62

Q: You are a Christian from the Maroni sect; how could you overstep the sectarian factor flourishing in Lebanon? 62

Q: Your major is psychology; how did you feel before embracing Islam and how do you feel now? 63

Q: Are you influenced by famous intellectuals who embraced Islam in France such as Maurice Bucaille and Rojer Garaudy? 63

Q: What was the reaction in your own locality? 63

Q: The majority of Muslims are not committed Muslims; how were you attracted to Islam? 63

Q: Are you active amid Muslims or Christians? 64

Q: You do not address Christians, do you? 64

Q: Do you consider Islam as a perfect religion encompassing all previous religions? Can it play a role at the international level? 64


Q: Kindly tell us how were you attracted to Islam? 65

Q: What is your opinion regarding women’s freedom in the West and Muslim women in the Muslim community? 65

Q: How can a true Muslim woman play a positive role in a Muslim community? 66


Spanish Sister: 71

Q. Before talking about the reasons that made you embrace Islam, we would like you first to give us a glance about your childhood and the place where you grew up? 71

Q. What about the Spanish society today? 71

Q. Has the intellectual atmosphere in the school or in the university had an effect as far as you choosing the Islamic faith is concerned? 71

Q. When did you embrace Islam, and what was the reaction of your family and the people around you? 72

Position of Family and Society 72

Q. What are the positive things that happened to you after you had embraced Islam at the personal level and as far as your relationships with others are concerned? 73

Q. What is your opinion about hijab and what some people say about it and how it is being fought? 73

Q. What is the best way to invite people to Islam in your opinion? 73

Q. What are you doing now? Do you encourage non-Muslims to embrace Islam? 73

Q. Is there a chance for inviting people to Islam in you motherland? 73

Russian Converted Sister 75

Q. How many members are there in your family? And how was your relationship with them before you embraced Islam? 75

Q. Were there specific values that ruled in your town? 75

Q. It is known that the communist regime has left its marks on the intellectual and cultural life in the former USSR. To what extent did this affect your educational milieu? 75

Q. What are the circumstances that led you to embrace Islam? 76

Q. What were the reactions in your community to your conversion to Islam? 76

Q. What were the positive results of your conversion to Islam? 76

Q. Do you suggest specific means to invite non-Muslims to Islam in light of your experience? 76

Q. After you came to Lebanon, have you ever returned to Latvia, and has the position of your relatives and friends remained the same? 77

Q. Is it possible to invite people to Islam in Latvia? 77

Q. How do you view the Muslim woman in your new homeland, Lebanon? 77

Q. Is there a comment that you would like to address to Muslims through the magazine of Noor Al- Islam? 77

The American Muslim Sister: 78

Q. Why did you embrace Islam? 78

Q. What about your social environment and upbringing before embracing Islam? 78

Q. How did you embrace Islam? And what was the impact of your embracing of Islam on your milieu? 78

Q. What are the tangible positive changes in your life since you adopted Islam? 79

Q. On the personal level, do you feel more peaceful, secure, and relieved? 79

Q. On the social relationship level, do you feel the difference between your relations with Muslims and those with non-Muslims in past? 79

Q. Based on your own experience, do you suggest any specific methods to call non-Muslims to Islam? 79

Q. What is the role you are personally assuming or the role you intend to assume in serving the Islamic Call? 79

Q. What are the potentials and prospects of the Islamic Call in your country? 79

Q. How do you view Muslims’ current state of affairs? 80

Q. What is your view to the state of Muslim women? 80

Swedish Muslim Sister 81

Dr. Sumayya Parnilla says: 81

Q. How would you describe your journey of converting to Islam? 81

Q. How was your parents’ and community’s reaction towards your commitment to Islam? 82

Q. How do you assess the importance of the hijab (veil) for the Muslim women, especially in the West? 82

Q. Could you brief us about your academic level and the academic field of your work? 82

Q. We knew that you have many Islamic activities; what are they? 83

Q. What do you think about the future of the new Islamic generation in Sweden and the Western societies? 83

Q. What are the problems Muslims face in Sweden? 83

Q. How do the Swedish and Westerners view the Muslims living with them? 83

A. Muslims in the West are classified into two categories: 83

Q. Is there a final word you want to say? 84

British Muslim Brother John Hanz 85

Q: Could you tell us about your early life? 85

Q: Would you tell us about your experience under the wing of Islam? 86

Q: Was there another reason that made you embrace Islam? 86

Q: What are the reasons that led you to become a seminary student? 86

Q: Doesn’t wearing religion-student garment cause you any embarrassment? 86

Q: What do you plan to do when you return to your country? 87

Q: How informed are you about Islamic knowledge? 87

Q: Is there anything you want to tell the readers at the end of the interview? 87

Russian Guided Sister 88

Elena Yorivna Koshiliva says: 88

Q: Could you tell us about your childhood and early education? 88

Q: Tell us about the reasons that led you to embrace Islam 89

Q: How did your family and friends react to that change? 89

Q: What are the positive changes that you have noticed after embracing Islam? 89

Q: As a Russian woman from a non-Islamic country, how do you view the unveiling (not wearing hijab) phenomenon that is spread in Islamic societies? 90

Q: How do you see the conditions of Muslims today? 90

Q: What do you think about the condition of the Muslim woman today? 90

Q: What do you suggest for guiding the youth? 90

Q: Any last comment you would like to say to our readers? 91

Carmen Sarkeesian (Houda) 92

Birth and early years 92

How Islam was introduced to her 92

The influence of her conversion to Islam and her marriage to a Muslim on her relatives 92

How she embraced Islam 93

Her impressions and comments on the dialogue method 93

How she committed herself to the True Religion’s ideas and code of conduct 93

A comment or an incident about her experience with Islam 94

How did the incident end? And what is the moral lesson in it? 94

A final comment to our readers 95

From the Darkness of Apartheid to the Light of Islam 96

Early quest for Truth 96

The first Light: Going to a Mosque 97

Reaching the safety shore 97

At the Karate Club 97

The Family: Rejection then Acceptance 98

Freedom of conviction and belief 98

Islam in South Africa 98

Coming Home to Islam: 99

Personal Accounts of New Muslims 99

Testimony of the Lutz Family of New Mexico: As narrated by Rahmah Lutz 99

Testimony of Muhammad Amin Bootman, Vice - President, Bank of America 100

Testimony of Jennifer McLennan: Former Marketing Officer, British Columbia 100

French Sister Marie Therese 102

Q: Could you first tell us briefly about your birth and childhood? 102

Q: How did you embrace Islam? 102

Q: How do you view Islam and Muslims today? 103

Q: What is your opinion on women in general, and how do you evaluate hijab? 104

Q: Then what are the merits of hijab in your opinion? 104

Q: How do you view the West? 105

Q: What do you like to say finally to the readers? 105

Late British Muslim Hajj Abdullah Malek 106

Upbringing and Education 106

The Military Background 106

Embracing Islam 106

Guidance 107

My New Life 109

The American Muslim Convert 110

U.S. Writer Michael Wolfe 114

Who Converted to Islam Says: 114

Vietnamese Muslim 118

Hungarian Muslim Brother 120

What can you tell us about the beginning of your march, and what about that relationship between you and your grandfather? 120

Were there other factors that assisted you in the journey for the Truth? 121

What impact did your conversion to Islam have on your family and on those who knew you? 121

What were the steps you took to gain more Islamic education and sciences? 122

How do you view your experience with Islam up till now, and how do you determine the responsibilities you shoulder towards your faith? 122

The Hungarian Muslims’ Association 123

Do you have any special interests other than those blessed activities which you have just mentioned? 123

Armenian Muslim Brother 124

Can we talk about the beginnings? How did you embrace Islam? 124

How was this task, and how long did the translation take? 125

What do you think about Islam and Muslims today? 125

Is there in the horizon any other works other than your translation of The Holy Quran? 126

Did your upbringing in an Arab country have any role in your decision to embrace Islam? 126

… And I Became Zeinab Ramirez 127

Filipino Sister Zeinab (Teresa) says: 127

When was your first step on the Path of Guidance, and what made you take it? 127

How did you become fully convinced that you needed to embrace Islam? 127

Having had that conviction, what was the next step? 128

What was the reaction of your Christian milieu then? 128

Having been in the World of Right for over 12 years now, how do you feel? 128

How do you face the mistakes made by some Muslims? And how do you feel then? 128

Do you have any advice to your fellow Muslims? 128

Australian Guided Sister Fatima 129

Warton Kirbassi 132

Birth and Raising 132

Another Journey 132

Providence Will 132

The Turning Point 132

She Followed the Call of Her Heart 134

American Muslim Tahira Conant 137

Tell us about your academic life 137

Then what were the factors and circumstances that made you embrace Islam? 137

What was the reaction of your social and family surrounding towards your choosing Islam? 138

How do you understand calling others unto Islam, and what are the appropriate ways to convince them of its teachings? 139

What is your opinion in those who say that Islam spread by force not wisdom? 139

How do you evaluate the situation of Muslims today and their relationship with Islam? 140

What is the attribute that you like most in the Apostle of Islam (p.b.u.h.)? 140

Finding My Way 141

● How a spiritually dissatisfied American Catholic teacher found fulfillment and direction through her new job at a Muslim school 141

Yusuf Abdullah 143

The Happy Ending 144

After a long journey of searching and navigating in the world of thoughts and religions, 146

Indian Nirvan’s ship lands safely at the port of Islam 146

When and how did it all start? Did it really start or was it simply a spiritual awakening? A realization of the truth which was always innate in me? Allah knows best 146

Finding the Straight Path 148

Sister Zahraa Formerly «Joyce Slaughter» 148

The French Guided Brother (Cerel) 151

The Method of Ahlul-Bait 152

Conclusion 152

Conversion to the Right Faith: 154

The family’s thorny road and the immigration for the truth 155

A call to Muslims 156

Russian Former Priest Ali Viacheslav Polosin 157

Spanish Brother 159

Discovering Islam 160

Islamic Dawa 161

Canadian Brother 162

How I found the Right Path 165

●How does one look back on the most important event in her life and put it into perspective? 165

Craig Robertson, Ex-Catholic, Canada: 169

Sister Tania Bowling - Germany 174

Early life: 174

Intellectual Loss Stage: 174

Reasons for Abandoning Religion in the West: 174

The journey from Darkness to Light: 175

Brilliant Islamic Values: 175

Ahlul-Bait’s (AS) Role in Preserving Islam: 176

Christopher and Phillip embrace Islam 178

Search for the Truth 181

She personally narrates her story saying: 181

The beginning was in London 181

Entering a Mosque 181

Family after my Conversion to Islam 182

Merging Into the Society 182

Satan Insinuates 182

Vision Changed my Brother’s Heart 182

Thanks to Allah 183

Danish Muslim: 184

Mosque Dream 184

British Actress Inspired by Prophet’s (P.B.U.H) Life 186

«And they were guided to the Path of the most Praised One» 188

Her Story with Islam: 188

Her Contributions: 189

«... And they were guided to the Path of The Most Praised One» 191

Tell us, Sean, what happened in that trip to Iran? What tempted you to embrace Islam? 191

So, I understand from you that your interest in converting to Islam started before you went to Iran? 191

So, you do not deny or substitute your being a Jew or a Christian with your new religion, Islam, yet you say that you merged Islam into all of that? But let me ask you this: Conversion means leaving something in favor of something else, and the Holy Bible says specifically that you cannot serve two masters; so, how do you explain your conversion to Islam does not necessarily mean your abandonment and desertion of your parents’ God? How do you answer that? 191

British Liza George Hutchinson: «Why I Accepted Islam?» 193

● Please introduce yourself to our readers 193

When did you embrace the Islamic Faith? 193

How did your life continue after that? 193

Do you speak Arabic? 193

How was your relationship with your family after embracing Islam? 194

Tell us about the social life image in your homeland 194

How is your relationship with the Muslims at the Islamic Center in Switzerland? 194

What are your plans for the future? 194

Sister Asiya Abd Al-Zahir 195

Why I Embraced Islam? 195

Famous French Singer 198

Stardom? 198

Islam, a religion of tolerance 199

Rabbi of Makhachkala synagogue embraced Islam 200

Musa, tell us, did you find the way easily? 200

Musa, as a matter of fact, we were given this fact as a certain sensation: a Rabbi has turned Muslim 200

Did you finish any high school before coming to the synagogue? 200

And where did you come from? 200

Let’s return to your work in the synagogue 200

She brought the Quran to you - a Rabbi?! 200

Musa, and when you were reading the translation, you must have begun to compare it with the Torah? 201

Does it mean that you couldn’t find some answers in Judaism? 201

And what does the Torah say about the Prophet (P.B.U.H)? 201

Should I understand you, Musa, that you now feel a great responsibility for becoming a Muslim, or do you have some other feelings? 202

From MTV to Mecca 203

Brother Yahya: Best way to live and die 207

The Qur’an: The Last Revelation 207

Islam: The Essence and Culmination of Revealed Religions 207

A Traveler 208

The Road to Paradise 208

Overcoming an Obstacle 209

A Meaningful Videotape 209

The Truth Unveils Itself 209

Impressions of a New Muslim 210

A Deceptive Enjoyment 210

The Right Path to Allah 211

Epilogue 211

I’m a new Muslim 213

Living as a Muslim 213

Gaining confidence 213

Many kinds of Muslim, one family 213

Jamie Bor: From a model to a Muslim Woman 215

Rachel... A US Muslim 217

Alex converted to Islam after his friend’s funeral 219

Huda Hasler, Western woman: «Islam starts in the heart» 222

How Islam changed my Life 223

Aminah Assilmi, Ex-Christian, USA 223

Family life: 223

Friends: 224

Employment: 224