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Publisher: www.alhassanain.org/english

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

The American Sister


Islam brought happiness into my life and gave me a feeling of respect to myself and the others.

Just as truth emits a light that guides those who dive deep in the darkness and those who are led astray, You, our Lord, guide whom You wish to Your straight path, those who pray for Your help in the dark night of their confusion, to be met by Your gracious guidance.

From this deep darkness, the American sister Fatima was able to escape and become a new Muslim sister who was guided by the« Light of Islam » . In this interview, she tells us (at her home in Kaifoun in Mount Lebanon) the story of how she became a Muslim.

Q: Please tell us about your environment and the circumstances that led you to Islam?

A: First, I would like to welcome you. I am an American from the city of Denver. I was born in 1951. I called myself Fatima after Fatima al-Zahra (A.S.). I have a university degree in nursing, and I am interested in the various fields of culture especially religion. I have worked as a nurse in America, but now I am a housewife. I take care of my family and my Lebanese husband whom I met after I became a Muslim. We live in this beautiful Lebanese town. And I always try to develop myself as a Muslim by learning more about Islam to serve my religion and my message.

I thank Allah, (Subhanahu wataallah ), for helping me find the truth, Islam. As He offers this path to all His creatures, and so to me, and I am so grateful. It is as if I« came home » after a long journey and finally sat before the heart of knowing that there are answers to all my questions, and I can have peace of mind in knowing that ultimate truth does exist. That is because Christianity took a sectarian detour in its origin and did not adhere to the truth as taught by Prophet Jesus (A.S.). So the present day Christianity is based on basic misconceptions. Growing up in a Christian environment, as I did, gives one, as myself, some confusing concepts such as altered literature (Bible), indirect relationship with Allah (S.W.T.), separation of church from political economic structure, forgiveness through the« crucifixion » of Jesus, doctrine of original sin, son of Allah (S.W.T.), and some left over pagan ideas such as Christmas, Easter, and the« trinity » ... These are the negative aspects, and I mention these in retrospect, not knowing they were misconceptions at the time of learning and practicing Christianity. I did wonder at the inconsistencies, and I did ask some questions which were left to ...« When you grow up you will understand » . Well I grew up and still did not understand. The positive things that Christianity gave to me were knowledge of God, respect for God, and a social structure adherent to religious laws as they knew them to be. It also gave me some knowledge base to continue my search for the truth. I am thankful to these experiences, and I am also thankful to my parents and grandparents who did the best they could to let me know about a relationship with God.

My family in the U.S.A. is German in origin and strictly Protestant Lutheran in religion. I attended Lutheran school for 13 years and lived in a fairly isolated German, Lutheran social atmosphere. I attended daily religious study classes - a« typical » American upbringing. If one can generalize, my rearing was much more« religious » and attentive than the norm.

I became an inactive member of the church in my early adult years as I became disillusioned with its inability to answer those questions I had and its inability to address social and political realities in the U.S.A., and I began to look at various philosophies and other branches of Christianity. I made an attempt to return to the Lutheran church for one year, however, I found it impossible to honestly participate as an adult in the doctrines I found to be more and more false. Bewilderment within myself was my ever present baggage as I wondered why I could not find inner peace in knowing what the truth is, as I never gave up the prospect that Allah (S.W.A.) had created all of us and this world so exquisitely with the truth contained therein. I feel within myself that there was a« Complete Truth » given to us by our God; however, for some reason I could not find it.

Q: How did you come to embrace Islam?

A: In the middle of my third decade of life (Alhamdulillah ), I more and more felt distress about looking at the world around myself, participating in the world, be holding a future, and still not having the missing puzzle piece. I feared the Day of Judgment and did not know how to face it in my then present state of incomplete knowledge. At that time I quite simply prayed. Yes, I prayed. I prayed that God would show the right path to me and lead and guide me.

Within two weeks, a doctor I was working with at that time (my profession is nursing) began to speak with me about her Islamic faith. She was from Pakistan and Shia. She did not have books about Islam in English for me; however, she shared what she knew. I was quite interested and wanted more information.

At that time, I was completing my nursing education at the university, so I looked at the university schedule to see if there was perhaps any class about Islam. I found an« Islamic Study » class and took it for one semester. It was a general survey course, historical in nature. I gleaned what information from it and from the classmates - many of whom were Muslims. Through my participation in this class I was able to meet an American sister who had become a Muslim through the teaching of her Iranian husband and the Iranian community. She helped me so much (Alhamdulillah ) in my study of Islam and in many of its aspects of daily living and worship. Through her friendship and care I was introduced to a group of believers in the local cultural Iranian and Lebanese community.

Nearly after one year of study since I had beseeched Allah (Subhanahu wataallah ) for help in showing me the right path I became a Muslim during the month ofRamadan (Alhamdulillah ). How gracious and beneficent Allah (S.W.A.) has been to me in my life to guide me to the truth!

Q: Could you tell us about the impact of your embracement of Islam on your milieu, and what are the problems, if any, that you now face?

A: Embracing Islam does mean inevitable change in one’s life. Every change adherent to the faith has been a joy in my life. Initially, I can say some have been a bit startling and difficult; however, how can I ever not be pleased to change when I waited for so long to know the truth?

Personally, my impulse became to get all the information I could, to read books, to read The Quran, and to learn from other Muslims. The reciting of prayer and contemplation is my solace. I wear women’s Islamic dress and feel a metamorphosis of subtle change by so doing. I did not know that this was essential when first studying Islam and was a bit taken aback when my sisters told me of this. I began this process slowly and realized that this mode of garmenting oneself is not only the cloth and what it covers but an inward spiritual journey as well. I truly feel my self respect. My honor for society and the Islamic« body of believers » has grown by covering appropriately. Our examples for Islamic dress come from the Household of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) as Sayyeda Zeinab (A.S.) and Sayyeda Fatima Zahra (A.S.). Certainly their examples in behavior as wives, mothers, and members of society were intimately connected to their covering themselves, their self respect, and their honor for those around them.

The effect on my parents, children, and relatives was predictable I suppose. They adhere to Christian doctrine and see me as a lost, condemned soul. This has been the most difficult thing for me to lose the respect of my parents in this regard. I pray that they would follow the path of Islam. Of course, they still love me as their daughter and through the years have become more accepting of my change in dress, eating, etc. but the look in their eyes is not the same for me. They feel hurt by this change. I respect my parents and their commitment to their church and family.

My great happiness is the subsequent conversion of my three adult children to Islam (Alhamdulillah ). They are studying their faith and each has in his heart the desire to serve Islam in propagation and service. My sons are currently being educated to teach, (Inshallah ), and my daughter is a homemaker, mother, and wife.

Non-Muslim friends, who were truly friends, respect my decision to become a Muslim. Our relationship has become closer in some cases because we can discuss« religion » with more knowledge. They do nice, respectful things such as buy meat from the Islamic meat store to serve for me and provide a quiet room in which I can pray when I visit their home. In general, I have not lost friends and probably have gained.

In my employment at the hospital, fellow employees were quite accepting of me. They would cover my absence so I could pray, arrange their meal times so I could break my fast inRamadan , and, in general, were open and sharing with me about their lack of knowledge of Islam which elicited many discussions. I started wearing Islamic dress to my work approximately one year after becoming a Muslim and six months after wearing it at home and socially. This provoked many questions from staff, patients, etc. They were accepting and respectful. My career advancement was not affected, (Alhamdulillah ), as the hospital wanted me to take a higher position as supervisor, However, I said I would not be able to attend the parties associated with the position as there was drinking of alcohol and dancing. So they said that this party attendance was mandatory; therefore, I declined the position.

Q: On the personal level, do you feel more peaceful, secure, and relieved?

A: Yes, all of the above: more peaceful, secure, and relieved, and as I said before, it was as if I have« come home » . Islam covers in practical terms every aspect of life, and I see it as a continuing evolving process. I am ever humble before its greatness and completeness. Each day I learn new aspects of this path.

The Quran is the source of peace to me. My security comes from knowing more and more about the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and the twelve Imams (A.S.) who provide a supreme example for living this life. There is not any problem I face which could compare to what Imam Hussein (A.S.) confronted at Karbala in his sacrifice.

The relief comes from now having a direct relationship with Allah (S.W.A.) without need of an intermediary, as Jesus (A.S.) is in Christianity. It states in the Quran [50: 16]:« We are nearer to him than the regulate vein » . This is a very direct and close relationship we have with Allah (S.W.A.).

Q: On the social relations level, do you feel the difference between your relations with Muslims now and those with non-Muslims in the past?

A: Yes, there is a code of ethics and conduct prescribed and ordained by Allah on our relations between each other. We have The Quran and traditions of our Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and Imams (A.S.) to look to for guidance. I am grateful for these sources and examples.

I feel close in my relations with other Muslims. Certainly, we are all not perfect, and we all error in our caring for each other as« one body » ; however, in general, there is a much higher level of mutual honesty, benevolence, and cooperation in the Muslim world compared to the non-Muslim world.

I did not leave Christianity because of not having benevolence, honesty, and cooperation; I left because the doctrine is incorrect. One can find many fine examples of loving, caring Christians such as in the community in which I was raised, but without the entire« truth of Islam » one is left, as a Christian, without all the rules for life and will inevitably feel lost in the social realm of life.

Q: Do you suggest any specific methods, based on you own experience, to call non-Muslims to Islam?

A: The example that we are in our everyday learning is one of the greatest ways to show that submission to Allah is part of our personality. This« personality » would hopefully be an impetus for some to examine Islam. I would encourage all who travel as Muslims to non-Muslim lands for work or study or whatever reason not to abandon their example. Their behavior with non-Muslims is important, and too often what the non-Muslim sees of their actions is taken as Islamic behavior which is a deception and misleading to the non-Muslims.

Doctrine for the Christian, as it was for myself, may be the greatest reason for conversion to Islam. I would encourage any Christian to really study well the doctrine of Christianity. I believe true study of Christianity will lead one to Islam because of the many errors in logic and reasoning found therein. There are books available to give to them regarding misconceptions in the Bible, but point to even passages in the Bible itself proclaiming Prophet Muhammad (P .B.U.H.) as the final Messenger.

I truly appreciated and continue to appreciate the many fine Islamic books which have been translated into English. In the U.S.A., the Iranian foundations were most helpful in supplying these for my children and me.

Q: What is the role you are personally assuming or the role you intend to assume in serving the Islamic Call?

A: I believe the greatest role I can serve is to be a good wife, mother, and homemaker. I have a small baby and feel great prospect in being able to raise him in Islamic surroundings. Parenting is the most valuable undertaking for the future and certainly an all-consuming mission. We are most blessed to have as our examples for parenting our Prophet (P.B.U.H.), the Imams (A.S.), and their wives. Their hard work in parenting and working for the family helped us in Islam to, still, have a solid social and family structure network.

I feel there is a great need for Islamic children’s books written in English. I am certainly not an illustrator but I have thoughts about their content.Inshallah , I can contribute my effort in this regard as well as any writing that is needed in general.

Q: What are the potentials and prospects of the Islamic Call in your country?

A: I am now living in Lebanon, but to give my view of the U.S.A. seems logical as I spent most of my life there. The potentials of the Islamic Call in the U.S.A. are great as the general population is good and accepting. They are a searching group with great disillusion with their present society.

Only Allah (S.W.A.) knows about the prospects for the Islamic Call in the U.S.A. I feel I can suppose that the prospect for the Americans present course is downfall and misery as it is not currently based on Islam, or even Christianity. It is a racial, secularist, floundering government and society.

Q: What in your view is the state of Muslim women?

A: I think we Muslim women have as our guide and example the faithful women of our Islamic history. Khadija (A.S.), Sayyeda Fatima Zahra (A.S.), Sayyeda Zeinab (A.S.), the wives of our Imams (A.S.), Hajjar (A.S.), Miriam (A.S.), the wife of Pharaoh (A.S.) etc... If we take their example as they struggled, suffered, and took their happiness and try to incorporate even a small part of their traits into our personalities, we would take more comfort and solace in the life that Allah (S.W.A.) has given to us. Does this represent the current« state of Muslim women? » Probably not, because as stated before, we become entrapped in our cultures rather than Islam. We have no excuse because Allah (S.W.A.) has elevated women to an exalted position in Islam. Her rights are protected, and her status is individual in regard to her path of faithfulness.

Q: Do you wish to address Muslims from the forum of Noor Al-Islam?

A: I would like to add my voice to others having great concern about the influx of« Hollywood Media » into developing countries around the world.« Hollywood » , I believe, has done much to destroy the limited social structure that existed in the U.S.A. maybe 30 to 40 years ago, and now is being incorporated into populations around the world, especially with the advent of the satellite dish, videos, CDs, cassettes; etc. Hollywood movies, music, and cartoons are currently the U.S.A.’s largest export, so its distribution will of course be propagated and protected worldwide by the private owners and the U.S. government. Remember when you turn on the television to any meaningless violence and inhumane behavior contained in many cartoons, movies, and T.V. programs, contrary to Islamic teachings, you are inviting a very potent and evil force into your home, and many will divert your children and your own attentions away from valuable subjects to disrupting and corrupting subjects.

Thank you for your kind consideration of my thoughts and words. I appreciate your diligent work and like to read the English section ofNoor Al-Islam .


Following the Zionist invasion of Lebanon in 1982, Beirut was besieged for more than two months. The deteriorated situation motivated me to make the hard decision: Departure!

During a short cease-fire, we had the chance to leave the bunkers and cast a look on our homes and store shops. Everything was a ruin. I decided to leave the country to ease my nerves and start business abroad. The only route out was via Syria. From Damascus airport I left for Brussels, the capital of Belgium, where I was often for business or visits of relatives.

I reached the country on that Friday noon and went directly to my relative’s house. The family was getting ready to spend the weekend at the seaside, a 100 km. away.

They welcomed me, praised Allah for my safety, and asked a lot of questions about the homeland, the friends, and the relatives, since the telephone services were inoperative.

My relative Said was a surgeon working in a big hospital; he was married with two children. He was bright, intellectual, and skilled in his profession, and with high morals and good reputation. He was committed to Eastern traditions despite spending many years in the West.

His only defect that saddened me was his indifference regarding Islam. Though he was of inborn purity (Fitra ), he lacked the Islamic knowledge as a result of living in a non-Muslim country. Being fully occupied with his job, he had no time to get such religious information. Hence he led a western routine life.

I performed my prayer and sat to have some rest. My relative asked me to join them and spend the weekend at the seaside. Giving some excuses, I apologized but he was not convinced since he knew how much I loved swimming. He insisted, and I finally told him the real reason for my refusal. It was to avoid seeing women semi-naked (in their swimming suits) or in indecent situations. He then suggested spending the couple of days in his friend’s villa, Dr. Bernard, a physician who worked in the same hospital where my relative used to work. He phoned him, and we soon were on our way to his villa in Louvain, 30 km. south of Brussels. He welcomed us warmly since the Westerners suffer loneliness and hardly enjoy visits of their relatives. It was a splendid villa amid a big garden, with a swimming pool at one corner. In the small room near the pool, we put on our swimming suits and jumped into the clean water. We enjoyed swimming then got out to stretch on the green grass and enjoy the warm sun. I looked at the villa and was taken by a surprise when a beautiful woman, the doctor’s wife, in her swimming suit came in our direction to welcome the dear guest. The husband introduced her to me, and she stretched her hand to shake mine. I drew back and apologized for not shaking hand with her. She became red in the face and quickly returned to the villa. Her husband followed in anger, and my relative exploded blaming me for such backward behavior, finalism, and religious prejudice. How could I humiliate such a famous doctor and his wife - a famous psychiatrist? Could Islam be disgusting to such an extent? I tried to pacify his anger and told him of my readiness to apologize to them and explain the situation. He went inside and came with the husband who was still angry. He said:« You have humiliated us. How could you refuse shaking my wife’s hand? Are not we clean enough? » I said:« Please, do call your wife; I want to apologize to her » . He went, and she came with him, still vexed. She said:« Am I dirty? Suppose I were, is it a matter of good behavior not to shake my hand while you are my guest? Are you such a fanatic to consider us filthy or infidels? »

I said:« It is nothing to do with filth or infidelity. I shook your husband’s hand just few minutes before you came to join us » .

« What is it then? » she asked.

I thought that the best means of defense is to attack. Seeking Allah’s help, I said:« I used to think that the Europeans are objective and discuss the matters objectively. No doubt, scientific progress affects the social behavior, especially of those highly educated individuals. You could have taken the matter easy and asked about the reasons for my behavior. Instead, your reaction was quite strange vis-à-vis such simple matters. I think the concept of civilized or uncivilized has nothing to do with the educated or the uneducated, poverty or wealth, and the developing or the developed countries » .

They said nothing, and I added:« Dr. Bernard, whose beautiful villa is this? » He said,« My wife’s and mine » .

I said: «What would you say if I seized a part of it to be my own? Would you agree on no conditions? »

He said: «It is nonsense! Why should I agree? »

I said:« If it were the jungle law, I could do it at my will. Yet, there are laws that regulate the social relations » .

He asked: «What do you intend to say? »

I said:« You don’t agree at my sharing with you your property. Could you agree at sharing with you your wife?

She is beautiful; every man wants to kiss her or shake her hand. Even I would do it if my instincts were not controlled. However, I act through laws decreed by my Lord, the Creator of all. It is a matter of religious instructions and Islamic behavior.

Have you ever been to a jeweler’s shop? Have you seen precious stones thrown here and there? Can everyone touch them? Are not they kept in a safe place where no one can get them? We, Muslims, consider woman as a precious stone. Not everyone can touch or enjoy her beauty. We don’t allow one to degrade her or damage her chastity. It is not the same as in your country where woman has lost her female nature and become a commodity, a plaything for all vices and indecencies. She is no more considered a human being. All your feminist organizations are means to cover the woman’s exploitation. » They still listened attentively without interrupting me. I continued,« You see how corruption spreads at large and family relations are discarded. It is the result of the freedom of no limits. It starts with shaking hands to end in an intimate love affair. Don’t you feel it is an odd situation? You do! But you are afraid of saying your opinions, lest you may be labeled as reactionaries. You stick to such trifles which are the real backwardness. In such an atmosphere, every woman will look for a lover and thus corruption spreads as fire in dry straws. Children of unknown fathers can be seen everywhere. Your girls count the days to be 15 and leave the parents’ house and experience life by their own. Can these countless illegal children settled in special homes be considered civilization? What do statistics tell you? Thousands of the aged die in their homes while no one knows about them until bad smelling leak out of their homes » .

When I took a breath, the doctor’s wife said:« Don’t you think that Muslim men are quite tough on women? Women are locked in their homes. They cannot have jobs and should observe hijab. Is not polygamy a remnant of old ages? »

I said:« Islam forbids whatever leads to situations experienced in your communities. Hijab is woman’s shield against men’s lusty instincts. It is to spare man the instincts stirred by woman’s beauty. It is for the benefit of all humanity.

Islam does not lock woman in her house. She can have any job or social activity outside her house, but she should observe decent clothes. Our history is rich with such active women in their communities.

Moreover, man is also ordered to act decently. The reason for this dispute is my refusal to shake hands with you. It is a religious duty. Similarly, a Muslim woman is not allowed to shake hand with a foreigner.

Regarding polygamy, it is allowed under strict conditions to solve social problems suffered by communities such as yours. Your thinkers confess such a truth » . When I finally apologized, I felt a clear change in their attitude. They asked me to spend the night with them but I apologized and was about to leave when they expressed their wish to meet again and have more discussions. I was ready to do that. For more than ten days we met, and I answered all their questions regarding Islam religion. Both were convinced of the sound reasoning and asked how to become Muslims. I said,« Quite simply. There is no baptism, no confession and no sacred bread! Just you utter: There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is His messenger » .

Both of them uttered the clause twice for an accurate pronunciation. I congratulated them and shook the husband’s hand, while the wife drew back. I taught them how to perform ablution, prayers and fasting and promised to provide them with Islamic literature. I gave the doctor’s wife an Islamic dress as a gift. Both of them today propagate Islam in America.

Antoine Ja’ja:

The Bible Calls to Islam

Ja’ja (Mustafa) is a graduate from a French University. He is from the city of Bshirry (Lebanon). He is a Christian who converted to Islam. He read the Old Testament and the new one, and after reading The Holy Quran, he became a Muslim enjoying spiritual tranquility and rest, though his kin and kith turned away from him. A local newspaper interviewed him recently.

Q: When and how did you acquire Islamic ideology?

A: I am proud of being of the people of The Book. The Bible was the first book that linked me to Islam and to The Quran. I read The Quran and pondered on the Quranic verse that reads:{ Those who follow the Apostle, the Prophet, the Ummi ( unlearned) whom they find written ( in their scriptures) with them in the Torah and the Ingil; (who) enjoins unto them ( what is) good and prevents them from evil... } [A’araf: 157].

I made a thorough investigation in the Divine Books that preceded The Holy Quran. I found that the Islamic religion is actually the religion of all prophets and apostles. Prophet Jesus (a.s.) was sent with the mission of The Lord. He says:{ For I have not spoken of myself, but of the Father ( Lord) Who sent me, He gave me commandment, what I should say and what I should speak. } . [John: 12/49].

The Bible clearly calls to Islam, the religion of Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.) who was a monotheist.

Q: When did you start such investigation?

A: I became a Muslim after profound studying of the Torah and David Psalms. In 1993 and 1994, I made a comparative study of the holy Books and The Holy Quran. I found that The Quran completes and verifies the preceding Divine Books.

Prophet Muhammad’s (P.B.U.H.) message is a perfection of the preceding religions. The Holy Quran says:{ ...This day I have perfected for you, your religion and have completed My favor on you and chosen for you Islam (to be) the religion. } [Al-Maidah :3].

Q: You are a Christian from the Maroni sect; how could you overstep the sectarian factor flourishing in Lebanon?

A: I believe in religion not in sects. I am proud of my Christian background. The Holy Quran mentions all the prophets and apostles including Prophet Muhammad (P .B.U.H.). The Quran says:{ Say ( O’ Muhammad!) O, you people, surely I am the messenger of Allah unto you all... } [Al-A’araf; 158].

I found that the message of Islam addresses all people. Hence I had the right to become a Muslim. I do not claim that I changed from one religion to another, but that I found the right path. I was on the wrong track; then, I found the right one.

I became a Muslim following Prophets Muhammad and Jesus (Peace be upon them both). I believe in Christianity as a doctrine, and I find a lot that leads to Islam in the Bible.

Q: Your major is psychology; how did you feel before embracing Islam and how do you feel now?

A: Psychologically, I have thoroughly changed. I was pessimistic, hesitant, lost, and alien to my own self. Now I am optimistic and firm in belief. Previously, I had to choose one of three: to be a heretic, to commit suicide, or to embrace Islam. I preferred the third option. Following the west scientific development one cannot be a heretic.

Science proves the existence of a creator. To commit suicide means to displease Allah. I embraced Islam.

Q: Are you influenced by famous intellectuals who embraced Islam in France such as Maurice Bucaille and Rojer Garaudy?

A: I was greatly influenced by those famous men, especially Bucaille who was stunned by the Quranic verse that reads:{ ...And say: 0’ my Lord! Increase me in knowledge } [Taha: 114].

No other religion but Islam demands one to increase one’s knowledge. Man is at the threshold of a new century; still increase in scientific knowledge is demanded.

It is logic and reasoning that led me to embrace Islam. I did not blindly follow one of the present trends, nor did I flatter Muslims for some personal interest in marriage or divorce. I found the scientific factor in The Quran. They are scientific miracles in the age of science and knowledge.

Q: What was the reaction in your own locality?

A: Naturally, they rejected my new attitude. I suffered hardship and social harassment. I became a stranger in my family and amid my friends. But I consider myself an immigrant from one religion to another. Today I live amid the Muslims.

Q: The majority of Muslims are not committed Muslims; how were you attracted to Islam?

A: I was attracted to Islam through its clear reasonable logic and concepts that can be enacted. There is nothing secret or ambiguous in Islam. Islam’s practical instructions are clear to both: the common people and intellectuals. No one is humiliated or despised in this religion. There are no complicated or ecclesiastical rituals. No one has the authority to forgive the sinners. Allah the Almighty is only the One Who forgives. Islam is religion of reason and convincing argument. The Holy Quran says:

{ But if they dispute with you ( O’ Muhammad), then say: I have submitted myself ( wholly) to Allah and so does everyone who follows me } [Al-Umran: 19].

{ And they say: ‘None shall enter Paradise except him who is a Jew or a Christian.’ Say ( O, Muhammad to them): Bring your proof if you are truthful. } [The Cow: 111].

Islam is the religion of dialogue. A Muslim feels certain of the Creator hence enjoys spiritual tranquility.

The Holy Quran says:{ And those who believe and their hearts are set at rest by God’s remembrance; certainly by God’s remembrance are the hearts set at rest. } [Al-Ra’d:28].

Islam is different from other religions in such features in addition to its demand of one to seek knowledge. Moreover, Islam does not stifle the natural instincts of the human being. We are today at the age of stirred instincts through media propaganda. Islam is moderate; it does not suppress the instincts. The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) says:« The believer who lives amid others and is patient at hardship is better than he who isolates himself and is impatient. » In Islam there is not monasticism that suppresses the instincts Allah created in men to survive the species reproduction. Tribes and nations are created to know each other. The Holy Quran says:{ O’ you people, surely We have created you of a male and female and made you in nations and tribes that you may recognize each other; surely the most honored of you to Allah is the one of you who guards ( against evil) the most, Allah is All- Knowing All-Aware } [Al-Hujurat: 13].

Q: Are you active amid Muslims or Christians?

A: Naturally amid the Muslims. I give lectures, radio interviews, and explain a lot about reasons for my conversion to Islam. I refer to the scientific miracles in The Quran and confirm its authenticity vis-à-vis the distorted Bibles.

Q: You do not address Christians, do you?

A: No, I do not, but I do call them to seek authentic information related to the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) in their Bibles. The Deuteronomy 18: 18 says:

{I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren like unto thee (Moses - having a father and a mother)and will put My words in his mouth and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him. }.

Isaiah 2:12 says:

{And the Book (The Quran)is delivered to him that he is not learned saying: Read this, I pray thee, and he says: I am not learned .}.

Q: Do you consider Islam as a perfect religion encompassing all previous religions? Can it play a role at the international level?

A: Of course I do. The Quranic verse 3 chapter Al-Maidah confirms this fact. Other religions need Islam so that they may be refined of all distortion.

Islam can be a unique school for science and culture. The renowned writer George Bernard Show says:« If a man like Muhammad were to assume leadership of the modem world, he would succeed in solving its problems and bring peace and happiness. »


Mrs. Bernice Holton is a British biologist who embraced Islam more than twenty years ago. She married a committed Muslim scientist and has three children. In an interview with a local magazine, Mrs. Holton speaks about her early inclination toward religion in general and Islam in particular. Following is the text of her interview.

Q: Kindly tell us how were you attracted to Islam?

A: As a child, I attended the church as is usual for Christian families to do. Then I became a teacher in the church; however, the teaching and the contents of the Bible did not convince me. Hence I left the church and turned to other religions, such as Hinduism, Buddhism... and Islam as well. The problem in the West is that one reads about Islam in books that cannot tell the true meanings in Islam. Writers play with words to distort information. I gave up thinking of religion. Then in college, I saw people from all over the world. Some were Muslims, and I asked them about Islam. At that time, the Muslims and the Arabs were ridiculed in the magazines and newspapers. They were portrayed as being silly and stupid, and it was said that one Jew could mislead a thousand Arabs.

However, when I talked with true Muslims, they furnished me with good, reasonable information which proved them to be clever and intelligent. I asked for books written in English by British Muslims. I never thought of becoming a Muslim woman, because I knew my family, friends, and co-workers would oppose me and create trouble for me. Hence I put away all the Islamic books in a place where I could not get them easily. Yet I could not tolerate the situation and hurried to get them back. I accepted Islam after I received my college degree. I got a job in Toronto... It was not easy for me to work with Jews, Christians, etc. They mocked my new belief, but I used to tolerate their behavior and talked to them sociably.

When I started to fast, I could not arrange the times for eating: Iftar and suhur (eating after sunset and before dawn). When I suffered poor health, my colleagues hurried to get me a doctor and from that time on, they were so nice to me that they even supplicate me on fasting days with chocolates or biscuits at the time of eating. They are still my good friends.

Q: What is your opinion regarding women’s freedom in the West and Muslim women in the Muslim community?

A: Women have gained some freedom in recent years. They have entered all fields of knowledge. The West talks a lot about freedom but never talks about duties and obligations. For women, it is good to study and achieve social status. Women can work as doctors, engineers, and in business. The problem is not to work or not outside the home. The problem is that she is being cheated, misled, and sexually abused. In this regard you can see the article of Dr. Frances Conley published in« Time » No. 27, July 1991.

In a capitalist society, companies compete for the highest profits for their products. Now who is to buy their products? Of course, men, women, and children. Women also take the husband’s money for their own use. Here the companies encourage women to buy even useless items. Women, in turn, try to find the latest fashions, cosmetics, furniture, luxurious cars… They think about how to spend the evening and where. The company’s profits increase. In the West, nothing is encouraged if it is not profitable. As a result, immorality and deviation spread, families break down, and children suffer psychological damage. Women also suffer. This is the result of the media campaigns which don’t differentiate between reasonable freedom and interference in one’s obligation...

In regard to a Muslim woman wherever she lives, she suffers hardships in her community. Even those who agree with her decent (Islamic) clothes (hijab ) find it difficult to have her at work. She faces difficulties in bringing up her children in an environment where the schools (usually with secularist curriculums), the T.V. programs, and the media teach them something in contrast with their belief. Hence the Muslim mother must be aware of Islamic ethics (ideology) and must know that which is forbidden and that which is not forbidden.

Q: How can a true Muslim woman play a positive role in a Muslim community?

A: Every person can play such a role. A woman can have such a role if she brings up her children according to Islamic instructions. Speaking for myself, I like reading scientific and social books as well as books about environment. I like very much to join organizations caring for the disabled. I think disabled people throughout the world are in great need of help. The work with the disabled may not seem fruitful since improvement is not always obvious... However, in Third World countries, we see few organizations caring for them. Everyone is concerned with his own affairs. In the results of the territorial wars, one can see thousands of helpless citizens.

The disabled may not suffer from a missing leg or hand. He may suffer from a mental disorder, a bullet in the liver, etc. The disabled often feel they are a burden to their families, and they may develop other sicknesses. Organizations can be of great help. We are all supposed to demonstrate sympathy, compassion, and help towards those who need it.