Names and Titles of Ameerul Momineen (asws)
Author: Abdul Rasool
Translator: Syed Jazib Reza Kazmi
Publisher: Wilayat Mission
Category: Imam Ali
Author: Abdul Rasool
Translator: Syed Jazib Reza Kazmi
Publisher: Wilayat Mission
Download: 4491
- Dedication
- Preface
- 1. Moula Ali (asws)’s name is on the leaves of the trees of jannah
- 2. Inside of fruit
- 3. On the forehead of angels
- 4. On the door of jannah
- 5. On the door of heavens and on noorani veils
- 6. On every veil of jannah
- 7. On noorani flags
- 8. On the doors of jannah and jahannum
- 9. Write My Decrees and Fortunes
- 10. On the throne of Our Lord
- 11. On a tree in India
- 12. On both sides of the sun
- 13. On rocks, trees, and leaves
- 14. On the veil of Arsh (Throne)
- 15. On the pillars of the heavens
- 16. On noorani crowns
- 17. On the leaves of the trees in China
- 18. In the book of Moula Ali (asws)
- 19. On the leaves of the trees in jannah
- 20. On the wings of Jibrael (as)
- 21. A dua written on the wings of Jibrael (as)
- 22. On Chair
- 23. Name of Moula Ali (asws) on tablet
- 24. On the base of the Arsh
- 25. On everything
- 26. On the door of jannah
- 27. On Arsh (Throne)
- 28. Moula Ali (asws)’s name along with RasoolAllah (saw)’s name
- 29. On the surface of the moon
- 30. On a great veil
- 31. On the cheek of hoori
- 32. On every creation in the universe
- 33. The Chair did not come into existance
- 34. On rock
- 35. On the veils of Allah
- 36. On the wings of birds
- 37. On the veils of jannah
- 38. On Jabil Bilka
- 39. On the sides of the earth
- 40. On Sidrat ul Muntaha
- 41. On Al Makkan
- 42. On Wind
- Alif ا
- 1. Al ansa al bateen (far from shirk and full of knowledge)
- 2. Awal al momineen (First Momin)
- 3. Afzal khaliq Allah (Greatest from amongst the creation of Allah)
- 4. Azan (Declaration)
- 5. Ameen (Trustee)
- 6. Alab (Father)
- 7. Al Iman (faith)
- 8. Asab (Most Perfect)
- 9. Ameenullah (Trustee of the Knowledge of Allah)
- 10. Ailiya
- 11. Ayatul Huda(sign of guidance)
- 12. Arya
- 13. Alaa al Rahman (Blessing of Rahman (Merciful))
- 14. Akhu al Tayyar (Brother of Jafar Tayyar (as))
- 15. Ayat hub al Rasool (saw)
- 16. Awal min yakhasam (First to stand on the day of judgment)
- 17. Akhu al malaikat (Brother of Angels)
- 18. Imam e Mubeen
- 19. Ameerul Momineen
- 20. Ahal E Atat (Imam of the Obedient)
- 21. Al Ameer (ruler)
- 22. Al Ahsan (doing of good)
- 23. Al Izan al Waiya (The ear that remembers)
- 24. Imam ul Khaliqat (Imam of the entire creation)
- 25. Abul Rahateen (Father of two Flowers)
- 26. Al Ayat ul Mahakmat (Decisive Verses)
- 27. Awal Ward ala al hawaz (First to arrive at spring of Kauser)
- 28. Abu Turab (Father of the Earth)
- 29. Ayat Musa (as) wa Haroon (as): (Sign for Musa (as) and Haroon (as)
- 30. Ayat Muhammad (saw) (Sign of Muhammad saw)
- 31. Asal e Deen (Foundation of Religion)
- 32. Awal ul Aimmat (First Imams)
- 33. Awal ul Musleen (First Namazi)
- 34. Ibrahim fi Sakhiya (Ibrahim (as) in generosity)
- 35. Akhu RasoolAllah (saw) (Brother of RasoolAllah saw)
- 36. Anees ul Masbahat (one who loves the beads of tasbeeh)
- 37. Abul Hasan
- 38. Awal Mazloom (First to be oppressed)
- 39. Al Akbar ul ghair mominoon (Reward that will never finish)
- 40. Al Ayat ul Minzalat min Asmaa: (sign from the heavens)
- 41. Asal al Imamate (Foundation of Imamate)
- 42. Al Awal fi al Deen (First of religion)
- 43. Al Awal wa al Khair (First and Last)
- 44. Asad ul Nashara (Lion of Preaching)
- 45. Ameer ul Nayreen (Master of sun and moon)
- 46. Ayat ul Nusrat (Sign of help)
- 47. Umm ul Kitab (Reality of the book)
- 48. Asas ul Majd (Foundation of ownership)
- 49. Ayat Bani Israel
- 50. Al Azfat (filled pot)
- 51. Al Asal ul Qadeem (Immortal Truth)
- 52. Ism Allah (Name of Allah)
- 53. Ayat ul Sabqeen (Sign of Previous Nations)
- 54. Asmaa ul Husna (Greatest name of Allah)
- 55. Ameer ul Ghazwaat (Master of Wars)
- 56. Al Akbar fi al Yaqeen (height of certainty)
- 57. Imam of Aal e Yaseen
- 58. Alaa Al Rahman (Blessing of Rahman)
- 59. Aman al Ahzab (protector of groups)
- 60. Azhoor al Tariq (Light in the darkness)
- 61. Ajtheyaa al Zanj
- 62. Abriya al Zaboor
- 63. Aliyia Injeel
- 64. Istamsak Al Araat (a strong rope for holding)
- 65. Abriya al Taurat
- 66. Imam ul Muttaqeen
- 67. Abul Aimmat (Father of Great Imams as)
- 68. Anees ul Huam (known for immense thirst)
- 69. Awafarul Sama ( great listener)
- 70. Awal ul Sadiqeen (First Truthful)
- 71. Amar ul Salsal
- 72. Ayat ul Hilm (sign of wisdom)
- 73. Awal ul Sabat (first in the Family)
- 74. Amin ul Mafawaz (Protector of those who render)
- 75. Asal ul Qadi
- 76. Arth ul Mawarith (Inheritance of those who inherit)
- 77. Anfath ul Nafath
- 78. Al Imam ul Mubeen
- 79. Abraam ul Nazir (Warner)
- 80. Ameen ul Hasab (Trustee of accountability)
- 81. Alfat ul Ailaf (love of every lover)
- 82. Asaf Hud (storm of Hud)
- 83. Awariya ul Zaboor
- 84. Imam ul Muhashir (Imam of the day of judgment)
- 85. Awal ul Masadiqeen (First who testified)
- 86. Imam ul Mufassareen (Imam of Interpreters)
- 87. Amanat ul Ahzab (Trustee of Groups)
- 88. Imam ul Muzlheen (Imam of righteous)
- 89. Amanat Yaseen (Trustee of Yaseen)
- 90. Ayat ul Qamar (Sign of Moon)
- 91. Ameen ul Malmoon (Protector of protectors)
- 92. Imam Arbab (Imam who creates braveness)
- Bay ب
- 1. Bab (Door)
- 2. Bihar (Ocean)
- 3. Batareeq
- 4. Bab ul Dar ul Hikmat (Door of the city of wisdom)
- 5. Bab ul Jannat (Door of Jannah)
- 6. Briya
- 7. Bazaat ul Rasool (Part of RasoolAllah saw)
- 8. Bas ul Shadeed (Severe punishment)
- 9. Bitris
- 10. Bab Hitat (Door of repentance)
- 11. Beit
- 12. Bateen min al Alim (Absolute Knowledge)
- 13. Balagh (Clear message)
- 14. Baqeel Beit ul Mamoor (apparent of Beitul Mamoor)
- 15. Bab ul Abu Ab (Door of all doors)
- 16. Batin ala al kufar
- 17. Batin wa al Zahir (hidden and apparent)
- 18. Barq al Lamooa (bright lightning)
- 19. Bas Allah (wrath of Allah)
- 20. Batishtullah (blow of Allah)
- 21. Beitullah (House of Allah)
- 22. Bihar ul Alim (Ocean of knowledge)
- 23. Baooza
- 24. Badr al Mazia
- 25. Barjaloon
- 26. Burhan Bihar
- 27. Bast al Ajah
- 28. Bralqasm
- 29. Bab al Hajrat (door of the rooms)
- 30. Bal al Batool (husband of Batool sa)
- 31. Bitreek al Habash
- 32. Birsoom al Roos
- 33. Badr al Birooj
- 34. Bab al Hatah
- 35. Basheer al Falaq
- 36. Baseerah al Basair
- 37. Bareed al Mihamat
- 38. Basharatul Bashaeerah
- 39. Baqeel Bait al Mamoor
- 40. Batin ala Kufar
- 41. Batin al Soor
- 42. Bayd al Mada
- 43. Bayzah al Balad
- 44. Baitul Mamoor
- 45. Batin al Sidq
- 46. Badr al Masbaheen
- 47. Burhan (Proof)
- 48. Badr al Barooj
- 49 Bitris al Rum (Bright Moon)
- Ta ت
- 1. Taj RasoolAllah (saw) (Crown of the Prophet of Allah)
- 2. Tajarat (Trade)
- 3. Tamam ul Naamat (Seal of all blessings)
- 4. Tarjman Allah (Representative of Allah)
- 5. Tali ul Mabut
- 6. Tawbat ul Nadm (Repentance of the remorseful)
- 7. Tazkrat Awal Taha
- 8. Tarjmat ul Sad
- 9. Tabeen ul Nayeen
- 10. Takseer ul Aanaf
- 11. Tabeen ul Nisa
- 12. Tawbat ul Aanaf
- Tha ث
- 1. Thaqal RasoolAllah (saw) (Equal to RasoolAllah saw)
- 2. Thawab (Reward)
- 3. Thumr ul Janni (Fruit of jannah)
- 4. Thaqab ul Kasaf
- 5. Thaban ul Kaleem
- 6. Thabeer ul Tark
- 7. Thalit (Groups)
- Jeem ج
- 1. Junb Allah (Duty to Allah)
- 2. Jalis ala Al Fardoos (One who sits on Fardoos)
- 3. Jun ul Shoams (Brightness of Suns)
- 4. Johir ul Qadim
- 5. Jamaa al Ayat (Compiler of Signs)
- 6. Johir al Iklas (Pearl of Sincerity)
- 7. Jumlit al Anaam
- 8. Ginnah al Buraq (Wing of Buraq)
- 9. Jaal al Aalim al Qaleem (Creator of the nations of the world)
- 10. Janbutha
- 11. Janab ul Tur (voice of Tur)
- 12. Jarjis al Faranj
- 13. Jod ul Jawad
- 14. Jalist al Asaad
- 15. Jowaz al Sarat (Passage over Pul e Sirat)
- 16. Jadool al Hasab (Scale of Accountability)
- 17. Junbata al Zanj
- 18. Joharat al Thameenat (Precious Pearl)
- 19. Jabil Qaaf
- 20. Jabil al Shamakh (Holy Mountain)
- 21. Jabil al Rasikh (Strong Mountain)
- 22. Jamaa al Quran (Compiler of Quran)
- Ha ح
- 1. Hasanat (Virtue)
- 2. Haq (Truth)
- 3. Habil Min Allah (Rope from Allah)
- 4. Habil Allah (Rope of Allah)
- 5. Habib Allah (Beloved of Allah)
- 6. Hakeem min Al Hukmaa (Wisest of the Wise)
- 7. Habik (Paths)
- 8. Harab
- 9. Hamil Lowaa al duniya wa al akhira (Standard bearer of RasoolAllah (saw) in this world and in the hereafter)
- 10. Haider
- 11. Hujjat ul Azma (Greatest Proof)
- 12. Hajir al Ain
- 13. Harm Allah al Akbar (Greatest Harm of Allah)
- 14. Hujjat al Khasam (Proof upon the enemies)
- 15. Haq ul Yaqeen
- 16. Hafiz ul Alowah (Protector of Tablets)
- 17. Hujjat ul Hajjaj (Proof upon proofs)
- 18. Haris ul Ashraq (Protector of World)
- 19. Habil Allah al Almateen (Strong rope of Allah)
- 20. Habil min al Nas (Rope amongst people)
- 21. Haqqa
- 22. Hizb Allah (Party of Allah)
- 23. Habil ul Matteen (Strong Rope)
- 24. Hawameem
- 25. Hayat al Arifeen (Life of Arifeen (people who have marifat)
- 26. Hawi al Mazlat
- 27. Hatim al Aajim
- 28. Hijab al Ghafoor (Veil of Allah)
- 29. Hamil al Ikleel
- 30. Hafeef Arman
- 31. Habib al Ahbab (Friend of Friends)
- 32. Hafaz al Kalimat (One who remembers words)
- 33. Hameera
- 34. Haqeeqat al Asrar (Reality of secrets)
- 35. Ham al Anaf
- 36. Hua al Huameem
- 37. Hafaz al Quran (memorizer of Quran)
- 38. Hafeef al Ary
- 39. Haider al Aslaa
- 40. Hamil al Lowaa (Standard Bearer)
- 41. Hatimul Adayan (guide of religions)
- 42. Haqeeqatul Adayan (reality of the religion)
- 43. Haleelat al Makhalid
- 44. Hikmat ul Amoor (wisdom of all commandments)
- 45. Hikmat ul Hikmat (Wisdom of wisdom)
- 46. Hafaz al Tariqat
- 47. Hafiz al Ayat (memorizer of tablets)
- 48. Hafiz al Alowah (Memorizer of Tablets)
- Kha خ
- 1. Khairul Barit (Best Creation)
- 2. Khairul Ummat (Best of the ummah)
- 3. Khairul Bashir (Best of men)
- 4. Khairatullah (Chosen by Allah)
- 5. Kharisiya
- 6. Khairul Wasieen (Best of the Successors)
- 7. Khaleel Allah (Friend of Allah)
- 8. Khairul Nas (Best among the people)
- 9. Khairul Awaliya (Best Wali)
- 10. Khalifatul Allah (Caliph of Allah)
- 11. Khair min Khalf al Nabi (Best Inheritance of RasoolAllah saw)
- 12. Khalifatul Muhammad (saw) (Caliph of Muhammad saw)
- 13. Khatim al Wasieen (Seal of Successors)
- 14. Khazan Sar RasoolAllah (saw) (Trustee of the Secrets of RasoolAllah (saw)
- 15. Khasaf al Naal (Mender of Shoe)
- 16. Khairatullah min Khaliqat (Best of the creation of Allah)
- 17. Khazanat (Precious treasure)
- 18. Al Mastakhalif (Representative of Allah upon the earth)
- 19. Khat
- 20. Khashaay (Submissive ones)
- 21. Khazan ilm Allah (Trustee of the Knowledge of Allah)
- 22. Khaleel Jibrael (as) (Friend of Jibrael as)
- 23. Khairul Umam (Best of ummah)
- 24. Khalasat al Asara
- 25. Khams al Kisa (Fifth of the Cloak)
- 26. Khairat al Akhiyar (Best of the best)
- 27. Khairat ul Nireen
- 28. Khatim al Awajim
- 29. Khairatul Mahin
- 30. Khalifatul Risalat (Caliph of Risalat)
- 31. Khila Khaleel
- 32. Khiba al Qurah
- 33. Khair ul Awileen (Best of previous nations)
- 34. Khashaay (Submissive ones)
- 35. Khali min kal zur (far from every lie)
- Dal د
- 1. Deen
- 2. Dal
- 3. Daamatul Islam (Pillar of Islam)
- 4. Dawood fi Zahdah (Worship of Dawood)
- 5. Diyan al deen (Ruler of the religion)
- 6. Dabah
- 7. Diyan al Nas (Ruler of men)
- 8. Daleel al Samawat (Proof of heavens)
- 9. Doosar al Brajum
- 10. Darflah al Fars
- 11. Dafa al Shifaa
- 12. Dayam al deen (pillar of religion)
- 13. Doha al Aslayah
- 14. Daraa al Haseen
- 15. Daaya (summoner)
- Dhal ذ
- 1. Dhayad ain al Houz (One who will remove from the Pool of Kausar)
- 2. Dhul Qalb
- 3. Dhakar (male)
- 4. Dhikr (Remembrance)
- 5. Dhu Qurani al Janah (Distributor of the treasures of heaven)
- 6. Dhab ain al Nasuan (Titles and Kunyats of Ameerul Momineen asws)
- 7. Dhat al Dhawat (Reality of all realities)
- 8. Dhakheerah al Shakoor
- 9. Dharbis al Khataa
- 10. Dharmaj al Arsh
- 11. Dhakheeratul Dhakhayar
- Ra ر
- 1. Rahmah (mercy)
- 2. Radfah
- 3. Raskh fi al Alim (full knowledge)
- 4. Rayatul Hadi (Flag of guidance)
- 5. Rabaa al arbaat (Fourth of Four)
- 6. Rabaa al Khalifa (Fourth Caliph)
- 7. Rabib RasoolAllah (saw) (Raised by RasoolAllah saw)
- 8. Rajal al A’araf (Man of Araaf)
- 9. Rukan al deen (Pillar of Religion)
- 10. Rayis al bakaian
- 11. Ruq al Munshoor (Scripture of Munshoor)
- 12. Ramitul Qowasaf (Man with resonating voice)
- 13. Rajal al A’araf (man of Araaf)
- 14. Raqib al Marsad
- 15. Rasid al Najm
- 16. Rahmatul Nafaa (most benevolent mercy)
- 17. Raseen al Bala
- 18. Rayis al Masbahat (Master of those who praise Allah)
- 19. Raskh al Jabil (strongest mountain)
- 20. Rosiyan al Tarajam
- 21. Rooh al Ashabah
- 22. Rizwan Allah (will of Allah)
- 23. Rafi
- Za ز
- 1. Zaid
- 2. Zeenat al Majalis (Beautification of gathering)
- 3. Zawj al Aramil
- 4. Zahil al Kowakab
- 5. Zajir al Bihar
- 6. Zaman al Matul
- 7. Zarkim al Ghaylan
- 8. Zahrah al Noor (noor of flowers)
- 9. Zaki al Waghiya
- 10. Zajir al Qowasif
- 11. Zimlah al Faris
- 12. Zawj Syedatul Nisa al Alameen
- Seen س
- 1. Syedal Muslameen (Master of Muslims)
- 2. Syed ul Arab (Master of Arabs)
- 3. Safah
- 4. Salamti (Peace)
- 5. Syed (master)
- 6. Sahabaal Bayzaa (white cloud)
- 7. Syed al Khaliq (Master of the entire creation)
- 8. Safeef Nuh (Arc of Nuh)
- 9. Sabiq al Khairat (Good deeds)
- 10. Saqi al Kausar (distributor of the water of the pool of Kausar)
- 11. Sabeeq
- 12. Syed Ahlul Jannah (Master of the people of jannah)
- 13. Syed ul Sheeb (master of elderly)
- 14. Saif Allah (Sword of Allah)
- 15. Syed Ahlul Arz (Master of the people of the earth)
- 16. Syed ul Wasieen (Master of successors)
- 17. Sabeel al Maqeem (road that still abides)
- 18. Samaa (heavens)
- 19. Sa’a (hour)
- 20. Sayiq al Raad (Creator of lightning)
- 21. Samandal al Aflak
- 22. Saqif al Marfooa
- 23. Simak al Bahu
- 24. Sabeel Allah (way of Allah)
- 25. Soot Azab Allah (Blow of the Wrath of Allah)
- 26. Sidrat ul Muntaha
- 27. Saleel al Athar
- 28. Safeer Allah (Representative of Allah)
- 29. Sa’ad al Zahra
- 30. Sar al Khafiyat (secret of secrets)
- 31. Simak al Jabil
- 32. Sar Ibrahim (secret of Ibrahim as)
- 33. Saad al Jad (fortune of His forefathers)
- 34. Soorat al Natalaha (verse of recitors)
- 35. Sabiq al Zumr
- 36. Sowal Miti
- 37. Saif Allah al Maslool (unsheathed sword of Allah)
- 38. Saqi al Atash (quencher of thirst)
- 39. Sands al Rum
- 40. Sad al Ashamos
- 41. Sahil al Tabaa
- 42. Sar al Asrar (secret of secrets)
- 43. Sameer al Mahrab
- 44. Syed Badr (master of Badr)
- 45. Sameeda al Bisaq
- 46. Sarookh al Jamaharat
- 47. Sowal al Talib (question of the questioner)
- 48. Sabq al Mahshir (master of mahshir)
- 49. Saqi al Kauthar (distributor of the water of Kauthar)
- 50. Soor al Maarif (verse of recognition)
- 51. Sowal al Masail(solver of difficulties)
- 52. Saleel al Sarar
- 53. Siham al Fraqd
- 54. Simak al Bahu
- 55. Surat ul Baqarah
- 56. Sabq al Zumr
- 57. Sham al Dhariyat
- 58. Sar al Haroof (secret of the letters)
- 59. Saif al Maslool (unsheathed sword)
- 60. Saad al Aiyaqimat
- 61. Saids al Ashmoom
- 62. Sabib al Asbab (reason of every reason)
- 63. Salimi al Mata
- 64. Sajar al Bihar (swelling of the oceans)
- 65. Saiq (driver)
- 66. Safeer al Safraa (representative of representatives)
- Sheen ش
- 1. Shajrah al Mubarakah (blessed tree)
- 2. Shams al Talaa (rising sun)
- 3. Shifah (intercessor)
- 4. Shafah
- 5. Shar al Haram (Sacred month)
- 6. Shajrah (tree of nabuwiat)
- 7. Shhab al Thaqib (shooting star)
- 8. Sharf al Duayr
- 9. Shhab al Haraq
- 10. Sha’a al Asaas
- 11. Shan al Imthan
- 12. Shahd al Ahad
- 13. Sheen al Sarah
- 14. Shaar al Zabraqan
- 15. Shaheed (witness)
- 16. Shiaya
- 17. Shajra Toba
- 18. Sharf al Sharf (one who gives honor to the honor)
- 19. Shaqeeq al Rasool (near kin of RasoolAllah saw)
- 20. Sheet al Brahimah
- 21. Shabeer al Tark
- 22. Shimlas al Shark
- 23. Shabashbab rizkum al Ailan
- 24. Shimla al Hataa
- 25. Shabshab al Karooj
- 26. Shadeed al Qua (most powerful)
- 27. Shifaa al Aleel (cure of the sick)
- 28. Shifiaa youm al mahshoor (intercessor on the day of judgment)
- 29. Shajrat al Anwar
- 30. Shimlal Jabal
- 31. Shareef al Dhat
- 32. Shahd al Ahad
- 33. Shanshar al Karooj
- 34. Shajr
- Swad ص
- 1. Sirat al Mustaqeem (Straight path)
- 2. Sahib al howz (Owner of the Spring)
- 3. Sifwatullah (representatives of Allah)
- 4. Sahib al Asa Wal Meem (Owner of Asa and Meem)
- 5. Shar al Rasool (saw) (Son in law of RasoolAllah saw)
- 6. Sadiq (truthful)
- 7. Sahib al Krat
- 8. Salih al Momineen (believers who do good)
- 9. Sadeeq al Akbar (Most trustworthy)
- 10. Sahib al Lowah (Owner of flag in this world and the hereafter)
- 11. Salat ul Wasta (Middle prayer)
- 12. Sahib al Nar (Lord of hell)
- 13. Sahib al Lailat ul Qadr (Lord of Lailat ul Qadr (night of power))
- 14. Sirat al Hameed (Praised path)
- 15. Sirat ul Sovi (straight path)
- 16. Shar (son in law)
- 17. Samit (silent)
- 18. Sahib al Hashir (lord of day of judgement)
- 19. Sahib al Jannah wal Nar (Lord of heaven and hell)
- 20. Sahib ul Alham (Lord of Inspiration)
- 21. Sahib ul Majzat (lord of miracles)
- 22. Sahib ul Saif wal Stuh (Lord of invitation and sword)
- 23. Sahib ul Naqah
- 24. Sahib ul Rajat (Lord of the return)
- 25. Sahib ul Zalzala (Lord of trembling)
- 26. Sakhah (loud voice)
- 27. Saaqah ala al Adaa (wrath upon the enemies)
- 28. Sibaghatullah (Color of Allah)
- 29. Sahib Sar RasoolAllah (saw) (Protector of the secrets of RasoolAllah (saw)
- 30. Sahib ul Dawat (lord of signs)
- 31. Sahib al Salawat (lord of supplications)
- 32. Sahib al Nifhat (lord of blessings)
- 33. Sahib ul Dalalat (lord of signs)
- 34. Sahib ul Ayat al Ajeebat (lord of wonderous signs)
- 35. Sahib ul Yemen
- 36. Sahib ul Hibat baad al Hibat (one who bestows upon blessings)
- 37. Sahib ul Jibrael (as) (Lord of Jibrael as)
- 38. Sahib ul Jamal al Ahmar
- 39. Sahib ul Khizr (as) (Lord of Khizr as)
- 40. Sahib ul Bayzaa
- 41. Sahib ul Feehaa (Lord of rainbows)
- 42. Sahib ul Quroon al Awli (Lord of previous nations)
- 43. Sahib ul Rayat al Safar (Lord of saffron colored flags)
- 44. Sahib ul Rayat al Hamr (Lord of crimson colored flags)
- 45. Sahib ul Musa wa Yusha (Lord of Musa and Yusha)
- 46. Sahib ul Qatr wal Matr (Lord of rain)
- 47. Sahibul Amr al Azeem (Lord of the greatest cause)
- 48. Sahib ul Zalzil wal Khasoof (Lord of trembling and lightning)
- 49. Sahib ul Salat (Lord of prayer)
- 50. Sahib ul Rad ul Akbar (Lord of the resonating voice)
- 51. Sahib ul Bihar al Akbar (Lord of the greatest ocean)
- 52. Sahib ul Khaliq al Awal (Lord of the first creation)
- 53. Sahib ul Toofan al Awal (Lord of the first storm)
- 54. Sahib ul Sail al Arm (Lord of the great flood)
- 55. Sahibul Toofan al Thani (Lord of the second storm)
- 56. Salat al Momin (prayer of the momin)
- 57. Sahif (Scripture)
- 58. Sahib ul Azliya al Awliya (Lord of beginnings)
- 59. Sahib ul Tur (Lord of Tur)
- 60. Sahib Madeen (Lord of Madeen)
- 61. Sahib ul Jinnat al Khalud (Lord of everlasting jinns)
- 62. Sanaa al Aqaleem (establisher of nations)
- 63. Sahib ul Jahannum (Lord of hell)
- 64. Sahib ul Asrar al Maknunat (Lord of secrets)
- 65. Sahib ul Jabaliqa wa Jabrisa
- 66. Safi Mikael (One who orders Mikael as)
- 67. Sahib ul Jadideen
- 68. Sirat ul Hamd (Praised path)
- 69. Siffuh al Imran (Owner of Aal e Imran)
- 70. Sahibul Iylaf
- 71. Sahibul Anfal
- 72. Sad wal Meem
- 73. Sahib ul Nahj (Lord of paths)
- 74. Sahibul Najm (Lord of stars)
- 75. Sahibul Izan
- 76. Safoo al Jaleel (Blessed by the Almighty)
- 77. Sahib ul Yaqeen (Lord of certainty)
- 78. Sahibul Moajzat (Lord of miracles)
- 79. Siraya al Fatik (ever lasting destruction)
- 80. Salah al Salih (virtue of the pious)
- 81. Silah al Asal (reward of good deeds)
- 82. Simsam al Jihad (Sword of jihad)
- 83. Sawab al Khalaf (corrector of wrongdoings)
- 84. Sahifa al Momin (Book of momin’s deeds)
- 85. Safwatul Safa (summary of virtues)
- 86. Sadaa Bilhaq (announcer of haq)
- 87. Sadiq al Mistal (trustworthy of the difficult path)
- 88. Sahibul Rajaat (Lord of the return)
- 89. Sahibul Sowlat
- 90. Sahibul Hinat
- 91. Sahibul A’araaf (Lord of elevated places)
- 92. Sadeeq (truthful)
- Zwad ض
- 1. Ziya al Braq (light of braq)
- 2. Zeegam al Ghazwat (lion of wars)
- 3. Zarb Baziulzulfiqar (one who fought with Zulfiqar)
- 4. Zarb Badr wa Hunain (fought in Badr and Hunain)
- TA ط
- 1. Taain bilramheen (One who fought with two spears)
- 2. Teen (Clay)
- 3. Tariq al Quam (Straight way)
- 4. Tiya al Armas
- 5. Tud al Atwad
- 6. Tahir Mutahir (Sacred and Pure)
- 7. Tur (mount)
- 8. Teerta
- 9. Tahir al Tahar (Purest of the pure)
- 10. Tareeq illallah (Path of Allah)
- 11. Tur Saneen (Mount Sinai)
- 12. Taneen bab al jannah (Voice of the door of jannah)
- 13. Tareeqat (right way)
- 14. Tamah al Kubra
- 15. Tayab
- 16. Tahir (Holy)
- ZA ظ
- 1. Zahir
- 2. Zalil al Ghamam (shadow of the cloud)
- 3. Zahir fi al Israr (Reality of secrets)
- 4. Zahir maa al Anbiya (one who appeared with the prophets)
- 5. Zahr qabail al ans (helper of tribes)
- 6. Zahr al Farsh (helper of the earth)
- 7. Zahr al Azhar (helper of helpers)
- Ain ع
- 1. Ali ul Hakeem
- 2. Andah ilm al Kitab (one who possesses the knowledge of the book)
- 3. Azwoo al Rasool (saw) (Part of RasoolAllah saw)
- 4. Alamah (landmarks)
- 5. Aalim (scholar)
- 6. Al uqabah (Ascent)
- 7. Awaz al Nabi (Likeness of RasoolAllah saw)
- 8. Abdullah (servant of Allah)
- 9. Aali (exalted)
- 10. Amwad al islam (Pillar of islam)
- 11. Aalim al Arz (most knowledgeable on the earth)
- 12. Ilm (knowledge)
- 13. Ayeen al Mazloomah (oppressed eye)
- 14. Ahad (promise)
- 15. Azd al Rasool (hand of RasoolAllah saw)
- 16. Ali
- 17. Ahad al Mukid (strong promise of allegiance)
- 18. Adl (justice)
- 19. Aalim bil Taurah wal Injeel (the one who possesses the knowledge of Taurah and Injeel)
- 20. Aqd al Iman (foundation of faith)
- 21. Aqab al Kufar (punishment of kufar)
- 22. Ayeen al Aayeen (Lord of greatness)
- 23. Asmah al Urs (purity of the universe)
- 24. Aybatul Ilm
- 25. Ahad al Mahood (promise of the one who promises)
- 26. Asam al Asmah (purity of pure)
- 27. Alim al Aalim (scholar of scholars)
- 28. Abd Awab
- 29. Asam al Shoahad
- 30. Aamal al Amil (the one who acts)
- 31. Atard al tafzeel
- 32. Ayun al Meezan (eyes of the scale)
- 33. Alaneet al Mabood (apparent of the lord)
- 34. Aqood al Makrameen
- 35. Amad al Rukn(pillar of tauheed)
- 36. Azab (wrath)
- 37. Azoobatul Anhar (sweetness of rivers)
- 38. Afeef al Tun
- 39. Ateed al Fraqid
- 40. Asmatul Mihaj
- 41. Ateed Qaf
- 42. Alamatul Talaq
- 43. Azoobatul Qatr
- 44. Amood al Islam (pillar of islam)
- 45. Araoon al Karahee
- 46. Isa al Zaman (Isa of the time)
- 47. Amad al Ins
- 48. Asmatul Awamiz
- 49. Auratullah (strong chain of Allah)
- 50. Ayun al Momineen (helper of believers)
- Ghain غ
- 1. Ghazran al Sharteen
- 2. Ghashiyah (overwhelming)
- 3. Ghiyath al Malik
- 4. Ghiyath al Zank
- 5. Ghram al Ghaleel
- FA ف
- 1. Fata (Brave youth)
- 2. Farooq al ummah (Honor of the nation)
- 3. Firoz
- 4. Fasl al Qaza
- 5. Fra al Kareem(branch of mercy)
- 6. Falk al Lajaj (lord of the brave)
- 7. Fazl dhi al Hamim
- 8. Farqid al Simak
- 9. Fazl al Khitab (blessed speech)
- 10. Fasool al Baqarah (meaning of Sura Baqarah)
- 11. Fatir al Nafaah
- 12. Fajar al Fikhr
- 13. Fars al Fawaris (nobility of the noble)
- 14. Furqan
- Qaf ق
- 1. Qasr al Masheed (Beautiful palace)
- 2. Quran al Azeem(great quran)
- 3. Qaid al Ghar al Mahjaleen (Leader of those with shining foreheads)
- 4. Qamar (moon)
- 5. Qatil al Fajrah (Killer of unrighteous)
- 6. Qaid al Atqiya (Leader of pious)
- 7. Qasim bil Suiyah (One who treats every person equally)
- 8. Qalam (Pen)
- 9. Qul al Mukhtalif (Different sayings)
- 10. Qarah
- 11. Qarin min Hadeed
- 12. Qatb al Dayjoor
- 13. Qamar al Surtan(moon and constellations)
- 14. Qus al Arak
- 15. Qastas al Qatr
- 16. Qasim Ilm
- 17. Qatil al Jin (killer of jinns)
- 18. Qaseem al Jinan (distributor of jannah)
- 19. Qalaa al Bab (remover of the door)
- 20. Qatil min Bagha (slayer of the rebellious)
- 21. Qurn al Aqran
- 22. Qaid al Amlak (guide of kings)
- 23. Qutb al Aqtab
- 24. Qudrat Allah
- 25. Qalb Allah (heart of Allah)
- 26. Qateel Koofan
- Kaf ك
- 1. Kirar
- 2. Kufv al Zahra (The equal for Syeda sa)
- 3. Kabeer (Greatest)
- 4. Kalimah (word)
- 5. Kalimatullah al Aliya (Greatest word of Allah)
- 6. Kitab al Minzil (Revealed Book)
- 7. Kalimatul Tamah (Absolute word from amongst the words)
- 8. Kamal ul Deen (completion of the religion)
- 9. Kahf al Aramil (helper of widows)
- 10. Kirkir
- 11. Kawan al Makan
- 12. Khays
- 13. Kon al Farq
- 14. Klua al Wahsh
- 15. Kamard al Hinood
- 16. Kirkis al Sidoos
- 17. Kaboor al Farq
- 18. Kashif al Radaa
- 19. Kafoo al Wafa
- 20. Kiwan al Khan
- 21. Kasi al Arah
- 22. Kinz Israr al Nabuwat
- Lam ل
- 1. Lisanullah (tongue of Allah)
- 2. Lith al Muhadeen (Lion of those who believe in the oneness of Allah)
- 3. Lisanul Sadiq(tongue of the trustworthy)
- 4. Lisanul Sidq(tongue of truth)
- 5. Ladheedh al Thamar
- 6. Lith al Zaham (lion of the battlefield)
- 7. Lahz al Lowahz
- 8. Lowa al Rakiz
- 9. Lahj al Minhaj
- 10. Loosh al Sadoos
- 11. Lulu al Asdaf
- 12. Lisan al Shakur
- Meem م
- 1. Muhaddath (Narrator of hadith)
- 2. Mohsin (doer of good)
- 3. Muttarjim Kitabullah (Interpretor of the Book of Allah)
- 4. Muwatmin ala Sarullah (Trustee of the Mysteries of Allah)
- 5. Mazowj Ahul Janah (One who arranges the marriages of the inhabitants of jannah)
- 6. Mowziatul Rasalat (The station of Prophet hood)
- 7. Mutahir (Purity)
- 8. Muntizir (Awaiting)
- 9. Munkisul Riyat (One who was never defeated in battle)
- 10. Murtadha
- 11. Miliya
- 12. Matusim (those who examine)
- 13. Mishru Jabeel
- 14. Mashood (one who the testimony is for )
- 15. Mudmur
- 16. Memoon
- 17. Muezzin (caller)
- 18. Mowt ul Ahmar (Red Death)
- 19. Maeen
- 20. Minsoom
- 21. Moula al Birya (Master of Creation)
- 22. Maqeem al Hujjah
- 23. Misbahul Dajaa
- 24. Musa fi Batashah (in the power of Musa)
- 25. Manar al Iman (Pillar of faith)
- 26. Mishkat
- 27. Minhatul Kubra (Greatest Mercy)
- 28. Momin (true believer)
- 29. Minfiq (those who spend)
- 30. Mizanullah (scale of Allah)
- 31. Madhal ul Jababrah (humiliator of oppressors)
- 32. Mahalik Asahab al Ras (slayer of Asahab al Ras)
- 33. Mazher al Ajeebat wal Ayat (Manifestation of the wonderous signs)
- 34. Mufazail al Fazailat (most superior)
- 35. Mihal al Afaaf (source of purity)
- 36. Madan al Ansaaf (administer of justice)
- 37. Madhal al Shajaan
- 38. Mumjad al Hasab(Lord of the day of judgement)
- 39. Mirhoob al Shadaa
- 40. Mowziahul Haqeeqat (revealer of truth)
- 41. Mizanahul Wadiyah
- 42. Mibtal al Abtal
- 43. Midhal al Iqbal
- 44. Mukhamidul Fatin (destroyer of fitna)
- 45. Misadir al Mihan
- 46. Miknoon al Hijab (secret of the veil)
- 47. Misbahul Zulm (light in the darkness)
- 48. Mimdooh Hul Ata (praised one of Hul Ata (76:5-22))
- 49. Mahkam al Fazl (absolute blessedness)
- 50. Misbahul Qaloob(noor of hearts)
- 51. Maksar al Asnam (destroyer of idols)
- 52. Mohin al Bitarq (destroyer of stars)
- 53. Matalaa ala akhbar al auliyaeen (informer of previous nations)
- 54. Mahdi al Awan
- 55. Mushtri al Koakib
- 56. Mitlu sabaa wal Waqaah (the one whose name is recited in Sura Sabaa and Sura Waqia)
- 57. Mikhbar an waqiya al akhreen (teller of fortunes)
- 58. Makhatab al Amuwat (one who speaks with the dead)
- 59. Miklam al Thabaan (one who spoke with the snake of Musa as)
- 60. Mahalk al Hijab
- 61. Mafarq al Ahzab
- 62. Mishkatul Noor (lamp of noor)
- 63. Mablagh al anbiya (one who delivered divine inspiration)
- 64. Mafarj al Karb (remover of sufferings)
- 65. Mudhah al Qadhiya (interpretor of verdicts)
- 66. Mastoodaa al Wasiya (trustee of wills)
- 67. Minhatul Manah (mercy of the merciful)
- 68. Moarif al Awarif (marifat of saints)
- 69. Mahallul Shiklat (solver of difficulties)
- 70. Mazeel al Shabhat (remover of doubts)
- 71. Matil al Qiyas (remover of qiyas)
- 72. Aamal al Awamil
- 73. Majamaa al Shatat
- 74. Meezan al Bateen
- 75. Mareekh al Quran
- 76. Madim al Amal (one who answers prayers)
- 77. Mafajir al Anhar (distributor of rivers)
- 78. Madhab al Thamar (one who sweetens the fruits)
- 79. Mafeez al Firat (distributor of Firat)
- 80. Marib al Taurah
- 81. Mabeen al Sahaf (recitor of Quran)
- 82. Mifsaha al Zaboor (one who has complete knowledge of Zaboor)
- 83. Maool al Taweel
- 84. Mafasir al Injeel (interpretor of Injeel)
- 85. Mahee al Barrat
- 86. Mithqal al Meezan (most weighty on the scale)
- 87. Mahakim al Raad ( crack of thunder)
- 88. Mastanabit Hud
- 89. Makhatib Ahul Kahf (one who spoke with the people of the Cave)
- 90. Mahboob al Saf
- 91. Mooza Mareem (protector of Miriam sa)
- 92. Miftah al Awasaf (Lord of storms)
- 93. Minzil al Karamah (source of honor)
- 94. Muathiq al Meethaq (writing of oaths)
- 95. Misbab al Asbab
- 96. Meezan al Hasab (scale of accountability)
- 97. Mikhbar an al Dhat (revealer of essences)
- 98. Maburhan bilayat (one mentioned in the verses)
- 99. Misdad al Khalaiq
- 100. Mahafif al Hafaif
- 101. Mitia al Afoo
- 102. Miqeel al Shab
- 103. Mirtab al Hukm (one who possesses the commandment)
- 104. Mishtree al Koakib
- 105. Mihajah al Fal
- 106. Madeer Maadah
- 107. Musoof al Noon
- 108. Minoon al Rezaa
- 109. Mafeeth al Deen (protector of the religion)
- 110. Mikral al Awasif (Lord of storms)
- 111. Mizan al Sihaib
- 112. Mifzal walid al anbiya (honor of the offspring of prophets)
- 113. Mikr al Furqan (repeater of Quran)
- 114. Mahukm al Towaseen
- 115. Moeed al Safat
- 116. Misahim al Dhariyat
- 117. Miknoon al Hijab (mystery of veils)
- 118. Mithal al Hadeed (Iron mentioned in Quran)
- 119. Misbah al Zulm (lamp in the darkness)
- 120. Mumdooh bhil ata (praised one in Hul Ata (76:5-22))
- 121. Mihukm al Azl
- 122. Mamoon al Sur
- 123. Moalif al Shatat
- 124. Manks al Asnam (destroyer of idols)
- 125. Morid al Warood (one who will return and reveal)
- 126. Moakhee al Yoshih (brother of Yoshih)
- 127. Momin Rezaa Musa
- 128. Mishateer al Neeran
- 129. Mabeed al Kafarah (remover of kufar)
- 130. Maheemin al Amim (caretaker of the nations)
- 131. Misdad al Khalaiq
- 132. Mihaqeeq al Haqaiq (revealer of truth)
- 133. Mirtab al Hukm (establisher of the commandment)
- 134. Mabeeh al Amil
- 135. Muhaddath al Shatat
- 136. Mireekh al Quran
- 137. Misahib al Hadeedian
- 138. Mahat al Qasas
- 139. Miqadim al amal
- 140. Mafajir al Anhar (establisher of rivers)
- 141. Madhab al Thumar (one who gives sweetness to fruits)
- 142. Mulk bin mulk (King son of a king)
- 143. Mabeen al Sahaf
- 144. Mifsah al Zaboor
- 145. Mawal al Taweel
- 146. Mufassir al Injeel (interpretor of Injeel)
- 147. Munjid al Birrah (forefather of the pious)
- 148. Mahajah al Miqal
- 149. Ma’adah al Kashif
- 150. Mabawath bani Israel
- 151. Musoof al Momineen
- 152. Moakhee Yusha bin Nun (brother of Yusha bin Nun)
- 153. Meemoon wasi Isa
- 154. Musateer al Neeran
- 155. Mabeed al Kafarah (destroyer of kufar)
- 156. Mabeen al Mishklat (remover of difficulties)
- 157. Minzil al Safat
- 158. Mowathir al Mathir
- 159. Meezan al Qast (scale on the day of judgement)
- 160. Murdee al kamah
- 161. Madhab al Kareem
- 162. Mathani was Quran al Kareem (seven oft repeated verses and Quran)
- 163. Mabrij al Abraj
- 164. Mifatha al Afraj (remover of hardships)
- 165. Mijree al Anhar (establisher of rivers)
- 166. Madbir al Aalim (most wise)
- 167. Mintaq Isa fi al Hamd Sabiya
- 168. Mahasee kul shain (authority over all of creation)
- 169. Mahalik Aad (destroyer of the people of Aad)
- 170. Mahalik Thamud (destroyer of Thamud)
- 171. Maskhar lah al Sihab wal Raad wal Barq (one for whom clouds, thunder, and all of creation was created)
- 172. Minhool Ism Allah (one who has the name of Allah)
- 173. Mahasib al Khaliq (one before whom the whole creation will be gathered)
- 174. Matee (bestower of blessings)
- 175. Mabeed al Shajaan (one at the forefront of the battlefield)
- 176. Mahsood (One whom the people are envious of)
- 177. Mahat al Qasas
- 178. Mahee al Birrah (life of the pious)
- 179. Mahukm al Raad (lord of thunder)
- 180. Mahboob al Saaf (meaning of Sura Saaf)
- 181. Mahaqiq al Haqaiq (revealer of truth)
- 182. Mikhtas bil Rahmah (chosen by Allah for His mercy)
- 183. Mikhzee al Kafreen (denouncer of kufar)
- 184. Mutzakirbay (Reminder)
- 185. Mirghan al Fajrah (Destroyer of oppressors)
- 186. Misdad al Khalaiq
- 187. Misbab al Asbab
- 188. Misbah al Dajaa (Lamp in the darkness)
- 189. Masadiq (Truth)
- 190. Min andah ilm al kitab (knowledge of the book of Allah)
- 191. Mafatah al Jannah (Key of Paradise)
- 192. Miqatil Ahul Kirah
- 193. Munajee (One who pays sadqa)
- 194. Mustaqeem
- 195. Munadee (caller)
- 196. Muhajir al Hajrateen (Immigrant who made two migrations)
- 197. Matoosim (Examiner)
- 198. Meezan al Aamal (Scale of Deeds)
- 199. Meezan (scale)
- 200. Meemoon
- Noon ن
- 1. Naeem (blessing)
- 2. Noor al Arzeen (Noor of the earth)
- 3. Naba al Azeem (Great News)
- 4. Naqis al Matmainah (soul at rest)
- 5. Nasir (helper)
- 6. Nasser (help)
- 7. Nahr (river)
- 8. Nafs RasoolAllah (saw)
- 9. Nazeer RasoolAllah (saw) (Likeness of RasoolAllah (saw)
- 10. Najeeb (representative)
- 11. Noor al Satfeen (Noor of the blessed servants of Allah)
- 12. Noor
- 13. Natiq ain Quran (One who speaks about Quran)
- 14. Nuqtah (Dot)
- 15. Nasib (Son in law of RasoolAllah saw)
- 16. Noor al Aaqib
- 17. Noor al Noor (Noor of all noors)
- 18. Nemat (Blessing)
- 19. Nasib al Amil
- 20. Namik al Biriya
- 21. Najatul Falk (arc of salvation)
- 22. Nahalatul Jaleel (path of greateness)
- 23. Noor al Sabheen (noor of those who perform tasbeeh)
- 24. Noon wa Qalam (Noon and Pen)
- 25. Nayam ala al Frash
- 26. Naskh al Miree
- 27. Nafees al Nafas
- 28. Najm Allah (Star of Allah)
- 29. Noor al Wara (Noor of Allah)
- 30. Najmatul Wasail
- 31. Naqim ala al Kufar (wrath upon kufar)
- 32. Noor al Ghayahab (noor of the unseen)
- 33. Noor al Arwah (noor of spirits)
- Ha ه
- 1. Hadaiyatul Malik (guidance of kings)
- 2. Harqil al Karamah
- 3. Haiwalee al Najoom
- 4. Halal al Shar (moon of the month)
- 5. Hadiya (guidance)
- 6. Hadi (Guide)
- 7. Hibtullah al Muhammad (saw)
- Wao و
- 1. Wazeer al Mustafa
- 2. Wad Amongst muslims, Moula Ali (asws)’s name is Wad 3. Waeed
- 4. Wali Zalfa
- 5. Wazaa al Arz
- 6. Wali al Awliya
- 7. Wali Anbiya
- 8. Wazaa al Ahqaf
- 9. Waeed
- 10. Wafq al Awafaq
- 11. Waseem Hijab
- 12. Warith al Khatar (inheritor of RasoolAllah saw)
- 13. Warith al Aloom (inheritor of all knowledge)
- 14. Wazaa al Shariah (establisher of sharia)
- 15. Warith al Anbiya (inheritor of the prophets)
- 16. Walid (Parents)
- 17. Warith RasoolAllah (saw) (inheritor of RasoolAllah saw)
- 18. Waa ilm RasoolAllah (saw) (vessle of the knowledge of RasoolAllah saw)
- 19. Wazeer (representative)
- 20. Wasilah ila Allah (wasilah from Allah)
- 21. Waheed al Shaheed (first martyr)
- 22. Watid al Arz (nail of earth)
- 23. Wali Allah
- 24. Waqif ala al Tutanjeen (one who can speak in all languages)
- 25. Wali RasoolAllah (saw)
- Yay ي
- 1. Yusha al Amah (Yusha of ummah)
- 2. Yasoob al Momineen (Master of believers)
- 3. Yasir (comfort)
- 4. Yousaf fi Jamalah (Beauty of Yusuf)
- 5. Youm al Ahad (Sunday)
- 6. Yadullah (Hand of Allah)
- 7. Yemen Allah
- 8. Yafat al Kashif
- 9. Yafat al Arakimah
- Hamza ء