Woman’s Rights In Islam

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Woman’s Rights In Islam Author:
Translator: Seyyed Athar Hussain Rizvi
Publisher: Naba Publication (www.nabacultural.org)
Category: Woman
ISBN: 964-8323-40-2

Woman’s Rights In Islam

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Ayatullah Ibrahim Amini
Translator: Seyyed Athar Hussain Rizvi
Publisher: Naba Publication (www.nabacultural.org)
Category: ISBN: 964-8323-40-2
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Woman’s Rights In Islam
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Woman’s Rights In Islam

Woman’s Rights In Islam

Publisher: Naba Publication (www.nabacultural.org)
ISBN: 964-8323-40-2

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

3. Women andHijab

The meaning ofHijab is to cover.Hijab means a dress that covers the body of a woman. Islam has ordered women to cover their bodies completely and protect from the eyes of strangers.

The necessity ofHijab is proved from the verses of Qur’an and traditions. We mention three verses in this regard. Allah says in Qur’an,

Tell believers to avert their glances and to guard their privateparts; that is chaster for them. God is informed about anything they may produce.

Tell believing women to avert their glances and guard their private parts, and not to display their charms except what [normally] appears of them. They should fold their shawls over their cosmos and show theirsharms only to their husbands, or their father or their father - in- law, or their own sons or stepsons, or their own brothers or nephews on either their brothers’ or their sisters’ side; or their own womenfolk, or anyone their right hands control, ornale attendants who have no sexual desire, or children who have no yet shown any interest in women’s nakedness. Let them not stomp their feet in order to let any ornaments they may have hidden be noticed.[27]

The above verse was revealed aboutHijab of women, which requires explanation:

It begins with the command that the believing men and women should cast down their looks, and the men should not attract women,nor the women attract men. They should not look at each other with evil intention.

Sometimes a person sees another person, but it is not with an evil purpose; sometimes he sees to acquire pleasure; that is called a lustful glance. This second type of glance and pleasure seeking takes a person towards sin, and they are prohibited to do this. But those looks, which are not with the intention of seeking sexual pleasure, are not forbidden, as it may be necessary in the society and for social life.

Moreover, men and women are advised that they should protect their private parts. The purpose is to cover them or try to protect chastity. Itmean wearing and observingHijab .

After that women are told: “and do not display their ornaments…”

Ornaments (Zeenat ) means decoration and make-up. There are two types of decorations: Jewels which are separate from the body like: earrings, necklace, ring,flower on the (fore) head, bangles, and fashion dresses. The secondtype are those decorations that are applied to the body like:Surma (antimony), nail polish, Henna, hair dye etc., the verse includes both types of decorations, and make-up. Women are advised to not show their make-up and decorations to strangermen, and through this refrain from attracting their attention and stimulating their sexual desires.

After this it says:except what appears thereof… thus giving permission to women that those decorations that are naturally open, there is no need to cover them likesurma , coloring of eye-brows, henna on the hands, ring, color of chador, overcoat and shoes. As women live in the society and have responsibilities, naturally the stranger men (namahram ) will see face, hands and those decorations, which are apparent, and covering them is difficult and problematic for them. That is why they areexcepted ; they can remain busy with their responsibilities without covering them.

In some of the traditions, the apparent decoration is elaborated, which explain the verse.

Zorarah narrates from ImamSadiq (a.s .) the explanation of the verse, that the apparent decoration meansSurma and ring.[28]

AbuBasir says that he asked ImamSadiq (a.s .) the exegesis, and he said the apparent meaning is ring and bangles.[29]

After commandingHijab the verse says:and let them wear their head-coverings over their bosoms. Khamar (head covering) means a big scarf.Juyoob (covering of bosom) means a long cover and shirt with collar.

It is said that women in the period of the holy Prophet (s.a.w.a .), used to wear a cloth which was open from the front and some parts of the chests used to be exposed, they wore scarves but had a custom that its twoend were put on their ears, and it fell on their backs. As a result their ears, earrings, neck and some parts of their chests were seen. It was for this reason that the verse orders women, that they should put the scarves on their coats so that ears, earrings, necks and chests remain covered.

Tabarsi writes about the meaning of the verse thatKhamar is a long scarf that may cover the neck and chest. The verse commands to put the scarf on the chest so that the neck is covered.[30]

With reference to this verse he says: “It advises women to protect their chastity, and stops them from spoiling the society; while walking, they should not behave so that they excite the sexual desires of stranger men, and cause problems.

From the above verse, we derive certain important ethical and religious points:

Men and women should not have lustful looks at each other, and one should not have the intention of pleasure in their social intercourse.

Women should not expose their ornaments, to the stranger men.

It is a duty of women to put their scarves in such a way, that they completely cover their ears, earrings, around the necks and chests.

Women are advised that they should try more for chastity. They should not behave in public, in such a way as it may create scandal in the society.

It is not obligatory on women, to cover their beauty, which is naturally apparent.

Another verse onHijab

The Qur’an says,

O prophet, tell your wives and daughters, and believers’ wives as well, to draw their cloaks close aroundthemselves, that is more appropriate so they may be recognized and not molested. God is Forgiving,Merciful . [31]

Cloak (Jalbab ) means a big dress or a dress, which is worn over the clothes and covers the whole body. It also means a big scarf.

On this basis, the exegesis of this verse is: Say to women that they arrange for a dress and scarf, in such a way that the whole body, chest and neck are covered and protect themselves from the eyes of stranger men. If they do so they will be considered chaste and will not be noticed by stranger men and will not disturb the society.

It can be derived from the verse that a Muslim woman should cover herself simply when she goes out, and in this way she can help in preventing evil in the society. This would be beneficial for the women themselves, and also for the young men, and all the people in general.

Another verse

The holy Qur’an says,

O wives of the Prophet, You are not like any other women, if you do your duty, then do not act too deferential while talking [to others] lest someone whose heart contains malice may thereby be encouraged. Employ suitable speech.

Remain in your homes and do not dress up fancily the way they used to dress during [the time of] primitive ignorance. Keep up prayer and pay the welfare tax, and obey God and His messenger. God merely wants to remove any blight from you [since you are] People of the [prophet’s] House, and to cleanse you thoroughly.[32]

In the above verse, they are noticed about three things:

While speaking, they should not be soft-spoken, because speaking sweetly may arouse the vicious men, and stimulate them sexually.

She should be a housewife, and remain in the house.

They should not uncover themselves, like the women of the period of ignorance (before Islam) and with the intention of showing themselves (display their make-up and beauty) to the stranger men.

At the end, I would like to remind that “And stay in your houses” does not imply that wives of the Prophet and all other women should only sit in the house, and never come out.Because, as said earlier, women are also a part of the society. They have some responsibilities, and sometimes it is necessary to come out of the house. Women used to come out of their houses in the time of the holy Prophet, and used to come to the mosque, and listen to the speeches of the Prophet, and ask religious questions. There are many women who narrated traditions. Women took part in battles and treated the injured warriors. The wives of the holy Prophet also took part in wars, but were not allowed to fight.

The holy Prophet and his companions never made women captives in the houses, and the verse does not imply this. Its purpose is that women should be attracted to their family, and consider it their original place. They also should pay attention to home, children, and husband, and consider themselves responsible.

Maharem (very near relatives)

There are two groups of men related to women: Whatever is said aboutHijab of women, it is for those men who are strangers. And it is not incumbent to observeHijab with those who areMahram (very near relatives). Thosemen who are near, are as follow:

Father, grandfather, and as far as the lineage goes up.

Maternal grandfather and as far as the lineage goes up.

Brothers and their sons, and as far as the lineage goes down.

Sons of sister, and their sons, as far as the lineagegoes down.

Uncle, and uncle of the uncle and as far as the line goes up.

Husband, Father of husband, and as far as the lineage goes up.

Father and mother of husband, and their fathers as far as the lineagegoes up.

Son of the husband, and his children, as far as the lineage goes down.

Son, and his children, grandsons, as far as the linagegoes down.

Daughter, and her children, grandsons, as far as it goes down.

Son-in-Law, and son-in-law’s son-in-law as far as the linage goes down.

The above-mentioned people areMahram . They can see the hair and body of each other, and it is not compulsory to doHijab from them.However, with the condition that, they should not see with lust; otherwise one cannot see theMahram . If it is for lust, even women cannot see other women, and mencan not see another man.

Think and Answer

1. What is the meaning of:Say to the believing men that they cast down their glances?

2. What decorations should not be shown by women to stranger men?

3. What decorations are not necessary to be covered?

4. Give the comment of:And wear their head covering over their bosom.

5. Why the women shouldn’t behave in the society, in an exciting manner?

6. How long should be the head cloth (scarf)?

7. How many points can be derived from the verses ofSurah Nur ?

8. What is the meaning ofJalbab (bosom covering) and how should one wear it?

9. What is the meaning of:they let down upon them their over-garments?

10. What is the meaning of: this will be more proper, that they may be known?

11. How should amuslim woman go out of her house?

12. What message do we get from the verses ofSurah Ahzab ?

13. Give the list of people who areMaharem (very near relatives)?

4. Limits ofHijab

Hijab is one of the obligatory duties in Islam, as all Jurisprudents agree. It is the duty of women to cover their bodies from stranger men, bychador, cloak , a long shirt, coat, an overcoat, a scarf, or any other thing, which covers the whole body. There is not a particular and special type of covering.

Although no controversy in the necessity ofHijab , there are different opinions, among the jurisprudents, as regards the covering of face and hands up to the wrist. Some of them consider it incumbent or necessary. But many others do not say so. The following are some arguments that prove it is not incumbent:

First proof

Traditions, which directly and clearly deny the covering of face and hands up to wrist:

Musāda Ibn Ziyad says that he heard from ImamJa’far -e-Sadiq (a.s .) that he replied the question about the “ open decoration” of women, and said that it denotes “ face and hands” .[33]

ImamSadiq (a.s .) was asked which part of the body of the woman can be seen by an stranger man?

Imam replied:

“ Face, hands and feet” . [34]

AliIbn Ja’far says, “ I asked my brotherMoosa Ibn Ja’far (a.s .) that which part of a non-Mahram women is allowed to be seen by men?”

He replied:

“ Face, hands and the place of bangles.” [35]

AliIbn Suaid says: “ I asked ImamMoosa Ibn Ja’far (a.s .) that I am engrossed in seeing a beautiful girl, and I would like to see her, what should I do?”

He replied:

“ There is no problem till there is no intention of betray, but be careful; do not commit fornication, which will take away bountifulness (barakah ) and destroy the religion” .[36]

Mufazzal says that he told ImamSadiq (a.s .); “ May I be sacrificed for you! What is the order about a woman, who goes on a journey with stranger men, and there is no woman to accompany her, and she dies during that journey?”

He answered:

“ Give her ritual bath on the parts ofTayammum , but do not rub her hands. And whatever Allah has commanded to cover; and do not uncover her.”

Mufazzal asked what should be done to herbody?

He replied:

“ They should wash her on the palms;Then her face, and then wash the upper portion of the hand.”[37]

Second Proof

Those traditions, which clearly do not specify exception of face and hands, but indirectly say that it is not compulsory to cover them.

MuhammadIbn Abi Nasr says that he asked Imam Reza (a.s .): “ Can a man see the hair of his wife’s sister?” He replied:

“ No, unless she is old and unattractive.”

Then I asked if it was the same with regard to other women? He said: “ Yes.”

Then I asked which part of the body of an old lady is allowed to see? He said: “ Hair and arms.”[38]

The narrator asks for the permission to look at the hair of the wife’s sister, but did not take permission to look at the face, as he knew to look at the face was already permitted, otherwise he would have asked about the face also. And in the same way when Imam (a.s .) answered the narrator’s question for the permission to see the old lady, he did not say about the face, because to look at the face was a known fact and there was no need to repeat it; otherwise he could add it also.

Imam Reza (a.s .) said:

“ Encourage the son to pray at the age of seven. However, the female will cover her hair from him when he discharges (is sexually mature).”[39]

AbdulRahman says: I asked ImamMoosa Ibn Ja’far (a.s .) about the girl who has not reached the age of puberty, from what time should she cover her head? And from what time she has to cover her head for Prayer with a scarf?

He replied: “ She must cover her head when she menstruates, and Prayer becomes forbidden for her in it.”[40]

In these two traditions the compulsion to cover the hair and head for girls is from puberty, but nothing is said for covering of face. If covering the face was incumbent, it was necessary to mention it. From this we come to know that it is not compulsory for women to cover the face.

Third Proof

It is derived from the verse do not display their ornaments except what appears thereof” that it is not compulsory to cover the face because in the traditions ofAhlul Bayt (a.s .) the permission to usesurma , finger ring etc. is based on this part of the face. Therefore, it should not be incumbent to cover the face and hands, which are decorated.

The verse and let them wear their head-coverings over their bosoms” [41] also proves that covering of the face in not compulsory, because women are advised to observeHijab ,and put on the chest, around the neck and the front part should be covered. But there is no mention as regards the covering of face. Thus we know that it is not compulsory. Also in the tradition ofMasad Ibn Sadaqa , it is pointed out that face and hands are included amongtheexcept what appears thereof

Fourth Proof

From some of the traditions and historical incidents we come to know that the practice of women in the period of the holy Prophet (s.a.w.a .) was not to cover the face. They used to come in the gatherings, streets, and markets with their faces open. Men used to see their faces and talk with one another, do transactions, listen to traditions from the holy Prophet (s.a.w.a .) and narrate them to other men. There are hundreds of women among the traditionalists. The wives and daughters of the Prophet (s.a.w.a .) were no exception. Many traditions are narrated fromAysha ,Hafsa ,Umme Salma , Fatima; hundreds of traditions are narrated from them. But the holy Prophet (s.a.w.a .) did not order women to cover their faces, nor did he stop men from seeing the faces of women or stop them from listening to their voices, but herefrained them if it were with pleasure. Please read the following story:

JabirIbn AbdullahAnsari says: “ Once the holy Prophet (s.a.w.a .) went to see his daughter Fatima (s.a .). I was with him.When we reached the door of the house.” He knocked and said, “Assalamo Alaikum . ” Fatimah replied from inside, “Alaikasalaam Yaa Rasulallah .” The Prophet asked, “if we could enter the house.” Fatimah said: “Please come in.” The Prophet asked: “Should I enter with my companion?” Fatimah said: “I don’t have scarf on my head.” The Prophet told her to put the extra scarf on her head. Fatimah did so. After that the holy Prophet said: “Assalamo Alaikum .” Fatima replied to the greeting. Then he asked: “Shall I enter with my companion?” She said: “Please come in.”

Jabir says that they entered. “ My eyes fell on the face of Fatima, which was yellow like turmeric.” The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a .) asked: “How did your face become like this?” She said it was because of severe hunger. The Prophet raised his hands in supplication and said: “O Allah! Who feed the hungrypeople, feed Fatima, daughter of Muhammad.”

Jabir says, “ By Allah! After the supplication of the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a .) I saw the flowing of blood in the face of Fatima. Her face became red, and after that she never suffered starvation.”[42]

From this story we can derive that the face of Fatima (s.a .) was open in such a way that Jabir first saw its yellowness, and after the supplication saw its redness.

Saad Iskaf narrates from ImamBaqir (a.s .) that a young man saw a woman in the streets of Medina. In those days women used to put their scarf behind their ears. The young man was looking at her till he reached her and passed by her. After that the young man looked at the woman from behind. Meanwhile, his head banged against a bone or glass, which was in the wall. His face got scratched and blood came down on his chest and clothes. The young man said by the promise of Allah, “ I will complain about her to the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a .).”

The young man came to the holy Prophet (s.a.w.a .) who asked him how he got smeared with blood. The young man told the whole story. At that timeJibrael came down and brought the verse: “Say to the believing men that they cast down their looks and guard their private parts; that is better for them; surely Allah is Aware of what they do… [43]

This story tells us that women in the period of the holy Prophet (s.a.w.a .) and in the early period of Islam did not cover their faces; rather they used to put the scarf behind the ears, and as a result the ears, earrings, neck, and their bosom were visible. Because of this the young man faced that accident and complained to the Prophet of Islam, (s.a.w.a .). And after that the verse ofHijab was revealed. The women were ordered to cover two sides of shoulder with the head cloth, and put their ends on their chests, so that their ears, earrings, neck, and bosom are covered. But the point is that there is no command for covering the face. Thus, we come to know that it is not compulsory. But in order to prevent the scandals, and to protect the society, men and women are advised to keep their looks down and do not look at each other lustfully.

Think and Answer

1. Is it compulsory to cover the face?

2. What is the proof that it is not compulsory to cover the face?

3. How do you conclude from the sentence:and do not display their ornaments except what appears thereof, that it is not compulsory to cover the face and hands?

4. How do you conclude from the sentence:and let them wear their head-coverings over their bosoms that it is not compulsory to cover the face?

5. What do you conclude from Jabir’s tradition report aboutHadhrat Fatima (s.a .)?

6. What do you conclude from the accident of the young man?

5. Philosophy ofHijab

Although it is incumbent on woman to cover her body, and it is one of the commands of Islam, an important question is discussed which requires an answer. The question is “ what is the philosophy ofHijab ?” Why Islam has limited the freedom of women by prescribingHijab ? Is not thisunjustice ?

In short it can be said that the purpose of Islam byHijab is to strengthen the base of the family, prevent deviation and evil effects of sex,maintain health and safety of the society, betterment of environment and to reduce sexual evil effects. This type of control does not harm the women; rather it is for the benefit of women, their children, husbands, and all the people of society.

To make thismore clear we explain a few points:

1. We should know that men and women are two main pillars of society; and the happiness, peace, and comfort of every person of society, to a great extent depends on healthy, safe, and clean environment. Since it is their responsibility to make the environment good, healthy, safe and clean, they should co-operate and help in this case.

2. Woman is a soft and lofty creature, who is attractive for men. She is naturally inclined to use make-up, to beautify and show herself and attract the hearts of men. But man is a creature with strong drives to have contact with frequent women, and completely weak against sexual desires. His sexual desires flare up fast, beyond his control. When it is aroused, even wisdom, law, and religioncan not control this rebellious energy.

Everything of women, especially the young womenarouse men. Theirbeauty, their beautiful clothes, their soft voice, attractiveness, actions, hair, the warmth of their body, all stimulate the rebellious sexual drives in men.

3. In the society there are many young men who due to poverty, economic problems, unemployment, less income, or any other reasons, do not have money to marry. Thenumber of such people are not rare, and they are young, and have uncontrollable sexual desires. Their pitiful condition cannot be neglected.

By paying attention to these points, the questions arise: How can we secure the interests of women?By complete freedom regarding their covering? or observingHijab and bearing some limitations? For understanding the right answer, it is better to analyze the 2 supposed communities, and compare the results.

The first community

In this type of society, women have complete freedom fromHijab and mix up with men. In order to arouse men they would naturally show themselves, their beauty and make-up, half naked bodies with revealing dresses, in different colors and fashion they will come out into the street, market, office, shop, university, hospital, school, in meeting and general gatherings, will have free contact and intercourse with strange men.

With naked body and beauty, attracting men and wherever they go they would take a lot of hearts with themselves. If she doesn’t have husband, every night she would be in cinema hall, cabaret, dance parties, clubs, parks and roaming in the streets. And if she had husband, she would have been with him if she liked, and if she were not inclined, she would have gone alone wherever she liked just because she feels free!

In such a society, boys and girls, on the pretext of freedom, they will mix up and form friendships and they would have free sexual relations among themselves.

In such a society, men also, by socializing with strange women would act freely. If possible, they would have relations with every woman they love. They would go to cinema together, have deals, go to dance parties, parks, roam in the streets, go to centers of evil, indecency and drink, and make pleasure.

In such a society, women come out of houses withoutHijab , without any limitations, socialize with strange men, and have free sexual relations; but such a freedom has the following results:

It shakes the sacred foundation of the family. Man and woman pay no more attention to their family. Suspicious and negative thinking of women and men towards each other, straitening and controversies in the family, increase of illegitimate children, homeless people, increase of mental problems, increase in murder, crime, and suicide, spoiling the chastity of singles, delay in marriage, lack of interest in youth for having a family, increase of youth inclination towards promiscuity and deviated sex, increase in divorce and separations, and many men and women would have to live single.

You can see such disintegrated families in every country.

Is such a society interesting to women, men and youth? If simple feelings are put aside, surely the answer would be negative.

The second community

In this society women have active presence. By observing the possibilities, they accept jobs and carry their duties. In schools, high schools, universities, research centers, hospitals, clinics, laboratories, banks, offices, parliaments, embassies, governmentalministeries , and other important and appropriate posts, women are active, like men. But they have perfectHijab and cover their bodies. When they come out and work, they do not make-up themselves. They come out of the houses covered, simple, and without make-up. They use make-up at home only for their husbands.

They accept this limitation and by a little sacrifice, they see that the environment remains safe and clean from those things which spoil and misguide the society. They do this for those who don’t have money to marry, so considering the conditions of those men and youth, they carryHijab . Never should the stranger men see them and befeelingless towards their wives, and pick out defects, make excuses and convert their houses into a scene of fighting and separation.

They accept this limitation, so that the young girls and boys, who are the children of women, may remain far from evil and sexual promiscuity, until they take steps, at an appropriate time, marry and set up their families.

They accept this limitation, to make firm the base of their family. They help the family to reduce the number of divorces, single adults living alone, and miserable children who are without guardians.

In this type of society, the families are usually warm and the relations between woman and her husband is relatively good, and there isless dispute . The youth have interest in marriage, and family. The number ofdivorce, and number of unmarried men and women is not too much. Children without guardians are rare.

In this type of society, fathers and mothers are more careful about theiryoungs from bad ethics, misguidance, and mental diseases.

Is living in this society better for women or the last one? Every rational person agrees that the latter is better and safer than the former.

Islam, too, considers it better and safer. For this reason prescribesHijab , and orders women to cover their beauty and ornaments from stranger men.[44]

The holy Prophet restrained women from doing make-up for anyone other than their husbands, and said “ whoever does make up for a man other than her husband, It deserves that God burn her in hell fire.”[45]

Imam MuhammadBaqir (a.s .) said “ when the woman comes out of her house, she may not apply fragrance (perfume). “[46]

He also said:

“ It is not allowed for a woman to shake hands with stranger man unless from the back of her clothes (gloves).”[47]

For cleaning the environment, Islam has not only prescribedHijab for women, but also advised men that they should keep their lustful look from women.

The Qur’an says:

Tell believers to avert their glances and to guard their privateparts; that is chaster for them. God is informed about anything they may produce.[48]

ImamSadiq (a.s .) said that looking at strangers is a poisoned arrow from Satan, and at such times a glance provokes the desire to prolong it.[49]

He has also said that a glance at strangers is a poisoned arrow of Satan, anyone who leaves it for the sake of Allah, will taste the pleasure of faith and safety.[50]

He again said that “ whoever sees an stranger, if he diverts his glance towards the sky or closes his eyes, Allah, in return, will give him aHouri in Paradise. “[51]

The holy Prophet said that whoever shakes hands with stranger women, would be thrown into the fire of hell with his hands tied, on the Day of Judgment.[52]

He has also said that whoever jokes with a woman who is not his near relative (Mahram ), for every word spoken to her, Allah will imprison him for 1000 years.[53]

Amirul Mo-mineen (a.s .) said that no man should stay alone with a strange woman, since if he stayed alone with her, Satan would be the third with them.[54]

Moosa Ibn Ja’far (a.s .) narrated from his forefathers, from the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a .) that:

“ Whoever has faith in Allah and the Day of Judgment, will not sleep alone in that place where the voice of breathing of a strange woman reaches his ears. “[55]

Think and Answer

1. What is the philosophy ofHijab ?

2. What happens when there is noHijab ?

3. Is unveiling beneficial to women?

4. What are the benefits ofHijab ?

5. Is following of this rule harmful to women?

6. What does Islam require from women to make a clean and safe society?

7. What does Islam demand from men to make a clean and safe society?

8. Is the rule ofHijab oppressive to women?

9. Does the compulsoryHijab deprive women from attending and taking part in the society?