Alhassanain(p) Network for Heritage and Islamic Thought

Book library

Exemplary Women: Umm ul-Banin

Exemplary Women: Umm ul-Banin

A Commentary on The Holy Qur'an

A Commentary on The Holy Qur'an
  • Author:
  • Published at
  • in Quranic Sciences
  • Pages 14

Anecdotes Of Pious Men

Anecdotes Of Pious Men
  • Author:
  • Published at
  • in Various Books
  • Pages 10

Economic Distribution in Islam

Economic Distribution in Islam

Eternal Manifestations: 80 Stories from the life of Allama Tabatabai (R.A)

Eternal Manifestations: 80 Stories from the life of Allama Tabatabai (R.A)

Eternity of Man

Eternity of Man
  • Author:
  • Published at
  • in Fundamentals Of Religion
  • Pages 14

The Logic of the Arabians And Its Arabic Text [Al-Risala al-Shamsiyya]

The Logic of the Arabians And Its Arabic Text [Al-Risala al-Shamsiyya]
  • Author:
  • Published at
  • in Islamic Philosophy
  • Pages 11

The Qur'an and Its Protection from Alteration

The Qur'an and Its Protection from Alteration
  • Author:
  • Published at
  • in Various Books
  • Pages 11

The Learnings Of The Glorious Quran

The Learnings Of The Glorious Quran
  • Author:
  • Published at
  • in Various Books
  • Pages 19

The Amazing Qur'an

The Amazing Qur'an
  • Author:
  • Published at
  • in Various Books
  • Pages 10

Fatimah Al-Zahra: The Spring Of Inspiration

Fatimah Al-Zahra: The Spring Of Inspiration
  • Author:
  • Published at
  • in Fatima al-Zahra
  • Pages 15

The Tasbih Of Fatimah Az-Zahra’ (A)

The Tasbih Of Fatimah Az-Zahra’ (A)
  • Author:
  • Published at
  • in Fatima al-Zahra
  • Pages 14

Fatima (S.A.): The Gracious

Fatima (S.A.): The Gracious
  • Author:
  • Published at
  • in Fatima al-Zahra
  • Pages 49

Fatima Zahra’ in the Noble Qur’an

Fatima Zahra’ in the Noble Qur’an
  • Author:
  • Published at
  • in Fatima al-Zahra
  • Pages 14

The Life Story and Martyrdom of Hazrate Fatima (S.A)

The Life Story and Martyrdom of Hazrate Fatima (S.A)
  • Author:
  • Published at
  • in Fatima al-Zahra
  • Pages 15

Fatima (a.s): The Most Paramount Lady of Islam

Fatima (a.s): The Most Paramount Lady of Islam
  • Author:
  • Published at
  • in Fatima al-Zahra
  • Pages 57

A Brief Biography of Hazrat Fatima (A.S.)

A Brief Biography of Hazrat Fatima (A.S.)
  • Author:
  • Published at
  • in Fatima al-Zahra
  • Pages 13

Islamic Correspondence Course - Volume 4

Islamic Correspondence Course
  • Author:
  • Published at
  • in Religions and Sects
  • Pages 19

Islamic Correspondence Course - Volume 3

Islamic Correspondence Course
  • Author:
  • Published at
  • in Religions and Sects
  • Pages 19

Your comments

User comments

Dura:Iqbal Aamal
2023-06-05 02:22:10

Assalamualaikum. Do you have the pdf in English?


This book is not translated into English yet. Sorry.

Mehar Fatema:
2022-08-21 23:00:16

Tadhkirat al shuhada book in English.


As we know, this book is not translated into English yet.


Arshi:Sawaabul Aamaal wa Eqaabul Aaamaal In english
2021-05-05 05:47:04

Salaam. I wanted a pdf of the book Sawaabul Aamaal wa Eqaabul Aaamaal In English.....




you can download this book from the following link:

Sharikabatool:Where can i get this book?
2021-02-18 08:00:32

Islamic Belief System by Sheikh Shomali.


As I searched, this book is not free to download. Sorry for that.

Syed Hadi:Downloading Links.
2020-09-08 19:39:45

Where are downloading links??? I need to download some books?


Thx for ur comment. The dowload links are as following:




Hina shahzad:Books are not loading
2020-06-25 03:11:27

Salam sir, I have been trying today whole day to read book aaeen e tarbiat but it was not loading. Then I checked and none of the books were loading more than 15 percent. Please can u take a look into it. Thanks



Please download it, if does not open.

Yakubu Ali:Student
2019-12-25 12:15:17

Salam, please I want the Arabic text of Revised of Power prayer pdf



thnx for ur comment, but you know that this book is written in English not Arabic. here is the link of the book: ( but if you need a specific point of the book in English, then send me the place, I will try to provide.

With Regards

2019-11-09 22:34:24

Salaams I like to know is there book that refuted on first Revelation in bukhari narration and give sunni narration that is sahih that match version on how the first revelation came down to Prophet Muhammad.

Thnx for your Comment and please for this question, you can study interpretation of Surah al-Alaq in Tafsir al-Mizan specially.

2019-08-30 23:33:27

Salam please send me the Arabic text of Iqbal almal



I will convery your message to our Arabic Section. Maybe they have it. by the way, you can have this book from the below link:

or can download from this link:

Idriss:The glorious Qur'an
2019-08-01 00:06:27

Could you tell me where can I order the glorious Qur'an,translated with commentry of divine lights(all 7).



You know that only do work on E-Versions not Hard Copy.. Sorry for that.. Please seach it here and there.

Sayed Shakeel Hasnain Razvi:Want the hard copy of
2018-11-19 13:44:52

Sallam, I want hard copy of Mafatih al Jinan keys to heaven, Arabic-English.


Regretfully, we dont make Hard Copies available... We provide Soft Copies free of cost.. Once again, sorry for that. Please google it for Hard Copy.

Amera-nisa Malawani Dimaocor:philosophy and mysthisism (Irfan)
2018-10-18 06:14:42

i'm a student of Al-Mustafah i'm seeking knowledge and i really need books for me to provide my studies here in Almustafah

What kind of book u need? pelase explain it and mention the name book u need to be provided.

2018-10-07 15:37:33

One of the best sites. Thank you so much



Thnx u for appreciation

Syed M A Hussaini:Mr
2018-09-06 11:09:33

Assalamunalaikum brother, Jazakallah khair for sharing knowledge and wisdom. Can you please share the wasail-e-Shi’a in Arabic and English

Regretfully as I know this book has not been translated into English yet, but u can download it in Arabic from the below link and then go to other volumes:

thnx for ur comment

2018-05-22 20:00:50

A great source of Islamic books


Zahida ismail:
2018-05-21 09:58:12

Sa.. can you please send me a full version of mafatihul jinaan link to download everything in English..thank you

Ok Sister:
here are the links:



2018-03-23 21:04:59

Salaam Will you please share Iqbal Al amaal by Syed ibne taous


Sorry we dont have it

Barry salimou:Prophet et ahalhul bait
2017-07-13 00:51:03

J"ai besoin De ce livre

Please ask our French Site. it will try to provide its ecopy

Dahiru tela Adamu:
2017-02-09 13:06:03

Sir,hope you're well and thanks for your great fine books and looking forward and the memory effect good fine read more about the Ahlul bayt





Alhassanain(p) Network for Heritage and Islamic Thought