Alhassanain(p) Network for Heritage and Islamic Thought

Imam Ali

Imam Ali (A.S.) Based His Government on Social Justice

Imam Ali (A.S.) Based His Government on Social Justice

When the people objected to Imam Ali's equitable distribution of wealth he replied: (i) If the wealth had belonged to me even then I would have distributed it equally among the people but this wealth belongs to Allah and is meant for distribution among the people and therefore everybody has his right in it.

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Imam Ali's Distinguished Place in Literary History

Imam Ali's Distinguished Place in Literary History “Ali deserves a distinguished place in literary history,” Devenport remarks, “in as much as he had cultivated his mind with an ease and assiduity unusual in his age and country. He left many collections of sentences, proverbs and poetical pieces. Goblin and Latté published fragments of these sentences, the former at Leiden in 1629 and the latter in 1746.

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Imam Ali's Internal and External Policy

Imam Ali's Internal and External Policy ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT AIMS OF ISLAM was to restrain the strong from oppressing the weak, and to put an end to exploitation in all its forms. When Ali took charge of the caliphate, he dismissed the governors who had been appointed by Uthman. He was told that it would not be expedient to do so, and that he ought to consolidate his own position before dismissing them. But his reply to these suggestions was:

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Imam Ali bin Abi-Talib (A.S.) The Great Martyr in the Cause of Defending Justice

Imam Ali bin Abi-Talib (A.S.) The Great Martyr in the Cause of Defending Justice On Friday, the 13th of the blessed month of Rajab, 12 years before the mission of Holy Prophet Hadrat Muhammad (s.a.w.) as Allah's Messenger, Fatima, daughter of Asad, felt that she was about to give birth to her child. Abu-Talib brought her to the Sacred Ka'ba and let her enter and told her to sit down, then he went out.

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Imamate: One of the Fundamentals of Faith

Imamate: One of the Fundamentals of Faith Raghib Isfahani in his book Mufradatul Qur'an has given the meaning of Imam as leader, that is the one who should be followed and obeyed. That one may be a book or a man, whether it or he is right or wrong. Now that we have understood the meaning of the word Imam we venture to answer the above quoted question. It will be better to quote the verses of the Holy Qur'an as well as the traditions of the Holy Prophet and leave the matter to the readers to decide for themselves.

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Points of Wisdom from Bab Madina-tul Ilm

Points of Wisdom from Bab Madina-tul Ilm Seal of Messengers Prophet Muhammad b. Abdollah (s)’s seventh infallible descendant Al-Imam Musa b. Jafar Al-Kazem (s) narrated from his respected father from their respect worthy grandfather Ali b. Al-Husayn (s) from his respected father that one day while Amir al-Mo’menin Al-Imam Ali b. Abi Talib (s) was sitting in the mosque with some of his companions, Zaid b. Sohaan Abdi asked Imam Ali (s), who according to a saying of Holy Prophet (s) is Bab Madinatul Ilm (Gate of City of Knowledge), some question.

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Knowledge and Wisdom of Amir al-Mu’minin Ali (A.S.)

Knowledge and Wisdom of Amir al-Mu’minin Ali (A.S.) Ali (a.s) was having a naturally purified nature. That is why he was blessed by the Creator of the universe with supreme knowledge and wisdom. In addition to that he was bestowed by the training of the Holy Prophet (S) from the day he was born. In fact we should consider Ali (a.s) a miracle of the Holy Prophet (S) with regard to knowledge, superiority, morals and good qualities.

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Short Sayings of Imam Ali (A.S.)

Short Sayings of Imam Ali (A.S.) The best and last Messenger of God has said: “No one could understand Ali except God and myself.” Ali was the only baby born inside Ka’aba, the house of God, built by Abraham (A.S).He was brought up by Mohammad (S.A) from his very childhood. He was a writer of the holy Quran with detailed references about all Aayaat revealed to the holy messenger (S.A).

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A Strange Cruelty on an Orphan Girl and Hazrat Ali's (A.S) Judgement Therein

A Strange Cruelty on an Orphan Girl and Hazrat Ali's (A.S) Judgement Therein It has been stated by Kulaini and Sheikh Suduq as incorporated in Sahih Bukhari on the authority of Hazrat Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) that a slave girl was brought to the court of Hazrat Omar (r) with the accusation that she had not proved loyal to her master.

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The Excellence of Imam Ali Bin Abu Talib (A.S)

The Excellence of Imam Ali Bin Abu Talib (A.S) 1. Through his chain of authorities, he, peace be on him, said: [Allah's Messenger, may Allah bless him and his family, said:] "O 'Ali, I am the master of the messengers, and you are the commander of the faithful, Imam of the Allah-fearing, and leader of the excellent, famous ones."

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The Last Will of Ali ibn Abi Talib (A.S.)

The Last Will of Ali ibn Abi Talib (A.S.) Imam Ali's (a.s.) last will to his sons Imam Hasan (a.s.) and Imam Hussain (a.s.) after the attempt on his life by a stab from Ibn Muljam:  

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Imam Ali's Martyrdom (Poem)

Imam Ali's Martyrdom (Poem) Sleep reigned over the Kufan town, As from the mosque came a godly sound. The call for prayer filled the sky, Moving the air with a gentle sigh. Awakening Muslims with a gentle prod,

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Imam Ali's Priority in Belief in God

Imam Ali's Priority in Belief in God [Abu al-Jaysh al-Muzaffar b. Muhammad al-Balkhi informed me: Abu Bakr Muhammad b. Ahmad b. Abi Thalj informed us: Abu alHasan Ahmad b. (Muhammad b.) al-Qasim al-Barqi told us: `Abd al-Rahman b. Salih al-Azdi told me: Asad b. `Ubayda told us on the authority of Yahya b. °Af b. Qays, on the authority of his father (`Affil' b. Qays),2 who said:)

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The First Holy Imam

The First Holy Imam Amîru ’l-Mu’minîn ‘Alî —upon whom be peace— was born in the holy Ka’bah. ‘Abbâs bin ‘Abdu ‘l-Muttalib and others were sitting by the Ka’bah when they saw Fâtima bint Asad come to the Ka’bah and prayed to God to make her pregnancy easy for her.

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The Attributes of Imam Ali (A.S.)

The Attributes of Imam Ali (A.S.) Out of the persons who have narrated the attributes of Imam Ali son of Abu Talib the author of Zakhairal-Uqba writes thus: "His stature was moderate and slightly short. His skin was of wheaten colour and his beard was white and long. His eyes were large and black. .

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Birthday of Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (A.S.)

Birthday of Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (A.S.) Ali was born on the 13th of Rajab of the 30th year of the Elephant (A.D. 600). His cousin, Muhammad, was now 30 years old. Ali's parents were Abu Talib ibn Abdul Muttalib, and Fatima, the daughter of Asad, both of the clan of Hashim.

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Imam Ali bin Abu Talib (A.S.),His Life, Achievements, and Merits

Imam Ali bin Abu Talib (A.S.),His Life, Achievements, and Merits Ali bin Abu Talib (A.S.) was the cousin and son-in-Law of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.). It is outside the scope of this presentation to record the numerous achievements and merits of Imam Ali (A.S.). His exalted personality is such that even the most learned scholars are at a loss to fathom his greatness.

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Imam Ali's Instructions to his Companions

Imam Ali's Instructions to his Companions Four Hundred Topics of Religious and Worldly Affairs Cupping recovers the body and strengthens the mind. To have the mustache cut is a part of cleanness and a part of the Sunna. To odorize the mustache is an honor for the Recording Angels. It is also a part of the Sunna.

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The Succession to the Holy Prophet of God (S.A.W.)

The Succession to the Holy Prophet of God (S.A.W.) An extremely anxious and perplexed man visited Hazrat Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (‘a), and begged him to pray that Allah would increase his sustenance and relieve him of all financial stress. The Imam (‘a) answered, ‘I shall certainly not pray for you.’ The poor man sighed and asked, ‘But why not? What have I done?’

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Birth of Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (AS) : Self-preservation of Imam Ali (AS) : Ghadeer Affair

Birth of Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (AS) : Self-preservation of Imam Ali (AS) : Ghadeer Affair On the 13th of the month of Rajab, twenty-three years before the migration of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) a child was born in the family of Abu Talib, the light of whom kindled the whole World. Kunaab Mecci narrates about his birth:

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Alhassanain(p) Network for Heritage and Islamic Thought