Alhassanain(p) Network for Heritage and Islamic Thought

Islamic Personalities

Hadhrat Abbas,the Standard Bearer of Hossein (A.S)

Hadhrat Abbas,the Standard Bearer of Hossein (A.S)

The shifting sand dunes of Karbala were smeared with blood. Near one of wash dunes, on the bank of Alkoma, lay the prostrate figure of a youth with blood gushing out from innumerable wounds. The crimson life-tide was ebbing fast. Even so,

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Birth of Al-Abbas (A.S)

Birth of Al-Abbas (A.S) "Peace be upon Ab al-Fadl al-Abbas, he preferred his brother to himself and sacrificed himself for his brother, supplied himself with opportunities of today for (the rewards of) the hereafter, hurried to supply the family of Imam with water, and his two hands were cut off during performing this task.” (Part of Ziarah Nahiah Muqaddasah)

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Personality of Hadrat Abbas (A.S.)

Personality of Hadrat Abbas (A.S.) Al-Abbas ibn Ali was a whole world of virtues and merits. His personality included each and every lofty characteristic. It is however sufficient honor for him to be the son of Imam Ali Amir ul-Mu'minin (a); the model of human perfection. Thus, al-Abbas inherited all elements of human perfection from his father and became, in the sight of Muslims, the epitome of virtue and high moral standards. Let us now refer to some of these elements:

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Saqqa (one who quenches the thirst); the Celebrated Title Hadrat Abbas (A.S.)

Saqqa (one who quenches the thirst); the Celebrated Title Hadrat Abbas (A.S.) The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) said, "The most superior deed before Allah is to satiate the thirst of the thirsty, even if it be an animal." (Darrusslam, vol. 3, pg. 162)

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Al-Abbas (AS) … in whose face bravery of others fades

Al-Abbas (AS) … in whose face bravery of others fades Abu’l Fadhl Al-Abbas (AS) is that great personality in the face of whom the bravery of other heroes of history fades. Hussain ibne Ali (AS) represented holy Prophet (SW) in Karbala in 61 A.H., and it was Abbas bin Ali (AS) who represented the Lion of God Al-Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (AS).

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A Glimpse on the Hazrat Abbas' Life and Characters

A Glimpse on the Hazrat Abbas' Life and Characters Hazrat Ali married Fatimah Binti Huzaam Ibne Khalid in 24 Hijrah. Fatimah gave birth to Hazrat Abbas on the 4th Shabaan, 26th Hijrah. In 27th Hijrah Ja'far was born and in 29th Hijrah Uthmaan was born. Abdullah was born in 32nd Hijrah. Because she had four sons Fatima Binti Huzaam was known as Ummul Baneen.

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The Short Life History of Hazrat Abbas (A.S)

The Short Life History of Hazrat Abbas (A.S) It was the fourth of Sha’ban in the year 26 AH. In the holy city of Medina, a man came running to the Prophet’s Mosque. He stood for a moment at the door looking among the worshippers for some particular person.

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A Glance on the Life of Hazrat Abbas (A.S)

A Glance on the Life of Hazrat Abbas (A.S) Abbas ibn Ali was the son of Ali ibn Abu Talib and Fatima binte Hizam, commonly known as Ummul Baneen. Abbas is particularly revered by Shi’a Muslims for his loyalty to his half-brother and third Shi’a Imam, Hussain ibn Ali, his respect for the Ahl al-Bayt, and his role in the battle of Karbala. Abbas was married to Lubaba binte Obaidullah ibn Abbas ibn Abdul Muttalib.

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Hazrat Umm al Baneen - First Husseini Eulegy Chanter

Hazrat Umm al Baneen - First Husseini Eulegy Chanter It is recorded in historical accounts that mother of King of Fidelity Hadrat Abul Fazl al-Abbas (A.S.) and spouse of Commander of Faithful Al-Imam Ali bin Abi Taleb (A.S.) Hadrat Fatima Binte Hazam bin Khalid Ibn-e-Rabi'ea Ibn-e-Amer Al-Kalabi, also known as 'Ummul Baneen' (S.A.), was died on 13th Jamadi al-Thani 64 AH

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A Glimpse on the life of Lady Umm-ul-Baneen: Mother of Hazrat Abbas

A Glimpse on the life of Lady Umm-ul-Baneen: Mother of Hazrat Abbas Hazrat Fatima bint-e-Hazm bin Khalid (also known as Umm-ul-Baneen) was the wife of Imam Ali(a.s.) and mother of Hazrat Abbas(a.s.)

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Who is Umm-ul-Baneen?

 Who is Umm-ul-Baneen? Umm-ul-Baneen is the glorious mother of al-’Abbas. Her name was Fatima, daughter of Hizam. Historians have referred to her name among names of eleven mothers each of whom were known for their glory, honor, and good reputation. 1 Her father too was one of the most celebrated personalities of the Arabs, and was the chief of his people.

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Jafar Tayyar- The Refugee Who Brought Islam to Africa

Jafar Tayyar- The Refugee Who Brought Islam to Africa When Prophet Muhammad (SAW) began to propagate the religion of Islam in Mecca and Medina, those who didn’t believe in him and his message, opposed and troubled him. They called him a lunatic and a sorcerer. They offered bribes to persuade him to stop preaching the religion. When all these failed, they used harsh treatment against the Prophet (SAW) and the new Muslim converts.

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Sermon of Hadrat Zainab (A.S.) in Shaam

Sermon of Hadrat Zainab (A.S.) in Shaam Presenting this sermon of Bint-e-Ali on the occasion of Arba’in when Hadrat Zainab Bint-e-Ali (A.S.) along with other holy ladies and children of Ahl-ol Beit (A.S.) came to Karbala …

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Muslim ibn Aqil: A Symbol of Loyalty and Sacrifice

Muslim ibn Aqil: A Symbol of Loyalty and Sacrifice Whenever mention is made of Muslim ibn Aqeel (a), one is immediately reminded of loyalty, courage and sacrifice. Integrity, valour and steadfastness still shine upon the pages of time with pride at the achievements of this great personality. Indeed, he stands as an eternal symbol of fortitude, faith and virtue for millions across the world.

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Hadrat Khadija (S.A.): Umm al-Momineen

Hadrat Khadija (S.A.): Umm al-Momineen "By God, the Almighty did not grant me a better wife than her. She believed in me when the people used to mock at me and she acknowledged me when the people denied me. She shared her wealth and property with me and she bore me children which I was not destined to have through other women." (Sahih Bukhari)

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Khadija: The Wife of Prophet Muhammad (P)

Khadija: The Wife of Prophet Muhammad (P) If you wish to research the life of this great lady, and if you do not have al-Majlisi's voluminous [110 Vol.] encyclopedia titled Bihar al-Anwar, the best references are: al-Sayyuti's Tarikh al Khulafa, Abul-Faraj al-Isfahani's Aghani, Ibn Hisham's Seera, Muhammad ibn Ishaq's Seerat Rasool-Allah, and Tarikh al-rusul wal muluk by Abu Ja`far Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari (839-923 A.D.).

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Khadija, The Loyal Wife of Prophet

Khadija, The Loyal Wife of Prophet Qusayy, then, is the ancestor of all clans belonging to Quraysh. According to some historians, Quraysh's real name was Fahr, and he was son of Malik son of Madar son of Kananah son of Khuzaimah son of Mudrikah son of Ilyas son of Mazar son of Nazar son of Ma`ad son of Adnan son of Isma`eel (Ishmael) son of Ibrahim (Abraham) son of Sam son of Noah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon the prophets from among his ancestors.

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Khadija (S.A.), the Mother of All True Believers

Khadija (S.A.), the Mother of All True Believers In Islamic terminology, based on God's revelation in the holy Qur'an, Omm al-Momineen or Mother of Believers is the title used for any of the several women who had the honour of being the wife of Prophet Muhammad (SAWA).

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Ali Al-Akbar (p), Look-alike of the Prophet (p)

Ali Al-Akbar (p), Look-alike of the Prophet (p) The Hashemite Prince Hazrat Ali Al-Akbar (p), son of Imam Al-Hussain (p) and Hazrat Umm-e-Layla (p), born on 11 Shaban, possessed so much remarkable resemblance to the holy prophet Hazrat Muhammad (p) that the Chief of Martyrs and Leader of the Youths of Paradise Al-Imam Al-Hussain (p) was often heard to say “Whenever I desire to see the holy prophet (p) I look at him.”

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Hamzah, the Brave

Hamzah, the Brave Muhammed Mustafa, the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and his Ahlel-Bayt), though safe under the protection of his uncle, Abu Talib, was not immune from harassment by the infidels. Whenever they found an opportunity for baiting him, they didn't miss it. .

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Alhassanain(p) Network for Heritage and Islamic Thought