Alhassanain(p) Network for Heritage and Islamic Thought

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Eid al-Mubahila

Eid al-Mubahila

Glorious Quran Chapter 3 Verse 61 says: And unto him who disputeth with thee therein after the knowledge hath come unto thee, Say! (O’ Our Apostle Muhammad!) ( Unto them ) come ye, let us summon our sons, and ( ye summon ) your sons, and ( we summon ) our women and ( ye ) your women, and ( we summon ) ourselves and ( ye ) yourselves and then let us invoke the curse of God on the liars !

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An Account of the Mubahila (Imprecation) Ceremony

An Account of the Mubahila (Imprecation) Ceremony We should know that the incident of Mubahila is from widely related reports (Mutawatir) and Sunni and Shia sects have mentioned in all commentaries, histories and books of traditions have related it with slight difference. Shaykh Tabarsi and others have narrated that a group of Christian nobles of Najran comprising of three persons, came to the Holy Prophet (S).

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Mubahilah; An Extremely Imperative Event of History

Mubahilah; An Extremely Imperative Event of History In the early days of Islam, Najran was a large center of people who had changed from idol worship to Christianity. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w) had sent letters to the heads of different countries inviting them to Islam. One such letter was addressed to the Christians of Najran. It read as follows: "In the Name of the God of Ibrahim, Ishaaq and Ya'qub.

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The Historical Event of Mubahala (630 A.D.)

The Historical Event of Mubahala (630 A.D.) There is no room here to trace how Christianity was disseminated in Nejran; suffices to say that the Ethiopian invasion of southern Arabia introduced Christianity there for the first time. The incident of Abraha and his elephant demonstrates the fact that they were quite fanatical in their religious fervor.

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Eid al-Mubahila; Its Historic Perspective

Eid al-Mubahila; Its Historic Perspective Glorious Quran Chapter 3 Verse 61 says: And unto him who disputeth with thee therein after the knowledge hath come unto thee, Say! (O’ Our Apostle Muhammad!) ( Unto them ) come ye, let us summon our sons, and ( ye summon ) your sons, and ( we summon ) our women and ( ye ) your women, and ( we summon ) ourselves and ( ye ) yourselves and then let us invoke the curse of God on the liars !

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The Event of Ghadir Khumm

The Event of Ghadir Khumm The Farewell Pilgrimage Ten years after the migration (hijrah), the Messenger of Allah [peace and blessings be upon him and his Progeny] ordered to his close followers to call all the people in different places to join him in his last pilgrimage. On this pilgrimage he taught them how to perform the pilgrimage in a correct and unified form.

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"Al-Ghadir"and its Relevance to Islamic Unity

The distinguished book entitled "al-Ghadir" has raised a huge wave in the world of Islam. Islamic thinkers shed light on the book in different perspectives; in literature, history, theology, tradition, tafsir, and sociology. From the social perspective we can deal with the Islamic unity. In this review the Islamic unity has been dealt with from a social point of view.

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Idd al-Ghadir - Islamic History’s Greatest Event

Idd al-Ghadir - Islamic History’s Greatest Event The formal declaration of Imamat of Imam Ali (A.S.) at Ghadir Khumm has been unanimously described by the learned historians and scholars of both sects. Here a brief account is given to show what great arrangements were made to declare Imam Ali (A.S.) as the successor to the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.).

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The Towering Status of 'Eidul Ghadir

The Towering Status of 'Eidul Ghadir Hadith no. 1: The 'Eid of the Khilafat and Wilayat It has been narrated from Ziyad ibn Muhammad that he said,

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The Glorious Event of Eid ul-Ghadir

The Glorious Event of Eid ul-Ghadir We are on the heels of the commemoration of the glorious event of 'Eidul Ghadir. May Allah (SwT) make this a graet day of celebration for all of the Shia, and grant us all the ability to follow in this school of thought which aims to make us true human beings.

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Why Eid al-Adha is celebrated?

Why Eid al-Adha is celebrated? At the end of the Hajj (annual pilgrimage to Mecca), Muslims throughout the world celebrate the holiday of Eid al-Adha (Festival of Sacrifice). In 2008, Eid al-Adha will begin on approximately December 9th, and will last for three days.

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25th Zilqada: Dahwul Ardh

25th Zilqada: Dahwul Ardh Dahwul Ardh - the 25th of Dhulqa'dah, according to a tradition of the Holy Prophet (s) reported by one of his Sahabi - 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud , is the day when the earth was spread for the advantage of human beings. The phrase Dahwul Ardh literally means The spread of the earth. In another tradition it is reported that the first Rahmah & blessing descended on this very day.

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Historic perspective of demolition of Baqee & Mualla cemeteries

Historic perspective of demolition of Baqee & Mualla cemeteries Turkey was practically a Muslim State under the control of a Muslim caliph but the intrigues of British and the conspiracies hatched by the opponents, not only tore his caliphate apart into pieces but rooted out it forever. At first, the British continued hypocritical attitude against Muslims quietly and then started taking part in conspiracies against them.

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The Holy Shrine of Hadrat Abbas (A.S.)

The Holy Shrine of Hadrat Abbas (A.S.) From early ages of humankind, people used to show various forms of adulation to their honorable and unique personalities. One of these forms was the sanctification of their tombs by constructing handsome buildings that are, in most cases, taken as places of worship. The holy Quran, narrating the story of the seven sleepers of Ephesus, has referred to this phenomenon:

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Leadership and Command in Wars and Battles During the Prophethood of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.)

Leadership and Command in Wars and Battles During the Prophethood of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) The Noble Prophet (S) was the commander in many battles and he sent forth numerous Sariyah missions. As far as good leadership, which necessitates certain conditions and characteristics such as good etiquette and lofty morals that are obviously required to be found in the individual, it is undisputable that the Holy Prophet (S) had the greatest morals, such that he was praised by Allah thus: And indeed you possess a great character. His having such a character made him a successful commander who was able to attain the goals and gain momentous victories in many of his battles.

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Peace be upon the bodies drowned in Blood – an account on Arbaeen

Peace be upon the bodies drowned in Blood – an account on Arbaeen It has been narrated by the eleventh Imam Hazrat Hasan Askari (A.S) “There are five signs for a believer: A) Reciting 51 Rakats of Salat (Prayers) (seventeen Rakats of obligatory prays)

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Important Events of Rabi' al-Awwal

Important Events of Rabi' al-Awwal Some important events of this month are as follows:

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The Author of the Two Bibliographical Encyclopedias

The Author of the Two Bibliographical Encyclopedias For any ordinary passer-by, the sight of the white-turbaned Shaykh walking down the Najaf-Kufah road on Tuesday afternoons might not have been of any special attention, other than the brief exchange of greetings that is customary in those parts. Our religious scholar --as his headgear and apparel suggested-- was perhaps not the only one trekking the 10-km distance to Masjid al-Sahlah on foot every week. In those days before the Baathists cast their long dark shadows on Iraqi socio-religious life,

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Islam and the African World

Islam and the African World The Islamic religion is now a major factor in human life and its impact is felt not only in Arabia, where it started out and then spread to the four corners of the earth, embracing a significant portion of humanity, but also in Africa where it has in many cases displaced an indigenous belief system whose world view, though similar to Islam in certain respects, varies widely from it.

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Shi'ite Authors in Islamic History

Shi'ite Authors in Islamic History The pioneer in this field was Asbagh bin Nabatah Tabi'i who was one of the closest friends and companions of of Amir-al-Muminin Imam Ali(A.S.). Ash-Shaikh has said in Al-Fahrist that Ad-Dawri reported through him the accoumt of the battle against Imam Husain (A.H.). He has also given the authorities for it.

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Alhassanain(p) Network for Heritage and Islamic Thought