Alhassanain(p) Network for Heritage and Islamic Thought

Ethics Articles

Eid-Ul-Adha, Festival of Sacrifice

Eid-Ul-Adha, Festival of Sacrifice

Eid ul-Adha or Festival of Sacrifice is in commemoration of the sacrifices of Abraham and his family. All the other Muslims in the world join the hajjis (pilgrims) in Mecca, in celebrating the Eid ul Adha (Festival of Sacrifice), marking the end of the pilgrimage. On the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah,

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Imam Zayn al-Abidin (A.S.) and the Holy Month of Ramazan

Imam Zayn al-Abidin (A.S.) and the Holy Month of Ramazan The Ima`m spent most his lifetime fasting. When his slave-girl was asked about his worship, she said: "I never brought him food by day." He loved fast and urged (people) to fast. Hence he said: "Indeed, Allah, the Exalted, entrusted the fasting to His angels.( Al-Rawandi, Da'awat, p. 4). " He, peace be on him, did not break his fast except on the day of the two Eidds and other than them when he had an excuse. We will talk briefly about some of his affairs in the blessed month of Ramada`n, which is the month of Allah and of obedience (to Him)

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The Glory of the Month of Ramadan

The Glory of the Month of Ramadan It was reserved for Islam to prescribe and perfect a formula for spirutual purification for every one of its followers, notwithstanding the state of society he may belong to, and which can be followed without interfering with his normal avocations and callings in every day life.

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Ramazan: the Month of Forbearance and Brotherhood

Ramazan: the Month of Forbearance and Brotherhood When the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) used to sight the moon of the holy month of Ramazan, he stood facing the Qibla and with utmost humbliness in the presence of Allah asked success in this holy month by saying: "O' Allah! make its dawn on us in peace, conviction in faith, safety, submission, abundance of prosperity, immunity from sickness, recitation of Qur'an and assistance in prayers and fasting. O'Allah! keep us healthy in the month of Ramazan and keep us confident in our faith in it, and let it not last without being forgiven.

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Etiquette and Deeds of the Holy Month of Ramadan

Etiquette and Deeds of the Holy Month of Ramadan It has been narrated from the Commander of the Faithful Imam 'Ali [a] that: "Don't say Ramadhan because, you don't know what Ramadhan is. Whoever says so must pay charity and must offer an atonement fast, instead of saying Ramadhan, say the way Allah has called it the Month of Ramadhan."

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Rituals of the Holy Month of Ramadan

Rituals of the Holy Month of Ramadan SAHAR (Morning Meal) The time for the completion of your morning meal is about ten minutes before "Subh-e-Sadiq" is 80 minutes before sunrise. The following Du'a may be recited at the time of Sahar.

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Ramadan, a Blessed Month of Compassion and Mercy

Ramadan, a Blessed Month of Compassion and Mercy Fasting is a universal custom and is advocated by all religions of the world, with more restrictions in some than in others. The "Siyam'' should not be interpreted as "fasting" lest it may be misunderstood as mere starvation or as an act of self-denial and asceticism, and therefore, a renunciation of the world. For the purpose of this article, let us call it the "Islamic Fast".

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Ramadhan Awareness

Ramadhan Awareness Ramadhan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. It is the month during which Muslims observe fasting from morning twilight (Fajr Prayer) to the evening twilight (Maghreb Prayer). The term Ramadhan is literally driven from al-Ramd which means ‘burning heat of the sun’. [1] It is believed that this name is given to the fasting month due to the thirst experienced during fasting.

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Ramadan Fasting and Muslim Patients

Ramadan Fasting and Muslim Patients According to Islamic Laws, children below the age of 12, sick patients, travelers, and women who are menstruating or nursing a baby are exempt from fasting. In addition to staying away from food or water for the whole day, they are asked to stay away from sex, smoking or misconduct during the period of fast. In addition, they are encouraged to do more acts of piety i.e. prayer, charity, or reading Quran during this month.

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Is it safe to Fast during Ramadan in Diabetics

Is it safe to Fast during Ramadan in Diabetics "O you who believe fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you so that you can learn Taqwa" (Quran 2:183)

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The Theory of Sovereignty

The Theory of Sovereignty Mirza Na’ini, one of the founders of modern principles of jurisprudence, was the first one to develop and defend this theory. According to an exposition of the lectures of Na’ini (Ajwad al-Taqrirat), this theory can be traced back to Mirza Muhammad Taqi Isfahani, the author of Hidayat al-Mustarshidin (a commentary work on Ma‘alim Al-Usul).

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Righteousness is the Elixir of Eternal Happiness

Righteousness is the Elixir of Eternal Happiness Praise is only for Allah (s.w.t). The beautiful flora and fauna has been made by Allah (s.w.t) but for a believer this beautiful world is of fleeting happiness. Because he knows that this is a transient world and for a believer to attain real contentment he should walk on the path of righteousness. Heshe should serve only Allah (s.w.t) the provider. Allah (s.w.t) has sent to us on earth messengers from time to time to guide us on the path of uprightness. He has sent the last Prophet (s.a.w.w) who is a lamp of guidance for us. Before leaving this world, Prophet Mohammed (s.a.w.w) left two things for us a) The Holy Quran and b) His Ahl Al-Bayt to guide us towards righteousness and to reach the path of Allah (s.w.t). This paper attempts to interpret that the attractive world and its wonderful creations on earth created by Allah (s.w.t) will give temporary happiness to a believer unless he walks on the path of righteousness and serves God to attain perpetual happiness.

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The Path Of Salvation To Attain Peace Through Our Ethics And Manners

The Path Of Salvation To Attain Peace Through Our Ethics And Manners Islam means ‘Voluntary submission to the will of Allah (s.w.t)’. One of the ninety-nine names of Allah (s.w.t) is “As-Salaam” or peace. Securing peace and tranquility was a major quest for Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his progeny. He left two weighty things (Hadith al-Thaqalayn) amongst us - The Holy Quran and his Ahl Al-Bayt (‘a).

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Sajda al-Shukr- The Prostration of Thanksgiving

Sajda al-Shukr- The Prostration of Thanksgiving Prostration of thanksgiving after every mandatory prayer was the practice (Sunna Mu’akkada) of the Prophet (S).

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Controlling Anger (Ghadhab)

Controlling Anger (Ghadhab) ...Muhammad ibn Ya’qub (al-Kulayni), from ‘Ali ibn Ibrahim, from Muhammad ibn ‘Isa, from Yunus, from Dawud ibn Farqad, who reports al ‘Imam al-Sadiq (A) to have said, “Anger is the key (that opens the door) to all kinds of vices.”

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Dignity of Youth in Ahadith

Dignity of Youth in Ahadith 5– Imam al-Sadiq (a.s.) asked al-Ahwal, 'Did you go to Basra?' He replied, 'Yes.’ Imam (a.s.) asked, 'How did you find people's hastening to this matter and embracing it?' He replied, 'By Allah, such people were few in number, and even that which they did do was little.’ Imam replied, 'You should put it forth to the youngsters, for verily they hasten towards anything good.’[Qurb al-Isnad, p. 128, no. 450]

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Three Ethical Pillars of Politics

Three Ethical Pillars of Politics By giving nobility and validity to ethics and with the belief in the oneness of ethics and politics, Imām Khomeinī (r) endeavored in the course of various admonitions to the employees and officials of the [Islamic] system, to present a portrayal of his ideal ethical politics, or in other words, the Islamic politics.

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Ethics and Politics Relationship

Ethics and Politics Relationship Politics has two faces - a smiling face that gives glad tidings of prosperity, power and authority, and a furious one that calls to mind power struggle, power worship, and injustice. It is owing to this that politics is likened to Janus, the first mythological king of Latium. The gods had bestowed the king with such powers of clairvoyance that he would see the past and the future in unison. It is for this reason that they used to depict him as having two faces, portraying him as terrifying. In reality, politics has also two facets and faces: On the one hand, it is after securing the objectives and demands of the citizens and is a powerful tool for the establishment of public order and welfare - this is the favourable face of politics.

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I'tikaf - The Spiritual Retreat

I'tikaf - The Spiritual Retreat The large number of youth and others participating in this great event, something which has only taken form in the last twenty years since the victory of the Islamic revolution, may not be something as seen in other communities around the world – particularly the “West”. Insha-Allah, may Allah (Glory and Greatness be to Him) make our communities as large and prosperous as these and may our youth make maximum benefit from this very powerful spiritual retreat.

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The Duty of Man Towards Others

The Duty of Man Towards Others Parents are the means of the creation of a child and the imparters of his initial education and training; therefore, the holy religion of Islam has placed a great deal of emphasis on children's obeying to them and on their respect to an extent that the Almighty Allah has commanded the people to be kind and generous to their parents right after mentioning Tawhid (the Oneness of Allah) and states: "And your Lord has commanded that you shall not serve (any) but Him and has commanded goodness to your parents...(17:23)."

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Alhassanain(p) Network for Heritage and Islamic Thought